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Wackenhut Security Guard in Florida Pleads Guilty to Sexual Battery of a Minor

Alex Constantine - October 22, 2012

Winslow gets 12-year sentence

Nassau County Record, September 28, 2012

For the Record

A Bryceville man was sentenced to 12 years in a state prison and 10 years of sex offender probation after pleading guilty Sept. 6 to sexual battery of a minor.

Darren Robert Winslow, 47, was arrested in July 2010 after a girl told authorities she and Winslow had engaged in various types of sexual activity an estimated 29 times over the past month.

An armed security guard employed by Wackenhut in Jacksonville at the time of his arrest, Winslow reportedly admitted to one incident when he didn't immediately stop the victim from touching him, but denied any other sexual activity with her, according to reports at the time.

Detectives collected DNA and other physical evidence from places where the sexual activity between Winslow and the girl was said to occur, and on Sept. 6 he pleaded guilty for best interest to one count of sexual battery on a victim older than 12 but less than 16 years of age and was adjudicated guilty.

Winslow was not prosecuted on other charges he faced of four additional counts of sexual battery and two counts of lewd and lascivious behavior with a victim older than 12 but less than 16 years of age by an offender 18 or older.

Winslow will be designated a sexual predator upon his release and must abide by all terms of his probation. He also was ordered to pay $352 in surcharges, $151 to Crimes Against Minors, $150 to the Regional Conflict Counsel, $100 to the State Attorney's Office, $398 in costs and $150 to Victims Services.


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