By Robert Green Great Expectations | November 24, 2010 Warren Buffett says the rich should pay more taxes, but what he really means is he should pay more t
By John Byrne The Raw Story | August 5, 2009 The richest man in the world doesn’t need $95 billion dollars. But apparently, the companies he invests in
By Andy Kroll | Mother Jones | Apr. 27, 2010
If there was any lingering doubt about why Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) voted against opening the debate on financ
" ... during a live interview on CNBC the same day, Buffett said “if Congress doesn’t approve the bailout plan soon, I will have done some dumb things.
Am I suggesting that some government agency ... of God's Apple Pie Republic ... albeit, gone a bit sour ... would ever play around with highly-lethal pig v
Edited by Alex Constantine (Revised)Gulnara Karimov, eldest daughter of the President of Uzbekistan, Islam KarimovAlso see: "Coca-Cola & the Nazis/British
" ... As it happens, one of the Scouts' favored tactics was the mailing of anthrax spores, embedded in the glue on envelope flaps. ... "By Alex Constantine
By Alex Constantine [From The Lexington Comair Crash, part 41]
Possum on the Road
On June 2, 2006, Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, another evangelical w
By Alex ConstantinePeter Lynch was the husband of the late neo-con National Review propagandist Cathy Seipp. Ms. Seipp was the mentor of MediaBistro's Kat
Also see: "The Path to 9/11, Part One: General Electric, ChoicePoint - Key Interlocking Fascist Directorates - and Kenneth Langone" By Alex Constantine T
Waren Buffett, Nazi Sage of Omahaby Dan Bacher May 6th, 2008This is my report on the trip to Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway meeting in Omaha that I ma
bloggingstocks.comDec 27th 2007... Financial magnate Warren Buffet owns over 17,500,000 shares of COP, valued at over $1.5 billion, or about 2.34% of his v
Warren Buffett, son of Bircher-Nazi Howard Buffett, is one reason GW Bush has been talking up "nucular" energy of late. Consensus reality is being shaped t
" ... A key to their plan was to use their airport-security identification cards as Comair employees to access restricted areas and evade security checkpoi
R.I.P. Phil BatesPhil Bates of Cincinnati was the latest in a series of bio-tech scientist to be murdered in cold blood, on August 26 - the night before th
Early Birch Society funding came from well-heeled supporters of the Hitler regime, and the "pro-American" propganada that flowed from the notorious Nazi f
Warren Buffet, 9/11 & Fiduciary TrustThe Wyly Brothers, sponsors of the Swift Boat Vets for Truth group, are key suspects in the Comair crash, IMHO, which