Alex Constantine - March 11, 2015
See: "The SLA is CIA," by Mae Brussell
"1970s radical approved to return to U. of I. to teach in spring," Chicago Tribune, Dec. 5, 2014
Kilgore follows in the footsteps of federal agents provocateur/terrorists Ward Churchill and Bill Ayers, who took teaching positions at ranking universities (with CIA ties), so ...
Bill aimed at Kilgore stalls in Springfield
SPRINGFIELD — A bill that the sponsor said was aimed at preventing former Symbionese Liberation Army member James Kilgore from being employed at the University of Illinois went nowhere in an Illinois House committee Wednesday.
In fact, the sponsor of HB 150, state Rep. Charles Meier, R-Highland, agreed to try amending the bill again after members of the House Higher Education Commitee said his first amendment was too broad.
"We'll go back in and we'll do another rewrite, another amendment," Meier said after the hearing Wednesday. "My main concern is, as we are fighting terrorism around the world; what kind of an example are we giving ISIS and all these other groups around the world when we knowingly go out and hire a convicted terrorist?"
Meier said he wants his amended bill to ban convicted terrorists from teaching at a public university.
"We will go strictly to convicted of terrorism," Meier said.
Meier insisted Wednesday that Kilgore had been convicted of terrorism, but he actually spent five years in prison after pleading guilty to second-degree murder and possession of an explosive device for his role in a 1975 California bank robbery in which a woman was killed.
"Can you see with what ISIS could do with what happened here today, that we're still saying it's OK that you tried to overthrow the U.S. government and that you killed people while you did that? " Meier said after the hearing. "How do you tell anyone who lost loved ones in 9/11 that's OK for these people to come teach our youth? I don't understand why we want to send that image out in the world."
The bill that Meier brought to the committee Wednesday was more broadly worded and would have banned universities from employing anyone convicted after Sept. 11, 2001 "of attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, soliciting, or committing a Class X felony or any offense committed or attempted in any other state or against the laws of the United States that, if committed or attempted in this State, would have been punishable as a Class X felony."
In introducing the legislation to the committee, Meier said he "had many people in my district come to me after the information came out about Professor Kilgore at the University of Illinois being a convicted terrorist and teaching our youth. People asked why are their tax dollars paying for this?"
But members of the committee said that his legislation might unintentionally cover more university employees than Meier intended.
"We have so many people who are in prison for possession of marijuana and this puts them in the same category," said Rep. Carol Ammons, D-Urbana. "I do know some professors at the university who have not had complaints, who have not committed any crime since the time of their youth, who may be ensnared in this and may lose their teaching positions."
Others asked whether people convicted of crimes are entitled to "a second chance."
"I believe for certain things," Meier said. "But I would not want these people who did these terrible things teaching my children or my grandchildren."
In introducing the legislation to the committee, Meier said he "had many people in my district come to me after the information came out about Professor Kilgore at the University of Illinois being a convicted terrorist and teaching our youth. People asked why are their tax dollars paying for this?"
But members of the committee said that his legislation might unintentionally cover more university employees than Meier intended.
"We have so many people who are in prison for possession of marijuana and this puts them in the same category," said Rep. Carol Ammons, D-Urbana. "I do know some professors at the university who have not had complaints, who have not committed any crime since the time of their youth, who may be ensnared in this and may lose their teaching positions."
Others asked whether people convicted of crimes are entitled to "a second chance."
"I believe for certain things," Meier said. "But I would not want these people who did these terrible things teaching my children or my grandchildren."
You have got Ward Churchill all wrong. Please get a copy of ‘Agents of Oppression’ and see how many COINTELPRO FBI murderers he names with photographs. I have corroborated some of the most sensitive incidents he cites. This history is not exposed by a sneaky provocateur without also dumping garbage info to discredit the good. See Christopher Bollyn who has infiltrated the 9/11 Truth movement just so he can tie it to promoting the ‘Fundamentals of the Elders of Zion’ on his ‘jews-rule-all’ disinfo website.
I have seen your several condemnations of Ward Churchill and tried to point out that he is being bad-jacketed using his own besieged combative personality as fuel for COINTELPRO fire to burn someone who has published some of the most important books on US police-state fascism ever. There is NO ‘bs’ turd-in-the-punchbowl’ accompanying his books. Only quibbling about ‘how much Indian is he really’, a classic FBI diversion from their mass murder system which was fully visible in the 1970s. Now it is covert.
In Feb 2005 the CIA was mandated by Congress to release their documents on taking in Nazis after WWII. Including 5 of Adolph Eichmann’s assistants. So the CIA-media created a diversion by using Ward Churchill’s 9/12/01 comments about ‘blowback’ (we didn’t know then that 9/11 was an inside job) and his words about Wall Streeters acting like “little Eichmanns”… to crucify him as ‘calling all 9/11 victims Nazis.’ This is CLASSIC COINTELPRO bad jacketing and diversion and I’m frustrated to see you, Alex Constantine, fall for it. I respect your focus on CIA as fascist Nazi social controllers tremendously. But you’ve got to look at the works published by Ward Churchill and see why he would be targeted. I was able to use his books to find the proofs of numerous psyops actions and, if I had the money, I’d mail you his entire library. Bests to you for your work from someone who is still proud to aspire to the status of Brussel Sprout.
Reply to Joshua Switky: Churchill is not an Indian according to DNA tests, and his claims to the contrary were detailed falsely under oath to a jury duped by him — as Churchill’s fans have been. He is a perjurer. I fact-checked his testimony from the initial lies to his closing statements, and the only conclusion that can be drawn is that he is a blatant manipulator accustomed to making statements that are believed by devotees without examination. He has bodyguards. They will draw blood from anyone who crosses their cult leader. He trained Bill Ayers and his Weather underground in the use of weapons — fellow provocateurs. “Diversions” are all too often in the eye of the beholder, and the ones you have held up are tenuous, imaginary, like your belief that this arrogant con artist is a legitimate activist. The trial actually didn’t turn out so badly for him. The judge knew that Churchill is a serial perjurer and had the option of prosecuting him, but was very lenient and merely co-opted the jury without explanation (which would have completely humiliated and discredited Churchill). Jim Jones was another “leftist,” groomed by the intelligence underground, with a following. At the height of his career, scores of dupes fell for his anti-establishment ravings. Churchill is just one more puppet reciting hateful lines. He fools some of the people some of the time. I’m not fooled. His DNA is trying to tell you something. Listen to it.
Whew-quick reply. Thanks, Alex.
So- “not an Indian”…Really? That’s the least relevant issue to parse. By far. I don’t care if he’s really a blonde blue-eyed Swede given the info in his published books.
Please address his publishing. It is tremendously valuable.
And we’re dealing with a Gestapo murder system. Not an ethnicity pageant.
-As for “body guards, weapons training, Bill Ayers/Weather Underground”…
I share your vigilance here. I’m also extremely wary of anybody promoting any violence. AND I’ve had provocateurs interview me to see what kind of San Francisco Bay area subversive I was (strong internet posting footprint) and they tried to get me to talk about guns. I told them I’m a non-violent Jesus-Ghandi-Martin L. King-type of anti-fascist and that only US mil-intel spooks tried to steer us into weaponry mindsets. Great moment at the annual Oakland Grand Lake Theater 9/11 Film Fest when a crewcut-haired provocateur got up to the audience Q&A microphone and suggested that ‘we needed to get armed’ and the whole room laughed him out of the building. We knew what was being foisted on us. Point being – I’m extremely sensitive to the violence provocateur angle always in play – BUT – back in ’69 the spooks were MURDERING activists like Fred Hampton in their sleep and others so a more defensive position was taken. It was a context much like what the Zapatistas and FARQ are experiencing. And that’s why the Weather Underground and Black Panthers went over the line to using weapons, something I would NEVER EVER promote since non-violence is the ultimate goal of anti-fascism. But I understand the 1960s context of actually being murdered by fascists and the defensive responses that arise. (When I wrote this kind of thing online years ago I got an FBI visit at my job in Oakland.) I have experienced COINTELPRO violence myself, actual murder of a family member and people around me and at Pacifica Radio KPFA and WBAI. But I wouldn’t ever promote any kind of violent response.
That would be playing right into the spook’s hands. BUT I can see why people being murdered ‘back then’ in the 60’s during Vietnam and Operation CHAOS would consider a response-in-kind without them being weevil provocateurs. Can you, Alex? I think you can. Context is everything. We know better now. Don’t get played into being a ‘dangerous extremist.’
Ward Churchill and others in the firing line of violence can be pushed into like-minded responses without being on the side of the bad guys. I’d think you could see that while also not falling for this psyops pressure.
Because the ‘Revolution’ can only succeed as Education and Therapy to counter Psyops and Disinfo. Only good information offered in good will can counter Psyops Nation. Do you agree? I’ve put more here than I’d like to but I’m in it deeper than most having spent 10 years researching psyops…
I agree with many of your points here Admin. Disagree with some but that is to be expected in a free society.
The main point I agree with here is that a former terrorist shouldn’t be holding a teaching job.
Former new left radical. No prob.
Busted for possession of pot. Sure ok.
But someone who participated in terrorist actions of any kind.
Are you kidding?!
What were the trustees of the U of I thinking????
And what are they smoking?
‘Nuff said.
> “‘not an Indian’…Really? That’s the least relevant issue to parse. By far.”
Then you don’t mind that he has no credibility whatsoever. There are men who claim to be veterans, and once exposed as liars they are disgraced. Same with Churchill and his false claim to be an Indian. Once exposed as a liar and provocateur, no one should listen to him. And consider that he claimed to have Indian ancestry before a jury — if he will glibly lie under oath, he will utter any lie in a public venue where no restraints whatsoever are placed on him. Ward Churchill is a pathological liar with no regard for human life. And academic ethics do not apply to him. His devotees are easily duped, but this can be said of most Americans. That is why my website exists — to expose political fraud and duplicity. The shoe fits Ward Churchill.
Of course SLA was a spook project. But it also ensnared naive non-spooks.
Nothing more twisted to grok than COINTELPRO vs AIM in mid-1970s.
Re: AIM, murder of Anna Mae Aquash, Ward Churchill –
“I have Akwesasnee Notes dating back to 1969, I have almost every issue of Akwesasnee Notes from the period and I sat down and I read all the articles, I sat down and I researched everything. I knew about my brother, I reviewed everything. I knew about the FBI and the cointel program and the informants and after I went through this process of totally immersing myself in everything I could about it, then I shook off the impact of what he had told me, and I went back to him and I said, O.K, well, we’re going to go to the next step now. Because immediately after he had his conversations with me, and they let him out of jail, I went to him and I said, you know what? You’re my brother, we grew up, you came into my home, I introduced my children to you, they looked up to you, they loved you, they cared about you, all these years and now what am I going to tell them. I just told him, you stay away from me, don’t come to my house, don’t approach my family, (voice breaks) don’t approach my children and give me some time and I’ll figure this out and like I said after two or three years I went back to him and I said O.K., well, this is where we’re going to go with this and this is what we’re goingto do. I told him what I knew and what I understood and how I figured out and I basically spent a large part of time explaining to him what I’ve talked to you today about and so I was talking to him and it was kind of interesting because I was talking to him and Bob [Branscombe, a relative of Anna Mae’s]was talking to Russell [Means] about going public and taking the next step. I had talked to Arlo about what was coming and within three or four days Russell and Ward [Churchill] called their press conference, and I had no knowledge of that press conference, but they wanted me to bring Arlo to that press conference. Well, I wasn’t going to do that, and Arlo wasn’t going to do that, but I talked to him about it, I told him about what we were going to do and how it was going to go and I asked him if he wanted to come out and he wasn’t ready yet.”