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Pakistan Party Accuses CIA’s John Brennan of Mass Murder, Outs Station Chief

Alex Constantine - November 28, 2013

Also see: "Posts Tagged ‘Drone attacks in Pakistan’"

November 28, 2013

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf on Wednesday moved the police to nominate US CIA Director John O Brennan and his station chief here Craig Osth as accused of ‘committing the gross offences of murder and waging a war against Pakistan’.

PTI Central Information Secretary Dr. Shireen Mazari wrote to the station house officer Tal, Hangu for inclusion of the CIA boss and senior official in the FIR, already registered by the party about the recent Hangu drone strike.

She held a media conference here at the party’s central secretariat on the matter along with other senior PTI office-bearers.The PTI information secretary called for initiation of cases under the Pakistan Penal Code and the Anti-Terrorist Act against the US CIA spy Craig, who, she alleged, was running a big spying network from the American Embassy here.

Dr. Mazari continued that the government should include name of the Islamabad-based CIA station chief in the exit control list. On this count, she referred to ex-station chief of CIA Jonathon Banks, who had allegedly fled Pakistan after the drone attacks in 2010.

She added Craig was facilitating the drone strikes through GPS equipment and the recent drone attack on Hangu was one of them. She contended that the CIA station chief was involved in waging a war in Pakistan and creating a law and order situation. It is unusual that a leading political party, which leads a coalition government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, has gone public against CIA and its top operative in Pakistan.

00320images - Pakistan Party Accuses CIA's John Brennan of Mass Murder, Outs Station ChiefThis development takes place a day after Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak wrote a letter to the prime minister calling for suspension of Nato supplies to and from Afghanistan via Pakistan and proposed convening of a meeting by the federal government to thrash out a strategy on how to stop drones inside Pakistan.

In the letter, a copy of which has been sent to inspector general of police Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and DPO Hangu, she says, “I, the undersigned would like to record my statement on behalf of my party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf as its Central Information Secretary wherein I would like to nominate the accused persons behind the drone strike that occurred on 21-11-2013 in the vicinity of your police station and within the sovereign territory of Pakistan, and against which you have already filed an FIR No 555 dated 21.11.2013 against unknown individuals.

It is through this statement that I would like to nominate the US clandestine agency CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) Station Chief in Islamabad, namely Craig Osth and CIA Director John O. Brennan for committing the gross offences of murder and waging war against Pakistan as indicated in the FIR lodged in your police station.

It has further come to my knowledge that Craig Osth is running an illegal clandestine spying operation throughout Pakistan but specifically in KP and annexed Tribal Areas, wherein Craig Osth and his allies (names not known yet) throw a GPS (Global Positioning System) device at a targeted house/car and the drone (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), which is remotely controlled from undisclosed location, strikes at the target. In the instant case it was Craig Osth and his clandestine network which threw a GPS device on behest of the accused at the Madressah in Tal and further ordered/conspired the missile strike, which killed and injured a large number of those present including children.

It is pertinent to mention here that the Peshawar High Court has already declared such drone strikes illegal and violation of Pakistani and International laws vide its judgment dated 09-11-13 titled Foundation for Fundamental Rights Vs Federation of Pakistan.

It is further stated that the names of the remote pilot of said drone and other involved is not known at the moment but can be ascertained through interrogation of Craig Osth, and/or the undersigned tends to inform the police on knowledge of the same.

Craig Osth is currently residing and operating from the United States Embassy situated in Diplomatic Enclave in Islamabad, which is a clear violation of diplomatic norms and laws as a foreign mission cannot be used for any criminal activity within a sovereign state. CIA Station Chief is not a diplomatic post therefore he does not enjoy any diplomatic immunity and is within the bounds of domestic laws of Pakistan. It is a fact that the nominated accused Craig Osth is not a Pakistani citizen, but under Pakistan Penal Code he is clearly subject to the jurisdiction of Pakistan. Under Section 3 of Pakistan Penal Code it is clearly stated that:

Any person liable, by any Pakistan Law, to be tried for an offence committed beyond Pakistan shall be dealt with according to the provision of this code for any act committed beyond Pakistan in the same manner as if such act had been committed within Pakistan.”

Furthermore, Section 2 of Pakistan Penal Code states: “Every person shall be liable to punishment under this code and not otherwise for every act or omission contrary to the provisions thereof, of which he shall be guilty within Pakistan”

“Every person” has been explained by the superior courts to include all persons without limitation and irrespective of nationality, allegiance, rank, status, caste, colour or creed [PLD 1958 SC (Ind.) 115].

The undersigned believes that Craig Osth is guilty of committing an offence u/s 302, 319, 109, 121 PPC and/or u/s 7 ATA or any other penal clause which might be attracted. The undersigned is further concerned that the accused Craig Osth might try to avoid the course of law and run away from the country, therefore it is requested that Ministry of Interior be contacted to put his name on ECL (exit control list).

It is further stated that the undersigned will name others who were involved in the drone strike that occurred on 21.11.2013 in Tal, on any further information.

AP adds: CIA spokesman Dean Boyd would not confirm the Islamabad station chiefs name and declined to immediately comment.
