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Obama Won’t Apologize For CIA Role In Chile

Alex Constantine - June 24, 2009

June 23, 2009

Ezcerpt: ... President Obama today met with Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, who told Mr. Obama he is "an idol" in her country. In a bit of evidence supporting that assertion, members of the Chilean press asked the president for a group photo, a request the president granted. (That picture is at left.)

The event was not simply a love fest: Asked by a reporter if he wanted to apologize for CIA involvement in Chilean elections, Mr. Obama did not do so. (More on the CIA's ties to Chile here.)

"I'm interesting in going forward, not looking backward," the president said. "I think that the United States has been an enormous force for good in the world."

"I think there have been times where we've made mistakes, but I think that what is important is looking at what our policies are today and what my administration intends to do in cooperating with the region," added Mr. Obama. ...

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