Alex Constantine - July 4, 2007
There are two camps on the left - Noams (the controlled left) and Sprouts (independent researchers).
Let's start making a distinction between real leftists and the poseurs in the Noams camp, who refuse to deal with a substantial part of the real world.
The namesake of the Noams even refuses to discuss the mechanics of the Kennedy assassination. That's dissociative.
Sprouts are anything but dissociative, and we don't much care for the Noams 'round these parts. The Noams don't care for Sprouts, either, of course, but it has never come to blows. But let's straighten out the differences. Isn't that what we do on the left?
The Noams should stop taking right-wing foundation money first, though. Y'know, the "appearance of wrong-doing," and all ...
- AC
Tonight I called into Pacifica Radio's Flashpoints program when host Dennis Bernstein was talking to journalists Robert Parry who did great Iran-Contra
reporting and Norman Soloman, author of "War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death."
I asked them why no 'progressive' journalists mention the national security state media institutions like the 1951 Psychological Strategy Board and CIA control of the 'mainstream media' called Operation Mockingbird exposed at the 1975 Church Senate committee hearings, all for the purpose of psychological warfare.
But I forgot to mention the 8/05 release of the tapes and transcripts of NYC
emergency personnel hearing and seeing controlled demolition of the WTC.
(Tapes are at
Parry responded defensively saying he has mentioned this and Soloman went on to talk about isolated instances of war shilling.
The next caller mentioned examining 9/11 as an inside job for war and both Parry and Soloman said they looked into it but "there was no evidence to back it up," it just happened to coincide with some power agendas...!!!!!!
I was HORRIFIED to hear them say this and kicked myself for not pointing out the evidence while I was on the air. These are supposed to be sharp journalists accustomed to seeking out the penetralia of power, right?
In this 1978 - repeat - 1978 interview with investigator Mae Brussell by 'Conspiracy Digest,' all of the last 30 years is quite accurately predicted.
Mae had discovered the gravity of cryptocracy and predicted the fall of America into its own footprint just like the TwinTowers.?
C.D.: How much conflict do you see in the ruling class? Some conspiriologists think it is all fake, a diversion.??
M.B.: The conflict in the ruling class is between those who are elected and appointed to rule, and those who are acting illegally to condition us for
the next war or series of wars.
Conspiracy Digest, Vol. III, No. 1.
INTRO: Mae Brussell is a well known West Coast conspiriologist and assassination researcher. As usual our questions are framed not to win an argument and impress our audience, but only to bring out the views of the interviewee most fully and accurately. So please, no letters this time chastising me for not arguing hard enough. On the other hand, letters of substance are welcome! ...
MB: The CIA spent $26,000,000 tax dollars over a 25 year period with the express purpose of altering human behavior, starting as early as 1947. All of this budget was not for defensive purposes, but to erase memories and to cause apathy at home. Dr. Jose Delgado, Yale University, funded by Navy Intelligence (our tax money again), specializes in electronically controlling human beings. We are preparing for future warfare robots. If power and evil provide such a good feedback, why the necessity to worry about emotions
such as anxiety, guilt, or conscience?
Power is temporary and illusive. It can be shattered by one leak or piece of evidence. One slip of scotch tape placed on the door latch at the Watergate Hotel, Washington, D. C. was responsible for removing the President, Vice-President, Attorney General, Secretary of Commerce, top Presidential aides and attorneys. No one has yet admitted who put the second tape back on
the door.
Every person with illegal secrets to hide has been bugged, followed, and blackmailed.
The kinds of conspiracies I am talking about pertain to political assassinations and their cover-up.
The fruits of good movements are too widely dispersed. They receive no assistance from the Federal Government.
The FBI Cointel-Program and the CIA's Operation Chaos have been breaking up leftist type organizations and social-cultural activities with a purposeful vengeance (again with our tax dollars).
Divide and conquer is the rule, whether inside the prisons or at charitable meetings. Anywhere people get together they are infiltrated. The ratio of agents and informants has been about one provoceteur to five members of any given group.
There has been a systematic effort to kill all leaders whose awareness or activities interfere with international oil interests or narcotics traffic.
It has been alleged that the CIA-FBI combine, in conjunction with the Defense Industrial Security Command, has supported a school in Oaxaco, Mexico, for professional assassins. This religious academy, disguised as a missionary, was exposed in 1970 and might be disbanded since that date. Albert Osborne, alias John Howard Bowan, director and head "missionary," accompanied Lee Harvey Oswald on his trip to Mexico in September, 1962. Oswald, not an assassin, was patsy for the men who killed President John F. Kennedy.
The killing of Kennedy was only one of dozens or possibly hundreds of murders of leaders around the world, or potential future leaders
With this kind of worldwide organization in operation, (funded by our tax dollars, sent through various Church fronts around the country) how can any
good movements or leaders ever serve the people?
C.D.: Do you think, then, that centralization of power can be a good thing as long as the power is held by persons selected by the people and dedicated to what you consider to be a valid program of social reform? Doesn't power always corrupt? Aren't the worst always attracted by the prospect of centralized power? Wouldn't extreme decentralized power be the solution to conspiracy?
M.B.: Centralization of power is always dangerous. What is valid social reform to one group, such as Hitler's Germany, is genocide for others. I have to agree with Thomas Jefferson's thoughts about power, "I have never been able to conceive how any rational being could bring happiness to himself from the exercise of power over others." ...
Conspiracies are possible when people have been conspired against from birth. If parents, schools, church, and government divested themselves of the games that increase their power, new sources of energy and production would take their place and do a much better job with what has to be accomplished.
C.D.: What is your attitude on the Right-Left dichotomy? From your writing I would presume that you have a "left-wing" background and probably are favorably disposed to socialism or "true" communism. Could you describe your social-political ideals? Everyone knows what Mae Brussell is against. Your positive philosophy, on the other hand, would be news to many of our readers.
M.B.: My attitude on the Right-Left dichotomy should not enter into or affect my research. When a biologist looks at cancer cells in a microscope, they are not Republican or Democratic or Socialist cells. There is no right-left distinction in diseases. I exami
ne autopsy reports, sworn testimony under oath, Congressional Hearings, FBI, CIA, and other Government documents, witness testimony, police reports, books, articles, and unpublished manuscripts along with newsletters.
My conclusions about assassinations and their cover-up are cross referenced and constantly checked for changes or new information. The FBI
and Los Angeles Police Department have photographs labeled that prove ten or more bullets were fired in the Ambassador Hotel the night Sen. Robert Kennedy was killed.
Sirhan Sirhan's weapon only fires eight shots.
There is no indication or proof that any of Sirhan's bullets went into Kennedy. The fatal shot came from behind the Senator, into his head. A guard from Lockheed, Thane Cesar, fired his gun that night.
The coat sleeve of Kennedy's was cut off and is missing. The ceiling panels, in the direction of Cesar's bullets, are gone. Sirhan Sirhan's weapon was "sold" and is out of the state, probably destroyed. If the Republicans and the right-wing did the killing and cover up, we should know. If the Democrats or Communists did the killing or cover-up, we should know. L.A. Chief of Police Ed Davis, and former District Attorney Evelle Younger, at the time of the cover-up, are both running for Governor of California. The voters should be informed if they were part of conspiracy to silence the murder of a Senator and Presidential candidate.
The voters must be informed about whoever is guilty. This has nothing really to do with Right-Left. There are existing documents to prove the CIA-FBI was planning the murder of Richard Nixon in 1972.
Conservative George Wallace was eliminated from the 1972 elections because of a near assassination.
I want to know who is killing Republicans or Conservatives as much as I want to know who is killing President John F. Kennedy, Sen. Robert Kennedy,
Malcolm X, Rev. Martin Luther King, or hundreds of others less known: witnesses to these murders or near murders.
Everyone doesn't know what Mae Brussell is against. If I tell you what I am against, you can deduce or know what I am for. I am against the planned political assassinations by our Intelligence and Defense agents. The CIA-FBI-DIA and DISC, Defense Industry Security Command were set up originally to
protect citizens of the USA. They became their own judges and juries, private servants of corporations with investments at home and abroad.
I am against the constant destruction of evidence in criminal matters and political assassinations. Prime witnesses are murdered before or after testifying. Diaries are forged and planted in obvious places. Doubles are
created to confuse. The Police Departments manipulate facts in cooperation with conspirators. I am outraged that our judicial system since 1947 has been patterned after Nazi Germany. Patsies are dead or locked away. The assassins walk the streets or leave the country, "home free." I am against using the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Earl Warren, to cover up the assassination of President Kennedy. When the highest court is corrupt, there is no hope at local levels. I am against allowing the CIA to spend $25,000,000 since 1947 for the express purpose, as stated before, to alter our behavior.
Is the State supreme over individuals? Who owns or controls our minds?
Centrists don’t like Noam, and now leftists (I dunno, anti-fascists?) don’t like Noam. Well, I like Noam, I also like Alex, and I like Hugh, too. I can’t agree with everything Chomsky says. I don’t suppose I could agree with everything Hugh says either, or you, Mr. Constantine.
Why make it a wedge issue? I certainly agree Mr. Chomsky is too tight with (possibly secretive) parts of the establishment, and that his views on JFK conspiracy, etc. is weak to say the least. I just won’t ignore the fact that I’ve learned a lot from reading his books.
Anyway, thanks for the work you put into the Research Bin. Good stuff.
I definitely liked this article, but Alex, I’ll have to be perfectly honest with you: Solomon & Parry may have something to hide, but sadly, many of the personalities of the 9/11 Truth movement are controlled too: The ‘controlled demolition’, Hologram, ‘Israel masterminded 9/11’, and ‘Luciferian’, etc. people………they’re ALL examples of it!