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Virginia Family Values GOP Candidate Lost Custody of Children

Alex Constantine - May 18, 2010

by Lisa Provence (excerpt)| The Hook | May 17, 2010

feda - Virginia Family Values GOP Candidate Lost Custody of Children" ... Feda Kidd Morton, a Republican seeking the nomination to run for U.S. Congress in the 5th District, lost custody of her four minor children in 2004 over her alleged 'anger and bitterness.' Morton has moved to block the custody story. ... Morton describes herself as a 'traditional family values' candidate who opposes abortion and gay marriage. She’s received endorsements from social conservatives such as Phyllis Schlalfy, founder of the Eagle Forum, and former presidential candidate Gary Bauer ... "
Could one of the top “family values” candidates have a big family problem? Documents reviewed by the Hook suggest that Feda Kidd Morton, a Republican seeking the nomination to run for U.S. Congress in the 5th District, lost custody of her four minor children in 2004 over her alleged “anger and bitterness.” Morton has moved to block the custody story, having allegedly secured a temporary injunction stopping anyone from publishing such documents. ...

The Hook has seen a copy of a transcript of the 2004 child custody hearing in which a judge, expressing concern about their well-being, placed the four children in their father’s custody.

Campaign manager Evans advised the Hook not to publish anything about the matter until a full hearing in Fluvanna Circuit Court. “To do otherwise may be at your own peril,” he warned. ...

Morton, a Fluvanna High School teacher, won a May 1 straw poll at the 5th District convention and is one of seven candidates in the June 8 Republican primary vying to challenge Democratic incumbent Congressman Tom Perriello in November.

Morton describes herself as a “traditional family values” candidate who opposes abortion and gay marriage. She’s received endorsements from social conservatives such as Phyllis Schlafly, founder of the Eagle Forum, and former presidential candidate Gary Bauer.

In 2004, Morton took her ex-husband to court for more child support and full custody, says the ex, Dennis Kidd.

“The judge granted me custody,” he says. “I didn’t ask for any of that. The judge recognized the driving force in her life was her anger.” ...  In a transcript Kidd had made of the November 17, 2004, proceeding, Judge Dwight Johnson said, “[I]t makes it clear to the Court that Mrs. Kidd has allowed her anger to be the most controlling factor in her life and to overshadow her concerns for the well-being of her children, which is damaging.”

Continued Johnson: “In this controlled environment in a courtroom where her rage is barely controlled, one would imagine what it would be like outside the courtroom.” ...

FULL STORY: http://www.readthehook.com/blog/index.php/2010/05/17/no-kiddin-family-values-candidate-lost-custody-of-children/

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