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The War Crimes of David Petraeus

Alex Constantine - December 5, 2012

" ... For years the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) has reported on the use of the double tap—a strategy used by terrorists that involves bombing a strike site multiple times in relatively quick succession to maximize devastation—and there are documented instances that Petraeus employed this tactic as CIA director.' ... "

David Petraeus May Have Committed Much Worse Crimes In Afghanistan

By Michael Kelley
Business Insider, November  14, 2012

While ousted CIA  Director David Petraeus eats dirt for his extra-marital affair, some people  would like him to answer for much more serious crimes.

There is evidence that Petraeus, when he commanded US forces in  Afghanistan, oversaw the intentional  bombing of funerals and civilian rescuers with drones, which  constitutes a war crime according to The International Criminal  Court.

For years the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) has  reported on the use of the double tap—a  strategy used by terrorists that involves bombing a strike site  multiple times in relatively quick succession to maximize devastation—and there  are documented instances that Petraeus employed this tactic as CIA director.

In September the NYU and law schools released  a report detailing how double taps affect the Pakistani population,  noting that several international law professors have said that  "intentional strikes on first responders may constitute war  crimes."

The  CIA used the tactic in Pakistan and Afghanistann May and June of this year, and the killing  of a Red Cross worker in Yemen—the first overt example of "explicit  intelligence posthumously proving" that an innocent civilian has been killed—is  a prime example of an  extrajudicial execution.

But will  Petraeus really go on trial for drone tactics? Like  allegations of torture overseen by the Bush  administration, it's not likely.

Nevertheless the retired four-star  general could face  a court-martial if he began the affair with Paula Broadwell while on  active duty in the army, since  adultery is formally barred under the Uniform Code of Military Justice  (UCMJ).

Petraeus, 60, says  the affair began a couple of months after he became CIA director in  September 2011 after relinquishing command of U.S. and NATO forces in  Afghanistan in July 2011 and retiring from the U.S. Army the following  month. But his story is challenged by the timeline  of their interactions: Petraeus met Broadwell in the spring of 2006, began being studied by her in 2008, was visited by her six times over the course of the year after he took over allied troops in Afghanistan on June 30, 2010, and according  to Michael Hastings, took Broadwell along with him on a government-funded  trip to Paris in July 2011.

But we don't expect the court martial to happen either, since the U.S. Army  would have to reinstate Petraeus to active duty before the trial and  consequently add to the shame being heaped on the highest tier of the U.S.  military.


Related: "Girlfriends? Petraeus Oversaw the Slaughter of Thousands and He Will Face Trial," OpEd News, November 12, 2012