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Electronic Torture and Mind Control A Survival Guide for Targeted Individuals

Alex Constantine - May 11, 2013

Allen Barker’s Mental Firewall: “It basically asserts that if you act like Mengele then you are a Nazi pig. Then there are a few obvious conclusions that are also part of the “theorem.” The Nazi Pig Theorem (NPT): Anyone who nonconsensually violates your brain/mind/mentation using Mengele-like methods is a Nazi pig. You do not care what a Nazi pig thinks. You do not care about a Nazi pig’s opinions. You do not respond to a Nazi pig ridiculing you, threatening you, trying to distract you, or otherwise trying to manipulate you. You work to get a Nazi pig hanged.
DEW - Direct Energy Weapon - are device used for OSEH (Organized Stalking Electronic Harassment) purposes, weapons can be microwave with pulp frequencies, v2k or other electronic and hearing devices.


  •  electronic devices used to cause sleep deprivation and malaise,
  • a hit man’s dream
  • classified or unclassified electronic weapons developed by the federal government, military, or private corporations to kill slowly
  • electronic devices used to tetanize muscles, cause strokes, heart attacks, or memory loss, instill fear, rage, or other forms of control over any living being
  • electronic devices which can manipulate hormones
  • patented or unpatented electronic devices developed to control behavior in living beings
  • electronic weapons developed specifically to covertly manipulate the masses
  • electronic weapons which, when used over the long term, cause a wide variety of illnesses, including lupus, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, lymphatic breakdown, depressed immune system, low t-cell count, etc.

All targeted individuals are subjected to a barrage of criminal acts, some of which they may not be fully aware. If targets are true TIs, their phones WILL be tapped, their computers WILL be hacked, and their mail WILL be monitored. What can victims do to defend themselves, halt electronic stalking and mind control (ESMC) activities, apprehend the cowardly perverts who carry it out, and punish them and their accomplices?

Remember that the perpetrators of your ESMC are the criminals, not you. Certainly, the total loss of privacy, even in the case of your most intimate thoughts, is frustrating. That common criminals whom you probably do not know have knowledge of your thoughts that even family members and friends do not know is unnerving. However, keep in mind that whatever the criminals know about you and your thoughts, they cannot publish them in the New York Times. I continually laugh at my perverted handlers and tell them that I really don’t care what they see, hear, know, or think that they know, or do. I tell them through our synthetic telepathy to publish those thoughts in the newspapers and expose them on national TV. It does not matter to me.

Remain positive. Despite the unsettling nature of the ESMC activities, targets must make a special effort to maintain a positive attitude, especially when around others. Remember that the perpetrators of ESMC are trying to ruin your lives. Do not let them. I start each day by stating to myself how great the day is, whether it is rainy or sunny or cold or hot.

Resist depression.  One of the handlers’ ploys is to cause a target to commit suicide. Keep your life bright. Surround yourself with uplifting and cheerful décor. Let plenty of light into your house. Targets have a tendency to keep their houses dark, with the windows perpetually covered. A dark house encourages depression. Open those windows. I do not even have curtains on my windows. And also use your good mind. Tell yourself how fortunate you are despite your electronic and mind control assault. Think about things that make you happy and that calm your mind.

Maintain your physical health. This is very important, as the perpetrators of the ESMC seek to make you a couch potato. They will whisper to your subconscious to binge eat, to watch more TV than usual, and to eat the wrong kinds of food. They will also whisper to you that you have no energy, that you feel extremely tired, and that you must rest.

Take vitamins and eat correct foods. Force yourself to get exercise and be active. They will discourage you from making improvements in and around your home. Despite your listless feelings, go about your activities and make a point of getting plenty of exercise. A clear correlation exists between physical health and mental health. Defy the handlers. Make a concentrated effort not only to maintain your health but even to strengthen it.

Be receptive to making new friends. Many targets have suffered so many frustrations and disappointments because of their ESMC that they have become suspicious of everybody. That appears to psychiatrists as paranoia. Moreover, that is exactly what your handlers want, as it further isolates you from society. Do NOT think that every person you meet is an accomplice of the handlers. There are still many uncorrupted people with whom you can become friends. However, remember that to have a friend, you must be a friend.

Do not engage private investigators. They are often a part of the problem. Private investigators cannot ply their trade without the assistance of law enforcement. First, they have to register and get permission to operate from a state law enforcement office, usually the attorney general. Then, they have to be tied into the state police and other law enforcement agencies’ data systems to look up license numbers and auto license tags, search backgrounds, and even look for missing persons.

Moreover, many of the private investigators are shady characters who operate just inside the law, and they often even cross over that line. I believe that private investigators are part of the law enforcement network that probably participates in actual electronic stalking and mind control. Getting private investigators to look for a bug in your car is like sending the fox to the hen house. Even if they discover a bug, they will not inform you, for they would believe that it was placed there by law enforcement. In fact, they will have probably already been informed by law enforcement of the bug.

Do not discuss your ESMC harassment with every friend, family member, and acquaintance. They simply do not understand and cannot understand. However, if you have a perceptive, intelligent, trusted friend or family member who is open minded enough to believe hard-to-believe circumstances, let that person know what is happening. A confidant who truly believes you can be very supportive.

Do NOT visit a psychiatrist. The ESMC assailants want targets to go to psychiatrists, knowing that the doctors will diagnose targets as schizophrenic or paranoid. Once targets see a psychiatrist, their credibility is compromised.

The evil perverted assailants will do everything to convince targets that they are mentally incompetent, including continually whispering to their subconsicous “you are crazy.” Indeed, the handlers’ activities will often cause targets to exhibit the very symptoms that psychiatrists associate with schizophrenic and paranoia in attempting to defend themselves against forces that they cannot see and do not understand. However, the general public is increasingly becoming aware of ESMC, and friends and family members of targets who have been designated “demented” are beginning to see that those targets are not truly mentally unstable. In only a few more years, the psychiatric community will have to redefine schizophrenia, paranoia, and other mental disorders because of the unnatural electronic and mind control assaults that cause those symptoms. This will not occur, however, without a great deal of pressure from the outside, as psychiatrists have no way of treating remote-induced symptoms of schizophrenia and paranoia resulting from ESMC.

Resist any effort on the part of law enforcement to make you submit to a psychiatric evaluation. In our system of justice, targets should not have to prove that they are sane. Indeed, the burden of proof falls on law enforcement to prove that targets are mentally deranged. That is why authorities want to send you to a psychiatrist whom they customarily use and can depend on to render a verdict that is in keeping with their accusations.

Know that mental incompetence cannot be proved by your words and actions alone, and that the state and local law enforcement have no power to act unless your actions have the potential of harming yourself and others. If authorities do insist on your seeing a shrink, demand that the psychiatrist also possess knowledge of directed energy, electrical and radio theory, high tech communications, organized stalking, and even electronic stalking and mind control. That will, of course, limit the possibilities to only a few psychiatrists. Notwithstanding, targets should make every effort NOT to look insane by falling into the handlers’ well laid traps. Despite your frustrations and the handlers’ drivel through V2K, do not act irrationally.

De-emphasize “self.” Many targets become obsessed with what the handlers do to their minds and bodies. That is quite natural and understandable. However, targets should train their minds to think beyond themselves and instead reach out to their pastimes, hobbies, and to others. Reducing their attention to “self” is a very important defense tool for targets.

Make special efforts to stay in contact with family members and friends, for the handlers concentrate on isolating you from society. Maintaining contact will not be easy. The handlers will fill your minds with negative thoughts about those people. Moreover, the handlers will have hacked your computer and tapped your phone lines. I recently got a call on my cell phone that showed the phone number of good friends, a man and woman couple. The person who called pretended to be the woman; however, the female speaker spoke with an accent and the voice was most certainly not that of my friend. Moreover, she ended with an exaggerated “good-byeeeeee,” which would have been totally out of character for my friend. That meant that the caller had used my friends’ telephone service provider to be able to make the call through my friends’ account; otherwise, the real number of the impostor would have appeared on my phone. The caller probably wanted me to say something later to my friends about the call to make me appear crazy. I did not mention the call to them.

The handlers will cause problems with your computer and will intercept your emails to others and also those that come from others. They will also suddenly cut off phone conversations, create static that makes talking impossible, cause your voice to echo (only you will be able to hear those echoes), and sometimes divert the calls so that their accomplices answer. Manipulation of your communications system is ultra important to the perverts’ plan to isolate and frustrate you.

Record the handlers’ actions and your thoughts about them.  Those thoughts will change over time as you learn increasingly more about your handlers. Their ESMC tactics will also change, becoming increasingly more complex as they go through their repertory of capabilities. It is very important for you to describe the perverts’ electronic and mind control actions accurately and to record in great detail the sensations that you feel and your reactions to those actions.  Record the day, date, and hour that particular actions occur. You may see a pattern in the timing. Their actions will normally occur in the evening while you sleep, as you present an immobile target for them and there is less electromagnetic atmospheric interference. Keep a flashlight, watch, notepad, and pen underneath your pillow or nearby to record those actions.

Be observant. The handlers, of course, count on your not having proof of their electronic stalk and mind control activities. Watch people, places, and objects carefully. Record your reactions when you see anything that looks even slightly odd. Videotape anything that happens out of the ordinary: blinking lights, anomalies in your emails, etc. Record any unusual sounds: loud noises that occur in or around the house, etc. However, do not let yourself develop paranoia over those events.

Remember precedents. Think back over previous events and actions. You had to have been targeted at some point in time. By recalling people, occasions, and incidents, you will probably get a very good idea about when, by whom, and even how you were targeted. Particularly think about any medical procedures, shots, and inoculations that you had prior to your electronic stalking and mind control experiences.

Thwart the efforts of the handlers and defy them. As time goes on, you will see that certain actions on your part affect the capabilities of the handlers. You will also learn things that annoy the handlers. I enjoy singing monotonous ditties and repeating a phrase or a sentence for hours at a time (silently, through thought) as I work and putter. Laugh at your handlers and try to make their lives as miserable and difficult as they attempt to make yours. Remember that behind the ESMC lie humans (I call them sub-humans). As vile, evil, and hard as they might be, those humans can be affected by your thoughts against them.

Stay alert. The handlers will attempt to make you do irrational things by whispering instructions and suggestions into your brains. Know this. Give much thought to your actions because of that. Remember that one of the major objectives of the handlers is to make you look crazy. Be very careful of their deception.

Work to change the narrow mindset of the medical community about ESMC. I am quite certain that at least some psychiatrists recognize the reality of ESMC without admitting it.

Submit written complaints to local law enforcement. Get the complete name of the officer to whom you submit your report. It is very important that the reports be presented in writing so that YOU can word the complaint like you wish. Otherwise, the person with whom you are talking will write it the way he wants to, probably noting that you are nuts. Ask the officer to whom you submit your complaint to sign it. Others have done this and the officers have refused. If the officer refuses to sign, record that in your notes and let him see you doing it. Your complaints will probably never be entered by law enforcement in their crime statistics. Mine were not and neither were those of other targets with whom I have corresponded. Law enforcement wants no record of your complaints about ESMC.

Contact your Representatives and Senators in writing. Petitions are meaningless. Write individual letters. It is important that your correspondence be done in writing (emails or letters), as their employees may include an accomplice “plant” who will not record and advise higher-up authorities of telephone calls. This will of course reveal your real name. It is time for victims to stop hiding and let the public know what is actually going on in this country. Our reluctance to do so has allowed electronic torture and mind control to go unchallenged probably for decades.

In addition, send copies of your letters to local and state officials, particularly the sheriff’s office and the attorney general’s office. Do not expect answers or acknowledgements of receipt. Unless overwhelming pressure is laid on the backs of leadership, nothing will be done. Congresspersons, themselves being protected, are probably blithely unaware of electronic stalking and mind control and the possibility of national and local law enforcement in that activity. However, they cannot ignore thousands of letters of complaint. There is strength in numbers, and the number of victims is growing every day.

Seek out other victims of ESMC and network with those victims in comparing your symptoms, your thoughts, and information that you have found on ESMC. That organization can also become a meaningful support system for you. In the United States, Derrick C. Robinson, a TI and also a U. S. Armed Forces veteran, heads a pro-active organization called Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) whose address is info@freedomfchs.com. There are other similar organizations worth joining.

Maintain the life style that is normal to you to the extent possible. Targets often let their targeting become their way of life. They relocate from place to place. They continually look for and experiment with shielding. They spend every waking moment on the computer communicating with other targets and writing to forums, phoning other targets, and thinking about their particular problem. They come to believe that every person and every action somehow relates to their targeting. When targets’ allow their situations to consume their total time, they sacrifice family and friend relationships, give up their hobbies and pastimes, and often neglect their appearance and their health. Indeed, no target asks for the electronic stalking and mind control activities that he receives. Yet, targets must try to balance their life to include activities other than those related to ESMC. Remember that every person with whom you are in contact is not a perp. There are still wonderful people out there.


Do not consider suicide an option. Your handlers, through sleep deprivation, electronic torture, mind control, social isolation, and other ways will attempt to make you take your own life. That is a part of the script. Do not oblige them. The FFCHS has recently begun collecting notarized statements from members who swear that they will never take their own lives. We call it a No-Suicide-Ever pact. This was considered necessary because some targets die under very mysterious circumstances that are recorded as suicides. Many targets are certain that some of those suicides are murders staged to look like suicide.

Do NOT allow the handlers to force you to move. They will often try to force targets to leave their houses and even their hometowns. I have never known a target who improved his situation by moving. Targets who do move will normally end up drifting from location to location, getting out of touch with friends and relatives along the way, and ending up alone in shelters or on the street.

Defying the handlers – I am very defiant of the handlers, and I go on with my life despite their electronic and mind control effects and the resulting annoyances and inconveniences. The handlers recognize that although they can bother me, they cannot beat me down. On two occasions, the handlers have invited me to join them. I laughed, called them a few choice names, and told them, “Not in 500,000,000 years!!!!” Whether their offers are real or more deception, the handlers know that I will NEVER sell out to them.

Over the last few months, the handlers have focused some feature of their device on the outside of my right nostril. I can feel a distinct tingling in that location that is anything but natural. First a very sensitive brown spot appeared there and then a small indentation. More recently, I have noticed a white spot about a quarter of an inch in diameter on my chin, where the tingling also occurs. Like my nose and ears, that spot becomes covered with a film, except that instead of feeling crusty, it feels soft. The hairs of my beard are thicker and much more numerous in that small area. The handlers may be trying to cause skin cancer or melanoma. The handlers know that I use smokeless tobacco, and they want the cancer to appear to be tobacco-related.

I visited a Monroe dermatologist in the summer of 2009 to have a record of that induced malady. The doctor did biopsies on the two spots and found the one on my nostril cancerous. He wanted to set up an appointment with a plastic surgeon to remove the cancerous growth, and he was dismayed when I told him that I would not seek nor accept treatment. I candidly explained that the spot was induced and that the attackers could and probably would only cause additional places. I gave him a copy of this same paper to read. I do not know whether he read it or not.

Electronic torture and mind control have been employed for decades. Why have they not been curtailed? Here is why:

(1) Targets have suffered in silence. Only with the advent of the internet have targets begun to perform research and reach out to other victims. Most of that communication has transpired during the last ten years or less. The internet is the last bastion of communication freedom. The powerbrokers have not yet contrived a way to limit and control its use.

(2) Targets have wasted too much time in complaining to each other and have gotten bogged down in self-pity.  That does not at all mean that we should stop supporting and communicating with each other; yet, that should not be an end in itself. Targets should become activists instead of habitual complainers.

(3) Targets have depended on law enforcement, national government, and international bodies to “investigate” and stop the electronic torture and mind control. They are correct is doing so; however, only those agencies of the government that are most likely to engage in ESMC or aid the perpetrators or allow them free rein in operating have the necessary expertise to “investigate.”

(4) Targets have remained anonymous. Most targets are reluctant to use their real names for fear that it will alienate family members and friends and make the targets appear crazy. I first wrote this paper under a pseudonym. However, when I realized that that did not serve the interest of the targeted community, I changed the name of the author to my real name. (Source:  The Silent Massacre Electronic Stalking And Mind Control in the Unite States of America by Max H. Williams, Monroe, LA, 2009-2010, mindovermonster@yahoo.com)




  1. I am currently a victim of this new trend called electronic torture. I need help. My own investigating seems not to be enough. It’s cost me my job, thousands in medical bills and damage to my relationship with my family. Verbally asking for it to stop has not been enough. I need help! They have hacked my computer, my cell phone. Harassed me on errands and at Drs appointments and illegally infiltrated my home.

  2. Also remember the difference between bullet cover and visual cover; that which will stop a bullet vs. just make it hard to aim at you. I had a Seattle police officer say “my .40 will go through that vest” one day; an implied death threat. I’m not feeling the love, occifer.

  3. Ive been tortured for nearly three years now. Electronic torture. Ive written letters, contacted fbi, and even filed a ridiculous lawsuit. Im being balded right now…burning sensations under my scalp. I was in school going into the fire department and i began noticing changes around me. Began with rnm monitors above my home. Cyber technology entering my home. Feelings of addiction, crazy dreams, stinging sensations in.my eyes. Many more injuries. The pain is unbearable. I have dealt.with a frequency that bypasss my ears thats connected to my auditory cortex for the last two years. In other words hearing voices. Which is sophisticated technology which sounds just like real people. My life will never be the same.

  4. Refreshing advice to see….

    I am and have been a victim for a long period of time. The advice above is sound.

    There are some interesting caviots to the remedy provided in this documend and I am not certain that it would be adhered upon first read.

    The victim will not understand that they are not going to be able to convince anyone of it’s reality and that those closest to them are also being effected.

    The bad news: Only you are dealing with this torture. Yes, others closest to you are also being manipulated – persuaded that YOU are the cause. They have been studied too and while not as apparent as your own symptoms they are hearing inaudible voices and their tempers raised electronically – angry and they don’t know why!

    In my case, there were three distinct voices among the many. One of them chose to target my son… He explained a situation where they followed him to school… right behind him, over the back yard fence, in the corner of his classroom. He asked me “Dad, is it the devil if you hear someone talking to you but there is nobody there?” I described the distinct voices and he resoundingly picked one of the three.

    I had found the advice explained above – from a different source but began to put it into my life. “Oh shit!” is all I could say to myself and I made the decision to move my family as close to her side of the family as possible and leave.

    Why? – Away from them I can no longer be the target for their influenced attacks. I am going to say that a different way. My CHILDREN were being influenced to hate their father for reasons put in place by my reactions to this onslaught.

    What am I today? – Ok, now I am going to appeal to those who have put all of thei pieces together.

    We know the attack is real. We know of the synchronized delivery of physical (cranial introduction) PAIN with emotional sway and sometimes imagery … but mostly a mix of first – squandered thoughts – like “how am i going to pay that bill?” … mixed wih Anxiety … mixed with pulsed headache … sometimes in different order..

    While this looks innocent enough…

    Today I have no money problems… there is an answer to all my anxieties… and I am very well exercised putting me in good health.

    The pulsed pains are delivered in that way to prepare you for next level of pain – delivered slowly and focused … and THEN you go get MORE medical attention.. hypochondriach…..

    … then you remember the principals above.

    I live
    I put my energy into positive
    I have no anxieties.
    I endure as a soldier away from family
    I ENJOY the freedom of living personally with voices and stopped trying to convince anyone.

    I have new friends and relationships who – yes – are sometimes influenced BUT because of the above…. they return AFTER they realize they made a mistake… (when actually it was a bad thought deposited. )…. but I walked away when I saw and before it grew to more.

    Help is available but to pierce the construct of a fellow TIs attack requires their exhaustion and loss. Try to visualize your own mentallity after you have answered sufficiently all the questions that are being “pushed” into your head.

    Write them down…
    Then begin to answer to them.. they are real… at first… even miniscule and minute… they exist to an extent .. but once satisfied leave you with just YOU… and “the voices”.

    13 years … .and it started horribly.. today… Its like looking at the ocean… and jumping in … anywhere…… because I know what I know.


  5. The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act and the brain initiative are the worst scams ever perpetrated on the American people. Former U. S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin Warns: Biochips Hazardous to Your Health: Warning, biochips may cause behavioral changes and high suicide rates. State Attorney Generals are to revoke the licenses of doctors and dentists that implant chips in patients. Chip used illegally for GPS, tracking, organized crime, communication and torture. Virginia state police have been implanting citizens without their knowledge and consent for years and they are dying! Check out William and Mary’s site to see the torture enabled by the biochip and the Active Denial System. See Terrorism and Mental Health by Amin Gadit or A Note on Uberveillance by MG & Katina Michael or Safeguards in a World of Ambient Intelligence by Springer or Mind Control, Microchip Implants and Cybernetics. Check out the audio spotlight by Holosonics. The truth is the biochip works like a sim card. It received pulsed modulated laser beams and millimeter wave which it converts into electromagnetic waves that your brain interprets into digital images and sound. It then takes what your brain sees and hears and converts electromagnetic waves into digital and acoustic waves that a computer translates into audio and video. In other words, it allows law enforcement to see what you see, hear what you hear and communicate directly with your brain.

    “Former Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) director and now Google Executive, Regina E. Dugan, has unveiled a super small, ingestible microchip that we can all be expected to swallow by 2017. “A means of authentication,” she calls it, also called an electronic tattoo, which takes NSA spying to whole new levels. She talks of the ‘mechanical mismatch problem between machines and humans,’ and specifically targets 10 – 20 year olds in her rant about the wonderful qualities of this new technology that can stretch in the human body and still be functional. Hailed as a ‘critical shift for research and medicine,’ these biochips would not only allow full access to insurance companies and government agencies to our pharmaceutical med-taking compliancy (or lack thereof), but also a host of other aspects of our lives which are truly none of their business, and certainly an extension of the removal of our freedoms and rights.” Google News

    The ARRA authorizes payments to the states in an effort to encourage Medicaid Providers to adopt and use “certified EHR technology” aka biochips. ARRA will match Medicaid $5 for every $1 a state provides. Hospitals are paid $2 million to create “crisis stabilization wards” (Gitmo’s) where state police torture people – even unto death. They stopped my heart 90 times in 6 hours. Virginia Beach EMT’s were called to the scene.
    Mary E. Schloendorff, v. The Society of New York Hospital 105 N. E. 92, 93 (N. Y. 1914) Justice Cardozo states, “every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body; and a surgeon who performs an operation without his patient’s consent, commits an assault, for which he is liable in damages. (Pratt v Davis, 224 Ill. 300; Mohr v Williams, 95 Minn. 261.)

    This case precedent requires police to falsely arrest you or kidnap you and call you a mental health patient in order to force the implant on you. You can also be forced to have a biochip if you have an infectious disease – like Eboli or Aids. Coalition of Justice vs the City of Hampton, VA settled a case out of court for $500,000 and removal of the biochip. Torture is punishable by $1,000 per day up to $2 million; Medical battery is worth $2.05 million.

    They told my family it was the brain initiative. I checked with the oversight board, and it is not! Mark Warner told me it was research with the Active Denial System by the College of William and Mary, the USAF, and state and local law enforcement. It is called IBEX and it is excruciating.

  6. I was hypnotized every day/night for 4 months. Electronically tortured with “pulses” that felt like I was being whipped. I’ve had “simulated” gang rapes, felt like I had 2 or 3 football players on top of me. Very painful. Energy simulators of some sort were involved, making me “be” a different person every 5 minutes.

    I get disturbing images put in my mind, I hear them talking to each other (two “teams” rival against each other to see who can get me to say or do something, and if I “lose” I get a physical alteration to my body (like a chin hair, a bigger nose, saggier breasts, a line on my face, wider hips, etc.)

    I was “told” this is the CIA and the Military. My family does NOT understand. I have been labeled with every type of mental illness you can imagine.

    I need help!! (508) 524-6218 is my phone #. Someone who can help stop please call or text me or something. I’m desperate.

  7. Hi, I don’t know how to get help and the right person to talk to. I have studied brainwashing in the past before, but unable to stop something horrible happening to me. No one will believe me. One nite I lost everything due to my abuser finding after 15 years and she was working with some kind of company to chip and alter my mind to ensure the sale of book, show, movie. They wanted to ensure that I would be changed into a whore, animal violater, stripper, and mentally challenged person, through a chip that was administered against my will and without written person. It was all fraud they tried to turn me into a monster just because I left my abuser 15 Years ago.( Sharon Miller of Middletown, DE, she is not from Tucson, AZ). Kristina, Age 17 does not exist its all fraud.
    My legal name is Natasha Kerry Roberts, Age 36.
    They stole my identity in Tucson, AZ and have been following me from Tucson, AZ to Las Vegas, NV. Do you have any information on a company known as Institudol.
    Constant chatter from all parties involved 24/7, with projections of people coming to violate me, but they are not really there.
    Caused several heart attacks, seizures, abdominal pain. There was also a forced pregancy, they knew I lost it because they have been video recording me since august without my permission. I had never been preganant before and thought I lost it tucson. Violated my human rights and laughed at me while I was having medical traumas induced by them. I could not seek medical attention because they had controlled the situation when I went to the er in tucson, az for the seizures I suddenly had seen one of there associates that was employed by institudol I believe. They have some hackers that use these phones that make a snake noise. They had hacked my internet, smart phone and even my tv. They have control of my life but I hide and lock my door and pray every nite that they will show mercy and stop. The police in Arizona assisted the Company and Sharon Miller, but I can’t specify the cities due to safety concerns. I wrote to the FBI to try to get help, but no answer.

  8. My friends in Seattle were relentlessly irradiated for almost a year. They figured out where the energy was coming from and shielded their sleeping area with 2 layers of heavy duty aluminum foil. That reduced energy levels in their living area. Also a milliwatt/milligauss meter can expose abnormally high energy in areas. One person was irradiated so heavily that the energy melted holes in the aluminum foil, proving their allegations; they survived to tell the tale.

  9. I’ing toture by this I need help….she has toture my kids made them act up where I couldn’t handle them and made them lie on me I caught my bf cheating and ever since then I have been hearing her my daughter told me a girl was telling her to do bad things I didn’t believe her then when I caught him cheating he told everyone I was telling a lie that I was crazy plz help me my kids ended up in foster care bc of me hearing her and them acting up now my youngest baby of 2 years is with my ex’s mom he is trying to drive me crazy to get custody of my son plz tell me what I should do

  10. Hey guys,
    Everything that happened to you guys, still my daily life every second of my life. The person who host this website, I recalled I knew him. They too recruit me for their controller system about 20 year back. I didn’t like the fact that they torture and abuse people, that was why I didn’t join. For the matter of fact, they are people who have some experience in law enforcement or security background. They abuse people and make money off of them. The sad thing was, I didn’t recall that guy’s name. He collected and chose people for his victimless crime. In the beginning, it was for the purpose of building a system. He would monitor these people and get them job, he would get over heads for everything that these people do. They have to listen to him. All he does was, a middle man sort of thing. However, he also a possible hit man for someone else. He would get pay a pop to man handle you or torture you until you die. I didn’t know any of these people ever get caught before. Maybe they did, but we didn’t know. However, in similar to a monitor of the clinical research site. They took advantage of the devices that they have and took it to the illegal level and abuse people. If anyone of you can, keep hit the law enforcement that you trust and continue to get your name out there until the government really take over and compensate everyone with life time vacation and retirement. One day my friend, If I remember, I kill ass kick every single mother lover that does this to anyone of you. I am remembering things now. How can we stop those machine? We will have to believe in the righteous of our system and the righteous police and FBI.

    1. It is necessary for you to evaluate yourself with he following questions: (1) What do you have that they may want from you?
      Are you intelligent, talented, rich, have an influential job, have good connections, have a beautiful wife or girlfriend, have powerful relatives, etc.? They may be envious/jealous/spiteful/inadequate/with low self-esteem/nothing better to do/low mentality, (2) What do they want you to do for them that you do not want to do because it is against your standards of morality, ethics, religion, customs, traditions, family upbringing, beliefs, etc.? THEN PROTECT YOURSELF. When you do, they will get angrier because they think they are so powerful you cannot protect yourself from them. Protect yourself anyway – in all the ways you know. Me? I ask the Lord God to protect me in every way and He does. I also notice, often now, that there are people who fight them secretly by doing to them what they are doing to others.

  11. My Psedonym (to protect my family- lest they be targeted also) is Pure Flower . I have been beleaguered by this mind/behavior-control criminals for many years and I found out they are common thieves. They do these in order to weaken you physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, socially, spiritually so that in your weak state, they can steal from you- your health, your mind, your stability, your relationships, your money, your hopes, your dreams, your ability to positively contribute to your community and even your communion with God. Lately, they added a wrinkle to torture- my left thumb and palm has been infested with stubborn fungi. This is hard to get rid of- and they added itch to the suffering, including itch to the crotch. This began last year 2016- continuing to this year. I have experienced all: body pain, mental torture, brain-control, fever, electromagnetic rape- you name it- I have had it. They use people close to me to harass and injure me. It is because of these deviants that I have stopped contributing to my charities because I suspect- the money is not being received by the legitimate ones. So much of my mail, email, and social media is controlled and abused. Right now- I am being sleep deprived. The one very effective weapon against such assaults, for me, is my very strong faith in God. Whether anyone believes me or not, I have actually seen the Hand of God in retribution against some of these insane creatures. You are right – they are no longer human- and that in essence- is what is destroying them. Think- the evil mind transforms DNA also. The deviant actions are modeled to those close to them who eventually will distrust them. Insane actions are repeated over time and influences decisions and choices in life that are harmful to them. So when criminality is in them-sooner or later, they will criminalize themselves. Plus, human nature takes care of criminals.

  12. Thereby i report illegal human research on workless people in germany, by BND, CIA, NSA in support by the Jobcenter in various cities. I report a personal case of illegal psychotronic human experimentation by the BND in conjunction with NSA, CIA in affiliation with the jobcenter of munich. The experiments are performed by americans, like at university of regensburg by Prof. Greenlee and Prof. Bäuml in coopertion with ex-students, like Zheni Arnaudova, a female psychologist, who worked at the Berufsförderungswerk München, Ridlerstr. 55 at project “Chance für München”, she did not had any training for psychotherapy and studied in the field of research on the memory of the brain. So she was only there to select some people, like me, to perform illegal human experimentation on workless, disabled people. I am a deaf person. They are using EEG technologies and voice to skull. The experiments started about end of november 2015 and occur up to date. Especially it got extreme since the 25th december, as the experiments are now performed without any breaks 24h the day. They are talking continuously, possibly a computer system, using artificial intelligence, but still monitoring it continuously. They didn´t stop, as soon as i told them to stop the experiments, and i even did not subscribe to those experiments or gave any waiver to do such experiments on me. They are violating the nuremberg code in extreme way. There are files at NSA and CIA due to their answers for FOIA.

    I seek for help to restore my human rights and to demand for penalty on them.

    Affiliated known persons:

    Zheni Arnaudova, works at university regensburg, Berufsförderungswerk München, together with Prof. Greenlee and Prof. Bäuml at university of regensburg, possibly also with Bernd Ludwig at university of regensburg, see researchgate profile, they are talking like she would also work at Landesamt für Verfassungsschutz Bayern, where also Bäuml and Greenlee work according to their talks. Also she possibly works at BND, together with Dominik Kirner

    Dominik Kirner, works at BND, works together with Zheni Arnaudova, also with NSA

    Mario Wierick, Jobcenter München, works together with Dominik Kirner, Zheni Arnaudova, Bäuml and Greenlee

    Prof. Greenlee, Prof. Bäuml working at university of regensburg various research, human brain computer interfaces, artificial intelligence, brain memory, illegal experimentation as sources of their data is unknown, they did not answer requesting letter for their sources of their data and questions about ethic issues

    Sebastian Kricner

    Dear Mr. Mozer,

    thank you very much for your information.

    As i am actively assaulted by such technologies, i just can inform you,
    that ongoing violations of human rights occur. These assaults are
    occuring since i was an participant at “Berufsförderungswerk München”,
    Ridlerstr. 55, 80339 Munich, at a project called “Chance für München”,
    which was for longterm workless people. There was an psychologist called
    “Zheni Arnaudova”, an former student of Prof. Bäuml and Prof. Greenlee.
    She did not receive training for psychotherapy, although in my oppinion
    only proper trained people are feasible for handling long term workless
    people. The project was to get disabled people back to work, so the
    official clause, but it is also very possible that it is an task taken,
    to put discard disabled long term workless people, because very hard to
    integrate into new work. So to possibly put them into suicide
    (Geschäftsmäßig geförderter Suizid – See StGB).

    As i have read many documents on abuse cases, mainly those originate
    from the USA, like originating projects from DARPA/DoD/CIA. As Bäuml was
    at Stanford university it is highly suspicious.

    There are documents regarding of usage of LORETA, which may possibly in
    use in an modified manner by secret services. It is feasible, that the
    jobcenter of munich is working together or that “Berufsförderungswerk
    München” did provide services to dispose disabled workless people.
    Possibly also an secret project initiated by those people at university
    of regensburg, to commence research on artificial intelligence, then put
    them into disposal, like psychiatric clinics etc.

    See documents, like:


    Notice that in the followin document the usage for “Computer Brain Link
    Interfaces” is mentioned.


    Further affiliated persons:


    It is known that international research is taken place at secret
    services and that international contracts exists for keeping the
    research secret. Possibly is taken as IARPA (Intelligence Advanced
    Projects Activities)

    Also see my posts at:

    There also is literature, like “Military neurosciences and the coming
    age of neurowarfare” by Armin Krishnan. There is an hint, research is
    taking place on CT2WS, Cognitivie Technology Thread Warning System.


    Also keep an eye on those projects “Decision in motion” from Prof.
    Greenlee and also “Visuo-spatial cognition” both are possibly using
    LORETA in an built in system, like GSM or Iridium-Satellites (little
    more latency than GSM).

    Also see documents, like:

    Keep in mind, that also Prof. Greenlee is involved into imagery
    technologies. And it occurred, that i also had contact to Prof. Sybille
    Ziegler at TUM Klinikum Rechts der Іsar, even with entrance into
    radioactivity control area without any governmental permit, for no know
    reasons except possibly the requirement to invite disabled applicants to
    jobs due to laws.

    I have an documented tinnitus since 1994, which is interesting due to
    LORETA development since 1994 according to the PDFs, severe abuse occurs
    since the mentioned participation at the project “Chance für München”,
    especially extreme since 25th december 2016 (24h/7d without breaks, like
    psychic driving).


    Sebastian Kricner

    Mozer, Brian (OS/OASH), Wed, Jun 14, 2017 05:40:30PM +0000
    >Dear Mr. Kricner,
    >ORI has received your email and concerns regarding the research of Dr. Greenlee and Professor Baumi at the University of Regensburg. Since Dr. Greenlee does not receive funding from the public health service, ORI has no authority to pursue this matter and will not consider it further. With regard to Professor Baumi, I was not able to make a determination regarding funding of his research, but it would appear that your concerns are not allegations of research misconduct but rather possible dangers of technologies being developed as a result of this research. In this case I would suggest that you raise your concerns with the appropriate officials at the University of Regensburg.
    >Sincerely yours,
    >Brian Mozer
    >Brian Mozer, PH.D
    >Division of Investigative Oversight
    >Office of Research Integrity, OASH
    >1101 Wootton Parkway, Suite 750
    >Rockville, MD 20852
    >From: Sebastian Kricner [mailto:sebastian.kricner@web.de]
    >Sent: Friday, June 09, 2017 5:10 PM
    >To: OS OPHS askORI (HHS/OPHS)
    >Subject: Illegal research complaint / Prof. Greenlee, Prof. Bäuml, University Regensburg
    >Dear Madams and Gentlemen,
    >hereby i request to stop funding and cancel all research projects of Prof. Mark Greenlee and Prof. Bäuml at the university of regensburg.
    >It is due to violations of human rights, i am being abused. They do abuse of psychotronic weapons for research purpose like on how decisions are made in neuronal networks.
    >See http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/robotics/docs/idw-online_en.pdf
    >Also keep an eye on their ex-ѕtudent named Zheni Arnaudova, finished in
    >2012 “Arnaudova, Zheni (2012). Der Einfluss von Hinweisreizen auf das Wiedererkennen von Vor- und Grundschulkindern.”, probably also with abuse of hypnosis.
    >Also do an background check of Prof. Bäuml, he studied at university of stanford, which is know to be an top target for CIA recruiters. Also background check Prof. Greenlee. The combinations of both names is also an sign for former MK-ULTRA persons, like an hint to “Greenbaum” or Mr.
    >Thank you for helping restoring my human rights
    >Sebastian Kricner

  13. Has anyone been told that they when law enforcement (FBI, local PD), have then been told that if you told anyone you would be killed in river bottom. Has anyone ever had law enforcement help them. I have been a victim for 13 years they stole everything from me, money, credit cards and everything that you have described

  14. Please boycott any further article submissions by Prof. Greenlee and
    Prof. Bäuml of the university of regensburg.

    Both are neuroscientists, abusing children.

    They both are scientologists.

    They make use of the work of James C. Lin, “Microwave auditory effects
    and applications”, published in the year 1978. They do commit psychic
    driving like Dr. Ewen Cameron via this method. This is a severe
    violation of human rights. They are torturing me 24h since 25. december
    2016. Also they did do various brainwave manipulation. They are abusing
    me since the 1th life year.

    Proof for this is, that i can still get proofs of measurable OAE, like
    TEOAE and DPOAE. Which is very abnormal at auditory loss of more than 40
    dBHL. This is no wonder, because those “microwave auditory effects” do
    cause desynchrony in the synapses. At that time ~1985, there were no OAE
    screening protocols in use and tone audiometry with just one year old
    children is not accurate, no feedback from a one year old child is
    possible regarding its sensations of hearing. So they just fitted
    analogue hearing aids, at that time just with settings of treble and
    bass via screws. This further exacerbated the poor quality of hearing
    through damage of the auditory hearing system.

    There are definitely dilated acusticus meaticus both sides. Which is a
    definite sign of inflammatory processes ongoing, due to their abuse of
    “microwave auditory effects”.

    Prof. Bäuml studied at university of stanford, where a large set of
    students is recruited by the central intelligence agency. Bäuml has a
    gap in his CV in the years 1994-1995, where i got non-pulsatile tinnitus
    in the year 1994. See my documents attached.

    Prof. Greenlee studied at the wayne state university, where the work
    “Microwave auditory effects and applications” of James C. Lin
    originates. He further is committing research together with SPAWAR
    Systems of the Navy of the Department of Defense of the USA. This
    includes work on the visual cortex, by the means of the neurophone
    and nervous system “channels”.


    They also combine this research with machine speech processing with
    Prof. Bernd Ludwig of the university of regensburg. They like it to
    torture children, “It´s more fun to work with”, see “Monarch: The new
    phoenix program, edited by Thomas Marshall”. They like it to forfeit,
    that one would be a sexual assaulter, which is absolutely not the case.
    It is not explainable, that a ten year old child in the year 1994, would
    be an sexual assaulter, had no sexual experience, which is usual at that
    age. This is also not the age of youth, it is the age of childhood.

    Prof. Bäuml also recruits children and young people in secret for their
    experiments. They both like to abuse humans with auditory defects, like
    deafness of hard of hearing. Because of the findings, that otoplastics,
    common with hearing aids to minimize the rf power required. Also even
    with powered on hearing aids, the noise produced by electronics and
    ambient noise is a known effect to help hearing of microwave pulses, see
    Allan H. Frey works. These are biological and artificial earplugs. They
    also produce such occurences artificially, by abusing the auditory
    nervous system.

    It is highly suspected, that he put such persons abused into projects
    like “MiKADO”, without any permission and allthough they are not any
    criminals. This is an project to resocialize sexual assaulters. So they
    abuse this project and also even got access to data to true sexual
    assaulters, to abuse them for special usage.

    In my circle of acquaintances they did damage. Former workers and not so
    long ago workers at EADS companies were damaged. One of them is Andreas
    Golfier, who got brain damage, which had to be operated on after
    Konstantin Kohlpaintner died, at a accident on hiking, which may be
    caused also by their technologies. He worked at EADS Astrium. Also
    Markus Heller got hearing loss since after then. I am constantly
    bombarded with useless conversations, torturous interrogation techniques
    via their technologies, 24h the day. Before voice to skull occured i had
    24h hum in my ears since 1994 (tinnitus), which reveals is due to their

    They all are ham radio operators, like me. And they all used ham radio
    equipment, to listen on shortwave bands. They all were and are state
    licensed legitimate ham radio operators. NSA/CIA/DoD are torturing
    peoples, just because they were hearing some russian sounding words in
    some situations in the life. It is suspected, to be automated
    recognition, because i can not even understand russian and not speak
    russian. Especially because of the hearing damage done to me. They also
    even abuse US-Diplomats because they actually can speak russian. And
    they were on cuba, where russian of course is of significance.

    They are stupid and have too much overconfidence in their automated
    processes, this is another example like the cases of Therac-25. They
    even broke my teeth, further damaging me, just because they are so
    stupid. Broken teeth are a disgusting way of life. Also they are not
    permitted to intrude and override our constitution.

    They were already torturing and damaging my ears just because of my
    surname. But are cowards regarding torturing with voices into the head
    into the officials in my family. Like my father or sister.

    They did advance these auditory effects as a base to produce
    special brainwave signals, like cloned EEG signals onto others, signals
    to influence the visual cortex etc. And also to read signals via the
    means of so called SQUID (superconducting quantum interference
    detector), which are highly sensitive magnetometers, together with
    SPAWAR Sytems of DoD.

    There is much of documentation in the textbook called “The matrix
    deciphered”, in regard of the EEG cloning/heterodyning processes.
    See the attached document “resources.pdf”.

    Thank you for recognizing my human rights and supporting them.

    I hate these synthethic telepathy experiments by DARPA, also involving
    brain mapping, to spy on my psyche at any moment.

    The surname “Kricner” comes from bohemia, which now includes czech,
    austria and bavaria. It is not a surname coming from russia!!! The
    americans have the oppinion, as soon one is of russia, they are allowed
    to abuse them, including their children.

    They are also abusing “stay-behind-agents” of the NATO, see ham radio
    operators etc. are highly often such “stay-behind-agents”. But the NATO
    also has a “partnership for peace” running, together with non-NATO
    countries, including russia. So they do abuse “stay-behind-agents”,
    because they are in some way affiliated with russia, for the purpose of
    peace, “international understanding”. So they see them again allowed to
    abuse “stay-behind-agents”.

    Also they were doing this because of “Gerhard Häusler”, a former
    scientologist in the family, which is already divorced since 2th life
    year. Because he left scientology, this was before i was born. My
    mother got also tortured, it reveals. Because they thought, she would be
    married with an “russian” man, which is not the case. Also they still
    were cowards, tortured me instead of father, because he was an official
    and still is. I got grown up, together with my sister, who is now from
    police, with my father as an single parent. They divorced in the 2th
    life year. It is also highly suspected they like it to torture children
    and thought they were permitted to torture any “russian” children. Which
    is not the case, it is not a russian family.


    Page 36 – Kricner Max

    Kricner Rudolf, Infst., IR. Nr. 57, MGKomp. III, Böhmen,


    Please stop that shitty forfeit of any “remote viewing” with their shit
    hypnosis projects.

    This is all a violation against the nuremberg code.

    They are also torturing whole populations in villages:

    Also another hint to Prof. Greenlee and Prof. Bäuml is the
    “Greenbaum-Speech”. This was for sure an name, to hint to them and to
    protect the talker.

    Sebastian Kricner

    http://tuxwave.net — The difference to think makes it real!

  15. May be I can help some of you.I’m a Chinese,encount the same situation in Electric mind control with some of you,sorry of my bad English,but I can tell you the way to break off the connect.My way is to use big iron basin,bottom radius of 20cm,when I was sleep I put it above my head,just higher 18cm from the pillow.It may interfere the signal of connection .

  16. Hi there.My son is 12 with implants in his spine and brain.We realised this in the last 6 months after being gang stalked and still being electronically abused.My son dassed out all the time.We eventually figured out the whole scenario.Trying to kill us in our own homes.Being hacked and nearly losing my job.When we opened the phones there was motherboards inside in all our phones,modims etc

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