20 January 2016 The country that invented fascism remains culturally and politically fascist to the present day, an evolving tendency seemingly invincible
Yesterday, NPR delivered a story on the Vatican Bank, and I couldn't help but notice that once again the talk turned extremely vague. The bank has a "mu
By Alex Constantine (Repost) (First published in Hustler magazine, 1994) "I recognized my two selves: a crusading idealist and a cold, granitic believer in
" ... The hypothesis for the girl's kidnap and murder was an attempt by the mafia to persuade [Paul] Marcinkus to return the 10 million euros which Cosa N
RE GIORGIO COMERIO: " ... Investigative commissions have plenty of documents about Giorgio Comerio, a businessman in the antennas and geology fields. He
"Disappeared" survivor Victor Basterra - Two stories about Basterra, a survivor of the torture and extermination center at ESMA, the Navy School in Buenos
Full story: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pier_Paolo_Pasolini#Death (Thanks to Victor Moore for the lead) Pier Paolo Pasolini (March 5, 1922 – November 2
By Alex Constantine (First published in Hustler magazine, 1994) I recognized my two selves: a crusading idealist and a cold, granitic believer in the law o
Security expert Daniele GanserNeues Deutschland[Translated from the German]19 April 2008Italy's secret NATO structure/Daniele Ganser, security adviser to t