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Case Closed Victim who Charged FBI Agent with Pedophilia Found Dead (2007 AP Article)

Alex Constantine - March 6, 2010

Prosecutors move to dismiss charges against former Scout leader

AP | January 3, 2007

NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- Federal prosecutors have moved to dismiss charges against a retired FBI agent who was indicted on child sex charges dating back more than a decade when he was a Boy Scout leader, in response to the death of his accuser.

William Hutton, 63, of Killingworth, was arrested in February on charges he enticed a member of his Scout troop to Maine for the purpose of sexual activity in 1994 and 1995.

Prosecutor John A. Danaher III moved to dismiss the indictment on Dec. 19, and Judge Mark R. Kravitz granted the motion three days later, federal court records show.

On Dec. 26, the prosecutor moved to dismiss a revised indictment that had been returned by a federal grand jury in late March. There was no indication in court records that Kravitz has issued a ruling on that indictment.

Both indictments alleged crimes against the same person, who has never been publicly identified. The newer indictment added allegations that an August 1995 trip also included a stop in New Hampshire for illegal sexual activity.

Both of Danaher's motions cited "the sudden and unexpected death" of the accuser.

Hutton's lawyer, Hugh F. Keefe of New Haven, stressed Hutton had pleaded not guilty.

"Mr. Hutton was very upset by the news of the passing of the gentleman," Keefe said.

Hutton had been released on a $200,000 bond. He may not own any firearms or have any unsupervised contact with children. He was also ordered to stay away from playgrounds, schools, arcades or anywhere children congregate.

The case had been scheduled to go to trial this month in U.S. District Court in New Haven.