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Synopsis of The Covert War Against Rock

Alex Constantine - January 24, 2008

Covert War Against Rock front cover 192x300 - Synopsis of The Covert War Against Rockby Walker Bennett, SF Author
January 20, 2008

This is not a review, but a synopsis of: COVERT WAR ON ROCK, BY ALEX CONSTANTINE

Acknowledgements: Government covert "OPERATION CHAOS"... a draft outline found among the papers of the late political researcher Mae Brussell, provided the framework and inspiration for the study.

(The author wishes to thank Elliot Mintz, spokesman for Bob Dylan and Yoko Ono, and many others)......

Alex Constantine, author

Chapter 1. A Killing Field for the Heat

Chapter 2. Time Machine (CIA and the Mob)

Chapter 3. Parapolitical Stars in the Dope Show

Chapter 4. The Death Of Cass Elliot (Mamas And The Papas) and Other Restless Youth

Chapter 5. Brian Jones the Rolling Stones

Chapter 6. The End of Rock Festivals

Chapter 7. Jimi Hendrix Political Harassment and Murder

Chapter 8. Fragrance de Chaos - Jim Morrison

Chapter 9. Joan Baez, Phil Ochs And Bob Dylan, Etc

Chapter 10. Who Killed the Kennedys (and Sal Mineo)

Chapter 11. Project Walrus - John Lennon

Chapter 12. The Deaths of Marley and Tosh

Chapter 13. Gang War - Sons of Chaos

Chapter 14. False God Syndrome

FOREWORD - The corporate media harbors hundreds of CIA propagandists. The agency and organized crime have, for over thirty years, engaged in a program to SILENCE POPULAR MUSICIANS whose influence subverts the cynical THOUGHT CONTROL tactics of American government and media.

This book is an attempt to return that evidence to the historical record.

PRELUDE. Assassination Politics of the Vietnam War period.

Former CIA Richard Ober, director of OPERATION CHAOS... the most expansive domestic surveillance and COVERT OPERATION net-work in America's history. The intelligence sectors response to the anti-war and civil rights movements ran covert ASSASSINATIONS programs as well. The C.I.A. had assembled a thick Concordia of lethal methods. The project began with an anonymous , undated memo on assassination by "natural cause." "Knock off key people" the heavily censored document specified, " how to knock off key guys, natural causes," (a declassified memo..)

1) Bodies left with no hope of the cause of death ever being determined by the most complete autopsy and chemical examinations,
2) Bodies left in such circumstances as to simulate accidental death
3) Bodies left in such circumstances as to simulate accidental suicide
4) Bodies left with residue that simulate those caused by natural diseases.

CHAPTER 1..... A Killing Field for the Heat........ ..

In 1967 a subversive form of music melded with politics in San Francisco. Thus, destabilization tactics were summarized in a leaked memo, excerpt: "show them as depraved, call attention to their habits, and every possible embarrassment. Send articles to the newspaper showing their depravity. Use misinformation to confuse and corrupt. Provoke target groups into rivalries that might result in death."

For the first time since it's creation the warfare state erected by the Dulles brothers, Hoover, MacArthur, Kissinger, Nixon, etc. was threatened by an increasingly militant segment of society. The FBI rose to the challenge. On July 30, 1994, Intelligence files on Leonard Bernstein reveal the bureau spent countless hours examining his links with associations deemed "communist" to "subversive."

FBI agent Jane Moore said the FBI saw the strength and power of the idea of socialism, realized it represented a very real danger to our profit-motivated corporate state and had declared total covert war against not only the denim clad revolutionaries but all progressive forces. The
bureaus tactic was to cut them down or burn them out before they realized their POTENTIAL.

At the federal level, the CIA. was already pursuing similar objectives under code name Operation Chaos.

Targets of "Chaos" Blank Panther Movement.... Geronimo Pratt, jailed for 27 yrs. for murders he did not commit. He was also a target of COINTELPRO, the FBI "counter-surveillance program". Politically active hippies were also targets. Many underground papers were put out of business when they were abandoned by advertisers who had been pressured by the FBI. From 1967 to 1972 the operation compiled 13,000 files, which concerned 300,000 individuals and organizations. The CIA directorate of operations created an index of 7 million names.

CHAPTER 2........ The Machine, Cia and Mob Influences on the Rock Industry

The mafia was to be enlisted for the covert war against the counter-culture. In the mid-60's CHAOS officials and the mob both eyed the rise of political rock music. The CIA saw them as long haired communists screaming for revolution and the end to the Vietnam War. The mafia wanted more constrictive financial control over the recording industry. Top 40, the reigning broadcast format in America owes its very existence to the CIA and mafia combo. Drugs would enter the equation, plus youth and LSD ( the politics of heroin and LSD drugs were only one contribution the "agency" has made to the American culture( CIA), they ran and run both drugs to date (allegedly)

The National Security Council was patterned after HITLERS security council , and its jurisdiction was to oversee the CIA by dictate of the NATIONAL SECURITY ACT of 1947.

CHAPTER 3... Parapolitical Stars In The Dope Show...

Books were burned, book stores closed down, FEMINIST AND OTHER SOCIAL JUSTICE offices and social centers were broken into, artists, writers, musicians and countless hippies got dragged into court, to answer to trumped up charges of corruption, obscenity, drug-abuse, and anything that might silence their voices. LSD appeared on the streets, as if on cue to destroy student descent. More potent drugs used in federally sponsored behavior modification studies (translates mind-control) also found their way to society at large. STP created by Dow-Chemical Co. in 1964 was considered incapacitating agent by the CIA. Emergency wards were choked in San Francisco with freaking bohemians. PCP, an animal tranquilizer, also fed to the hippies by the CIA. The Mob opened mass production labs and a meticulously organized network of traffickers to move black market drugs. A CIA agent who claims to have infiltrated the covert LSD network, provided a clue when he referred to Haight-Asbury as a human guinea pig farm. A dozen years earlier in the same city, George Hunter White and his CIA colleagues had set up a "safe house" and began testing hallucinogenic drugs on unwitting citizens. Now suddenly there was a neighborhood packed with young people who were ready and willing to gobble experimental chemicals. Charles Manson and Timothy Leary arrived in San Francisco and each had a keen interest in mind-control.

Dulles, head of CIA, mentioned in his memo that the agency was testing drugs on groups of people. CIA personnel mingled with the drug dealers.. Monitoring stations were set up, among them was Louis J. West, Jack Ruby's shrink, West oversaw Dr. Jose Delgado, author of Physical Control of the Mind, and Ross Addey, a veteran of operation Paperclip (Nazi's entry into CIA and NASA and else where, incl. Canada, best kept secret), Dr. Margaret Singer of the CIA created False Memory Syndrome. All participated in the study of LSD as a politically destabilizing weapon. One CIA memo named the drug as a potential new agent for unconscious warfare. In 1967 as CHAOS was launched by CIA White House. Timothy Leary, tossed out of the army for erratic behavior, left experimenting with LSD on prisoners in N.Y. for the CIA, and donned the robes of the designated LSD media prelate. He later admitted to knowing at the time that some powerful people in Washington who have sponsored this drug research. Leary was constantly surrounded by "ops" of intelligent agents.

CHAPTER 4. The death of Cass Elliot (of the Mamas and the Papas)and other restless youth.......

According to Mae Brussell, researcher, in 1968 orders went out to proceed to neutralize segments of society including those restless youth. By 1969 the SSS (Special Services Section of the FBI), combined with the Justice department and with the CIA operation Chaos. Thus, the Manson Murders, etc. Manson joined the Process church, a Satanist church, who also worshipped Lucifer and Jehovah. It was (is) big in Hollywood at the time. (Manson clearly a
mind-controlled dupe).

One FBI report on Cass Elliot, marked "urgent", states that she attended a fund raiser in Hollywood, for Peace and Justice. Cass had political ambitions and wanted to be a senator, maybe, in 20 yrs or so. An underground paper called The Realist suggested Cass was the target of political foul play. The editor Paul Krassner said, "I believe she might have been killed. She knew a lot about the incredible criminal links between Hollywood and Washington and Las Vegas."

CHAPTER 5. The Murder In The House Of Pooh, Brian Jones Of The Rolling Stones........

The fusion of music and politics made the stones an enemy of the state. There were infiltrators and drug set-ups and busts .Thus, Jagger said " This is a protest against the system, war stems from power-mad politicians and patriots, we must end all these mindless men from seats of power, and replace them with real people, people of compassion." The stones were stalked harassed and getting paranoid. An odd construction crew came to restore the house of Brian Jones, (the former cottage of AA Milne, author of Pooh books.)They muscled their way into his private life, and had a weird hold over Brian. One worker, Thorogood, made a death bed confession, that he had drowned Wilson. The tell-tale signs of cover-up by authorities are unmistakable. He was off drugs at the time. His death was not caused by a life of abuse as was claimed, he was murdered.

CHAPTER 6..... The End of Rock Festivals...

Five Months later, a music festival happened near San Francisco, and became murderous. The band would be forever tainted by the surreal violence. Editor of Rolling Stone, Jan Wenner, put the Rolling Stones Band in touch with Melvin Belli, attorney of California well-heeled conservative base, whose eulogy at his funeral was, "a man of law against the CHAOS of life, a man of CHAOS against the law of life." He was one of CIA's most trusted court room wonders. Belli chose the Altamount for the Stones concert. It had all the charm of a grave yard, and not fit to draw 300,000 people! Ralph Sonny Barger, of the Hells Angels, was hired to keep the peace,
(an informant hit-man, who was hired by feds to kill labor activist Cesar Chavez, but was arrested
instead on an old charge.) Hells Angels are represented in 18 countries now, largest crime family export. Who in 1969 suspected the Hells Angels was a death squad in employ of the political
agencies? (a refreshing break from the status quo?)

At the Stone's concert the Hells Angels beat up on the youth who were " too excited" to see Jagger and Leary arrive, an 18 year old girl was stabbed to death for allegedly having a gun, by the Hells Angels. There ended up 3 dead and many wounded. A Cancer Was Planted And Growing In The Counter-Culture

CHAPTER 7... Jimi Hendrix Political Harassment and Murder......

He didn't die from a drug overdose, he was not an out of control dope fiend. He was not a junkie. FBI COUNTELPRO was out to do more than prevent a communist menace, from overtaking the U.S.! (or to control black power movement). It was out to obliterate its opposition and ruin the representatives of the people involved in the anti-war movement, Civil Rights Movement, and the
rock revolution.

Hendrix manager, Mike Jeffery, by his own admission was an intelligence agent. He frequently boasted he had powerful underworld connections. There were many mafia managed "acts". The CIA/Mafia connection had exercised considerable influence in the music industry for decades. Hendrix wanted out of the contract. He felt he was under surveillance and felt more and more unsafe in New York, his former safe haven. His manager, thus, might have created a Toronto arrest, to silence Jimi. He now preferred him to be isolated. He had always been a trusting and open person before, and now he didn't know who to trust.

He was getting 10 grand for a 50 grand concert. Hendrix friends said Jeffrey's would get more money from a dead Hendrix than a living one. There was also a possible million dollar insurance policy in Jeffrey's name.

Was Hendrix murdered? The official cause of death was asphyxiation caused by vomit? The pathologist report left the cause of death open. Monica Danneman (investigator) , had long insisted Hendrix was murdered. At the time of her own death, she had brought media attention to the case in a letter and highly publicized court battle. Monica' s body was found in a fume-filled car near her home, in south England. It was called a suicide.

She had a lot of death threats, and people who knew her said "she didn't believe in the concept of

CHAPTER 8... Death of Jim Morrison, Lead Singer Of The Doors....... ....

Two years after the death of Brian Jones, Jim Morrison's body was found in a bath-tub in his flat in Paris. Death was attributed to natural causes, possibly heart failure. Morrison' s political outbursts attracted the FBI. He had said, " I like the idea about the breaking away or over-throw of the established order." In another interview Manzerek (of the Doors) considered possible motives for the elimination of the Anarchistic Lizard King "they were going to stop all rock and roll by stopping the Doors. He was considered the most dangerous because he was saying..... "We want the world and we want it NOW." FBI harassment rendered Morrison so anxiety ridden that he had an ulcer by mid-twenties. Paranoia struck deep and it was thought he was a marked man. Bob Seymore wrote a book re: Jim called "The End" and conceded" you could say the CIA and the other intelligence agencies may have had a hand in the deaths of Hendrix, Joplin and Morrison etc., simply because they were the leaders of the generation of the 60's.

A book "The Bank of America in Louisiana" appeared in 1975, after his death, supposedly written by Morrison. Some say he survived Paris and lived a life free from celebrity and the FBI. A James Douglas Morrison, claimed to be operating as an intelligence agent for a number of groups including the CIA and Interpol, and also had connections with various occult groups. This "JM2" also claims to be the dead rock star. There are stacks of official looking document, and letters between the agencies, CNN, NBC, and JM2. This claim was made by researcher Thomas Lyttle who claims to have seen what looks like authentic documents. There seems to be hundreds if not thousands of miscellaneous files under the name.

No autopsy was performed after his death, a probable violation of French law. Pamela Courson, who was with him at the time, died later of an overdose that some said was a "Hot Shot" or poisoned opiate.

CHAPTER 9.... Joan Baez, Phil Ochs.... et al

Joan Baez survived the Operation Chaos backlash, and she fully understood that political assassination could be her reward for openly castigating military-industrial masters of war. Her close friend Martin Luther King Jr., the worlds most honored civil rights leader, told her and a group of activists before delivering his famed speech, how the police had dumped him in the hole and it was black and he couldn't see. They shoved food in the room but he wouldn't eat it for fear it was poisoned, so hungry and afraid he got on his knees and prayed and when he got up he said it didn't matter anymore. Kings entourage hid their pain when they knew what he meant. "We knew he was going to die, and he was ready to die, and he was ready to make a commitment
to Vietnam, poverty etc". He said, "I have been to the mountaintop and I have seen the Promised Land and it doesn't matter anymore."

Joan Baez wrote a memoir," And a Voice to Sing With", (1987) of her childhood and her father as a bright young Stanford scientist "Albert Baez recognized the danger of the unleashed atom even in the early days" He took a job at Cornell University in Ithica, New York (Cornell is the base of CIA Mind Control experiments and Joan is a survivor of ritual abuse and mind control experimentation, according to letters she has written to researchers and other survivors) Many universities are common covers for trauma-based- mind-control programming. She has
a song about it...

"I am paying for protection, Smoking out the truth...chasing recollections. ..nailing down the

Baez entertained no illusions about the CIA, and promoted "State of Siege", a film she saw as exposing the corrupt element of AID (Agency for International Development, overseas), which funded the teaching of techniques of torture tactics in Latin America. She said "We solicited signatures against the use of torture". Torture was made more prevalent than it had been since the Middle Ages, thus the danger was its common use as government policy. The hands of the US government were far from clean.

Joan did years of intensive therapy to confront her inner pain, fears, insomnia, panic attacks,
phobias, anxieties, etc. Therapists kept Joan glued together, "to get me to the next gig", she said.

Joan's father was invited to become the head of Operations at Cornell, which would bring him in contact with CIA "Human Ecology Foundation" (re: Academic Mind Control Studies, ....that are behind the fences of the Ivy League campuses across the country). Joan said it was "CLASSIFIED". She was not buried by Chaos, but she lived under its intolerant eye and it could silence her. An example is a mistranslation in Japanese re: her comments on Vietnam and Nagasaki. The interpreter was threatened and complied.... A year later sale of her records were banned from all Army PXs and when she denounced the draft on the Smother's Brothers Hour, she was censored by CBS, her comments cut, and CBS cancelled the Brothers soon after. The same year, her then husband, David Harris, was sentenced to three years in prison for draft evasion.

Civil Rights activists were repeatedly falsely accused.
Joan Baez and Bob Dylan Mimi Farina and Richard Farina....

In 1961 Joan met Bob Dylan, whose songs had such stark political flavor. Bob nearly died in 1966
after a motorcycle accident. (??Questionable) Joan's brother-in-law Richard Farina did a die few months later in a motorcycle accident. It was suspicious and happened on his wife Mimi Farina's 21st birthday. He was on his way back from a promotional party for his book: "Been Down So Long It Looks like up". Before his death he had been producing an album to be performed by Joan, it got shelved.

Mimi Farina, late sister of Joan, is an equally talented singer and politically active woman who sang in prisons and went out hands on "to the poor people". Ms. Farina organized groups to carry out these endeavors, incl. "Bread and Roses," in which performers go to prisons and institutions to sing for free, and other Human Rights endeavors. Bread and Roses' has now risen and branched to many states and other areas. Her dedicated works live on.

After Dylan's accident he went thru a political change . He dropped the broadside lyrics which were grating on the nerves of the establishment. Mark Edmundson wrote: "He wasn't ruined by drugs. His work combines art and politics and the harshest truth about the world. He is a visionary skeptic; he loves the promise of America and yet is disgusted by much of its reality."

His songs tell about the cane murder of black servant Hattie Carroll, the death of boxer Davie Moore, the unbroken chains of injustice. They go to the heart of the decades most recurring
preoccupation ,that in a time of irreversible technical progress , moral civilization has
pathetically faltered, that no matter how much international attention is focused on the
macro-cosmic affairs, the plight of the individual must be considered.

Five years after the accident he wrote "George Jackson", a fiercely driven ballad about the Black
Panther leader " "George Jackson" who was murdered by a prison guard.

Phil Ochs..... (The Out Law And His Brain) Mind Control and Multiple Personality Disorder.... ....

"U.S. agents were able to destroy any persons reputation by inducing hysteria or excessive emotional responses, temporary or permanent insanity, suggest or encourage suicide , erase
memory , invent double or triple personalities, (inside ones mind.") ---quote by the late Mae Brussells, Operation Chaos investigator etc. Ochs was a close chum of Bob Dylan, and thought Bob was the greatest poet ever. Together with others they dragged folk music away from the migration camps and union halls and into direct confrontation with the Eisenhower's looming military-industrial complex. Ochs denounced the American politics in the "Cops of the world". song:.......

" and when we've butchered your sons boys, have a stick of gum boys, we own half the world"...."OH CAN YOU SEE"?.. "AND THE NAME OF OUR PROFITS IS DEMOCRACY." He was the ultimate dissident song writer...he wrote

" the comic and the beauty queen are dancing on the stage .The raw recruits are lining up like coffins in a cage. Oh we are fighting in a war we lost before the war began" Not long before he died, one night after too many drinks, he drew down the CIA Director Wm. Colby, director of the murderous Phoenix Project in Vietnam. He claimed he put a contract out on his life for 100,000 dollars. "I told Colby he's got a half of year to live or get out of Vietnam or he is dead. They can kill me but he is dead" he said. (He as well was certain that Gloria Steinem, editor of Ms. Magazine and famous feminist is a CIA agent) Ochs was founder of the Yippee party, sang with protesters, and appeared as a witness for the trail of the Chicago Seven. His lyrics were considered so inflammatory that he was banned from the air-waves. The FBI did not refrain from amassing a huge file on him, and the feeling that he was never alone unnerved him. He wrote "take everything I own, take the tap from my phone, and leave my life alone, My life alone! He was tarred as a communist and a threat to national security. His friends said Ochs was convinced he would be assassinated. He was driven to drink by the radio black-listing his music and the ongoing surveillance and harassments and his nerve gave out. He lived in a perpetual state of paranoia. His vocal cords were crushed by "thugs."

He developed a right wing pseudo personality called John Train who he wrote about:

On the first day of summer 1975," Phil Ochs "was murdered in the Chelsea Hotel by John Train," Ochs said in a taped interview. "for the good of societies, public and "secret," he needed to be gotten rid of." He also made reference to his Pseudo personality in song fragments in an album never recorded re: "Phil Ochs checked into the Chelsea Hotel, there was blood on his clothes, Train Train Train, the outlaw and his brain.

my note: I have read accounts of cloning since the 50's, Nazi scientists brought it here, when they joined the CIA and NASA, and traded secrets... . Lots of hi-tech knowledge kept secret, some things are described in Jim Keith's book "Secret and Suppressed" and others. (End of note.)

Ochs actually now believed he was working for the CIA., writes biographer Marc Elliot.( Ochs also
referred to N.Y. Cornell Hospital in mysterious lists) "Train" hinted that if Ochs had been a commercial success "they"(CIA) would have killed his host personality. . "Colby and Co. would have been more than happy to put a slug thru his head at that point, "said Train, the alternate personality. Ochs committed suicide on April 9, 1976, by hanging. This was the same year of the book "the Control of Candy Jones" by Donald Bain., (a study of CIA mind control experimentation, Candy was also an MPD, CIA created personalities, who carried out covert assignments, a marionette with an inner Nazi personality. She worked without her knowledge as a CIA operative for 12 years. Her final post-hypnotic command was suicide, which was intervened by her husband, talk show host John Nebel. (the book is out of print, I have a copy) It is very probable that "John Train" was programmed to kill Philip Ochs the host personality.

Another musician with repressed memory of child-hood trauma was Peter Townsend ("Who" guitarist). In 1999 it occurred to him that certain phrases from rock opera "TOMMY" were not fiction but his life. He filled in the blanks from his childhood amnesia.

CHAPTER 10.... Who Killed The Kennedys And Sal Mineo

(Rebel Without A Cause)......

Actor Sal Mineo was stabbed to death in a parking lot after signing on to play Sirhan Sirhan in an upcoming movie regarding JFK. (CIA assassination and post-hypnotic programming were the major themes of the movie.) Elliot Mintz talk show host for ABC, he later became Bob Dylan and the Lennon's publicist) he was buried in research with Mineo, regarding JFK killing. They became convinced Sirhan was innocent. The movie production disagreed and Mineo pulled out
of the picture. After he was killed the media revealed in his secret life of bi-sexuality, and the murder was taken as homophobia. Gay Bars were closing in fear, and Hollywood stars took refuge behind locked doors. Michael Ruppert a former LAPD officer left the department to expose his CIA trained colleagues. He claims "Sirhan was hypno-programmed using hypnosis, drugs and torture by Rev. Jerry Owen and CIA Mind-Control Specialist Wm. Bryan at the stable where he worked months before the shooting. The LAPD concealed evidence implicating the CIA in shooting. The channels of the intelligence world swarmed with crooks and killers.

Conservative Evangelist Billy Graham was President Nixon's celebrated "spiritual advisor". Then there was LA's gangster corrupt public servant and wealthy gambling czar Mickey Cohen.(who "claimed "to be a friend of Sal Mineo) The former hit-man Cohen contacted the press after Mineos death to boost that he was his pal. Cohen was also chummy with Nixon, and his entourage. In 1968, Cohen was coined the godfather of the West Coast Mafia gambling ops. When Cohen was close to death he opened up to investigative reporter Chuck Ashman, Ashman said, "Mickey Cohen told me the tale of his being paid off to fake a conversion and dose of Christianity for Billy Grahams N.Y. crusade. Two of Graham's staff had passed more than 10,000 dollars to Mickey and his family. We found the dates and the amounts and even the checks" Cashmon said.

Cohen was the first bridge linking the killers of Robert Kennedy and Sal Mineo. He was on friendly terms with Carlos Marcellos, mob boss, who ran with David Ferrie, CIA corrupt ops., who was investigated by Jim Garrison in the connection of killing of JFK. Cohen was also a chum with Jack Ruby. Cohen was also a friend of Melvin Belli, Jack Ruby's defense attorney. He also controlled the Santa Anita race-track where Sirhan was employed. Mickey Cohen's circle of friends and his appearance in the limelight after the Mineo killing begs question on Hollywood power brokers. Sirhan and Cohen were close to Desi Arnez, (Producer) of I Love Lucy .Arnez was an anti Castro Cuban exile leader. In 1966 Sirhan wrote in his notebook that he landed a job at the stables Corona Breeding Farm co-owned by Desi Arnez, Buddy Ebsen, Dale Robertson, ultra conservatives, and TV personalities were well acquainted with Sirhan. Sirhan was known as a fervent anti-communist. Attorney, Russell Parsons, Sirhan's attorney, showed no effort to make known that Sirhan was in the wrong position to kill Senator Kennedy, he was shot from behind and Sirhan stood in front of Kennedy.

CHAPTER 11.... Project Walrus: John Lennon........

Mark-David Chapman chose to plead not guilty due to "following the direction of his voices".. His attorney J. Marks punctuated the plea "by reason of insanity". Chapman testified "I can hear their
thoughts, I can hear them talking, but not from the outside, from the inside" Not one of the three
psychiatrists at the trial explored the possibility of Mind-Control. In 1977 Chapman lost his fundamentalist religion and became a Satanist.. At 19, 1n 1975, Chapman signed onto the YMCA, (international camp counselor program) and was sent to Beirut where he allegedly received instructions in lethal arts at the CIA training camp school of terror. (There was a known "experiment in Mind Control unit" for the army in Lebanon.). In 1980 he surfaced in New York, and mailed a letter to an Italian address. The Dakota (residence of the Lennon's) was given as a return address. There was a reference to his" mission" in N.Y. It was returned to New York, the address not found in Italy, where it sat for three years in the dead letter bin, and finally delivered to the Dakota. Yoko Ono glanced at the letter and dropped it in her deranged file. In 1983, head of security, Mahoney, found the letter. This was evidence of premeditated murder and
conspiracy. The letter vanished and reappeared slightly altered, the post-date now was
1981. The "mission" statement was missing...

Elliot Mintz, friend of Sal Mineo ,was instrumental in exposing "Project Walrus" as a conspiracy regarding Lennon. He had been Lennon's chum too and publicist since 1971. Mintz recalls that some of Yoko's body guards were, at the time, New York Police officers. It is very difficult for a private citizen to legally possess a weapon in New York. The people who can are off duty officers. It is thus, a common celebrity arrangement. There were many files with missing contents at Yoko's apt. after Lennon was killed. Listening devices were planted at the Dakota and once swept clean would reappear. There had been numerous attempts on Yoko's life. One man was arrested at airport who had made a call that he was coming to finish the job and kill Yoko and Sean. There were also calls made to tell her body guards were going to kill her. Sean Lennon said, "I grew up afraid my mother and I were going to be killed".

After John's murder the first promoting of Project Walrus was the ruining of his reputation. John had known he was wire-tapped and was justifiably paranoid. After Watergate he filed a lawsuit for wiretap and surveillance and made some progress. Justice Dept. never would admit it actually carried out the wiretap and blamed it on other possibilities. After he got his green card he gave up the litigation. Lennon overcame his fear of federal harassment and gave public statements that were anti-republican.

Killing Lennon was only the first step. All that he signified must be defaced. That was the principle
objective of Walrus. His diaries were stolen and returned later with extra entries and some entries
altered. Fred Seaman wrote a defamatory book on Lennon. Seaman was to be executive of Lennon's archives, and much was feigned regarding their bond. He told friends he was going to discredit Ono at all costs. The goal was to drive her to a nervous breakdown and discredit her attempt to set straight the public record. The "walrus crew" anticipated immense profits. Dead Lennon's=$$$ $$....... money. ....

The events at the Dakota began to sound like the Movie "Gaslight". (In which a husband tries to drive his wife crazy by reality distortion) Yoko began sleeping badly. One of Yoko's assistants, wracked by stress began packing a gun at all times. He said "you do not know how big this is. The people doing this are too big to fight." To discredit Lennon and Yoko and the Peace movement was a major part of Operation Walrus. (But it didn't and IT WILL NOT, "WE SHALL OVERCOME", SHANT WE YOKO AND SEAN ET AL????????????

CHAPTER 12... What Cha Gonna Do? The Deaths of Marley and Tosh........ ....

"Vampires do not come out to bite your neck anymore, instead they cause something destructive to happen that will spill blood. And those invisible vampires will get their meal "Peter Tosh. Peter Tosh, like Marley was a widely influential civil rights agitator, and like other black activists before him he was gunned down. He died in 1987 at age 43. He was upset with the treatment of his people. Tosh went to Trench Town to live with an uncle after the aunt he was living with died. It was there he met the young Bob Marley, and taught him to play guitar. They got together with Bunny Wailer and the trio called themselves the Wailin Wailers. They were drastically underpaid. Record producers are notorious for pocketing money. (dem pirates and dem thieves). Peter Tosh always let his feelings be known. He cared more about principles and morals than popularity and fame. He said "they know I do not support POLITRICKS and games, my duty is to unify the people." He and MarleY had some wrangling and he left the group, and went on his own. Destabilsation tactics were employed, as well as political violence and sabotage (etc.) from the
CIA...... with pernicious attempts to wreck the economy of their country.. The new weapon and the new menace was DESTABILIZATION.

Bob Marley held onto the Wailer name and took on new members. The peoples National Party asked them to play at Smile Jamaica concert. He agreed.

In Nov. a death squad came to Marley's home and started shooting. They shot bullets into his manager, and one in his wife's' Rita's head, as she tried to get their 5 children out of the house. They survived. The last bullet creased Marley's breast below his heart and drilled deep into his arm. Marley would sing "Ambush in the night, all guns aiming at me." This did not stop them performing at the Smile Jamaica concert.. "War"....... "Until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that now hold our brothers, in Angola, in Mozambique, in subhuman bondage, have been toppled utterly destroyed... everywhere is war.

Carl Colby, son of CIA head Wm. Colby, came to the concert and posed as crew and got back stage where he gave a gift to Marley, a pair of boots. Former Black Panther Lee Lew-Lee was close to Marley and he thinks Marley's cancer started with the boots. He claims there was a link of copper wire attached to the boots, which hurt his foot when he tried them on and had to be removed. (It might have been treated chemically with a carcinogenic toxin.) Marley later
broke his toe and found out it was cancerous, it spread. He did not trust main-stream medicine and continued to perform. He knew by 1977 he was dying and compressed a lifetime of music into a few years.

Something of a Caribbean CIA "POGROM" (A NAZI TERM) was underway via Kissinger and Co. There was emphasis on PSYCHOLOCAL OPERATIONS which became arson, banking assassination, disruption of the now Manley's democratic socialist rule. Political violence was stoked and arsenal of weapons supplied. This was all mostly financed by Hard Drugs, which disrupted the Rasta movement and marijuana. They wanted marijuana legalized. Their chosen weapon in the Rasta Movement was free expression and they were crucified for it. Tosh was busted and beaten almost to death and it made his music more vengeful. Secret Police and the CIA tailed him thru it all. Grotesque human rights violations were commonplace. Marley found out he had a brain tumor. He sang " these songs of freedom is all I ever had, emancipate yourself from MENTAL SLAVERY." He was observed rubbing his forehead and grimacing while performing. One woman explained "Hidden lasers were fixed to spotlights above the stage and burned out his brain" Fellow Rasta's heard about an alternative doctor in Jamaica, who advised Marley to talk to a Doctor Josef Issels, a holistic immuno therapist in a Bavarian village. He went. The Dr. said "I hear you are one of the most dangerous black men in the world." Issels medical career did not hold up under scrutiny, during WW2 he had worked hand in hand with Dr.(Nazi) Mengele (angel of death) in research in Poland, at the Auschwitz camp. The Wailers found
this out after his death.

Issels told Bob he could cure him and did sadistic procedures that left him in agony. After visits the Wailor's said "he is killing Bob" He also cut off his dreadlocks. He was in the hands of the doctor who had been the accomplice of Mengele in horrific Medical experiments against what they considered "sub humans". His mother said " he was starving and wasting away , and he would fall into fits of shaking, etc" Marley weighed 82 pounds on the day of his death. May 11, 1980. (HIS MUSIC LIVES ON)

Peter Tosh found the bloodshed and hypocrisy of death squad justice in the Third World unbearable He was obsessed with the hidden evil. By 1987 the year of Tosh murder Jamaica musicians were censored by the prevailing politics. Witnesses and friends insist his murder was a political hit. They were convinced Tosh was killed for his statements on Human Rights , Black liberation and the legalization of Marijuana. Tosh was throwing a small party at home when Mike Robertson, a local radio host answered the door. Leppo Leppan, an old buddy from Trenchtown days stepped in. Behind him were two clean-cut looking strangers, professional hit-men,
they insisted on talking to Tosh at gun-point. Shots were fired and three people were dead.

Shortly afterward the N.Y. City apartment of Tosh was entered and burglarized, (such as the aftermath of Hendrix death). Two out of three of the Tosh killers remain at large. One hit-man was said to be a policeman, (of course Leppan was convicted.)

CHAPTER 13...... Gang War Sons Of Chaos.......

Rap artist Tupac Shakur was gunned down at a stop-light in Las Vegas. There was the police strategy of disinformation, ignoring of witnesses, and the presence of undercover agents from L.A. and N.Y at the murder of rapper "Notorious B.I.G.", as well. This suggests that both rappers were murdered by hit squads under the sanction of federal officers. Tupac's father said "It was clear to me form day one that the Las Vegas police never had any interest in solving the case of my sons murder," it was said " we dealt extensively with COINTELPRO (FBI) issues. We worked around a lot of political prisoners and the black liberation movement over the years. This shaped Tupac into the person he was. The family operated the "Center for Black Survival." They had a youth group called "The New African Panthers" and Tupac became the chairperson for it."

The agony of the Rap industry was exacerbated in March 1997 by killing 24 yr. old Brooklyn rap artist Notorious B.I.G. in L.A. This happened after he had attended the annual 'Soul Train' Music awards, by an unidentified gun-man. Tupac's father said in a letter excerpt:

"we do know that Brother Biggie was a part of an industry that has been under attack from the highest form of government officials. They have targeted Tupac, Sister Souljah, IceT, and Ice Cube, just to name a few. This is reportedly due to the content of the lyrics..."IF" this was the case why would devil-worshippers (music-artists) not be hounded out also? (They openly worship the devil in a so-called God fearing country.) Their lyrics preach mayhem, destruction, death to parents, and even government; whereas our rapper love-ones wanted to explain their pain and identify from where they came, with hopes for a better tomorrow; if all things were fair. We believe that history has demonstrated that the murders of black people(young and old) who can have a profound impact, those who refuse to bow down, have been targeted by government at its highest level.

What we must understand is that our warriors are needed when it has been proven beyond contradiction that the C.I.A. were principal importers of Crack Cocaine and Cocaine into the 'HOOD', with blatantly racist drug laws, to set into motion tactics of genocide to destroy or lock away our brothers and sisters for the rest of their lives.

Pay attention to the game that is being played on/against us! Search for TRUTH! Don't look at who shot them, but why? Don't be fooled by the media, that has never shown real concern for our welfare." Dr. Mutulu Shakur

Dr. Mutulu Shakur's conviction that SECRET POLICE killed his stepson and Notorious B.I.G. proves to be increasingly feasible.

CHAPTER 14......... False God Syndrome.........

Death of Michael Hutchene 1997, M. Hutchence was found tethered by his neck to a door frame. He too was an activist, who willed the lion share of his fortune to Amnesty International and the Green Party. He was found at the Ritz-Carleton in Sydney Australia. The media concocted scenes of SM but he was found with a broken hand and lacerations and had taken a bad beaten. His friends said he was not depressed and he was against suicide. There were rumors of the "MOB" involved in his investments, possibly unknown to him. He died penniless due to "investments and trusts" and his family had to fight for his money.

He knew Gianni Versace, famous designer who was gunned down, and was also said to be possibly mafia involved, although he denied it angrily (A dead mourning bird was found by the Versace body, a symbol of a hit-man).

The funeral of Versace was attended by Diana Spencer, the Princess of Wales, only a month before her own death. As it happened another friend of Hutchence was Dodi Fayed, someone said to have mob links. Dodi's uncle was arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi of the Iran-Contra Fame.

Dodi and Diana were killed in a car accident four months before Hutchence died.


Roger Bunn director of the Music Industry Human Rights Association (MIHRA), in the U.K., lives in the eye of the corporate music beast. These are excerpts from letters form Bunn:

Re: M.Hutchene. . "So that's it, huh? Death due to hanging? Sort of unusual that, even for the music industry. Those wonderful featured artist really light up the sky every now and then. Maybe we should consider making the poor darlings an endangered species? When they reach their peak it probably means they are worth more to the conglomerates dead than live. Think about that next time you go out to by your conglomerate primitive/folk music, or a well-known movie. You add strength to the cartel Monopoly. The music industry turns over 120 billion dollars a year. In the music industry there is no such thing as "Real Competition".

"Music Industry Is the Richest Industry on the Planet, by providing the public with a marketing of FALSE GOD SYNDROME...

When an artists' "usefulness" to a conglomerate is over things can get a little sticky."(End of letter

tags: totalianarism, assasination, government, rock, cia
