" ... Walt Disney, an anti-communist collaborator with Sen. Joe McCarthy's witch-hunts of the 1950s, was also a documented member of the American Nazi Part
" ... Hitler was a very ordinary man. He was nothing without the people. ... ” The Daily Dish | October 16, 2010 Fascinating piece in the NYT today abou
Target the Corrupt Republican Campaign | May 03, 2010 So, the evidence that the Republican Party has a major racism problem just keeps mounting. I highligh
Read the civil suit and Neo-Nazi Bill White's racially-charged letter White supremacist must pay Va. victims By Laurence Hammack The Roanoke Times | Augus
Edited by Alex Constantine " ... Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey's older brother Randall Fowler has unveiled a dark harrowing past, where he was sexually abu
" ... what haters find hot and what haters find not ... " My Dinner at Applebee's With White Supremacists! Harmon Leon is recruited by a group so hateful