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Most Pentagon Child Porn Collectors Given Free Pass

Alex Constantine - January 23, 2011

Child Porn - Most Pentagon Child Porn Collectors Given Free Pass" ... Pentagon officials now claim they lack the manpower to continue the probe, but Trueman -- a former Department of Justice prosecutor -- does not buy that because resources outside the Pentagon, such as the FBI, could be called in for help. ... "

Gov't 'porn users' let off the hook

By Charlie Butts
OneNewsNow | January 20, 2011

Pentagon employees who view child pornography continue to operate without the prospect of investigation, even though several of them used military e-mail address as part of their payment information.

Upon discovering that 264 Pentagon employees or contractors had downloaded child pornography, only 70 workers were investigated, including nine who had top security clearances. But the Department of Defense has failed to explain the lack of further action. So Pat Trueman, CEO of Morality in Media, tells OneNewsNow it is imperative to conduct the probe "because if someone is a collector of child pornography, they are subject to blackmail by those who want material that the Pentagon might have -- and we know various spy agencies from other countries have used tactics like this."

Trueman also points out that a credibility issue arises if Pentagon violators are not prosecuted.

"What you have is the federal government enforcing very strictly the child pornography law on others in society. But if it's the federal employees themselves [who have violated the law], the federal government [doesn't] seem to take it very seriously," he laments. "Doesn't the law apply equally to people in federal government as well as common citizens?"

Pentagon officials now claim they lack the manpower to continue the probe, but Trueman -- a former Department of Justice prosecutor -- does not buy that because resources outside the Pentagon, such as the FBI, could be called in for help.
