General Reinhard GehlenThe sparrow-faced man in the battle uniform of an American general clambered down the steps of the U.S. Army transport plane upon i
Here it is, film fanatics, Hollywood's next gaudy, patriotic CIA box-office mega-hit. This true CIA Nazi thriller has immense box-office potential. Giv
"... The notorious US/CIA funded Navy Mechanics School (ESMA) was where opponents (active or perceived) to the dictatorship were raped, tortured, murdered
Spartacus Educational Wickliffe Preston Draper, the son of George A. Draper, a wealthy textile machinery manufacturer, was born in Hopedale on 9th August,
Argentina's Dapper State Terrorist By Marta Gurvich The Consortium | December 29, 2010 (Originally published August 19, 1998) Editor's Note: On Dec. 22, Ar
By Carlos Dada | Miami Herald | October 30, 2p10 When I embarked six years ago into investigating the killing of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, I d
" ... Draper took a keen interest in eugenics. ... Draper secretly sent $255,000 to the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission to support racial segregat
For 28 years, the Washington Times has sent disinformation slithering through the U.S. political system, befouling our democracy. Those days might be over.
Edited by Alex ConstantinePat Boone and the World Anti-Communist League (fascist front)" ... Pat Boone, 71, is one of America's most beloved entertainers.
Also see: "Bush, McCain and the Old Iran-Contra Team", this election is fast turning into an opposition-research-fueled shit
By Joseph Coleman TOKYO, AP Indymedia March 2, 2007 Declassified documents reveal that Japanese ultranationalists with ties to U.S. military intelligence
BY ALEX CONSTANTINE The begging questions are back, rattling cups. What do the Saudi propaganda minister and terror from the skies on 9/11 have to do wit