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Palin ‘Favorites’ Photo Claims Obama is a ‘Taliban Muslim’

Alex Constantine - November 5, 2010

palinliar1 199x300 - Palin ‘Favorites’ Photo Claims Obama is a ‘Taliban Muslim’By Emi Kolawole
Washington Post | November 4, 2010

(Correction: An earlier version of this post incorrectly reported that Sarah Palin had retweeted a posting by Ann Coulter. Palin had starred the posting, which marks it as a "favorite.")

Updated 11/5/2010 10:39 a.m.

Palin wrote to Jake Tapper of ABC News to counter the allegation that the favoriting of the Ann Coulter tweet was on purpose:

"Jake [Tapper], I've never purposefully 'favorited' any Tweet. I had to go back to my BlackBerry to even see if such a function was possible. I was traveling to Alaska that day...it was an obvious accidental 'favoriting,' but no one can mistake that Ann Coulter was obviously being tongue in cheek with that Tweet. Shall I correct this with whichever wonderful media outlet ran with this (an obviously bored reporter...since there must be nothing going on in the world today, like, um, ramifications of a shake up of power in the U.S. House of Representatives?)."

Updated 9:32 p.m.

Sarah Palin has used her Twitter account for a variety of things, including endorsements of key candidates during the 2010 midterm elections. But, and stay with us here, Palin's account features a retweet of an Ann Coulter tweet that links to this image:

PH2010110404946 - Palin ‘Favorites’ Photo Claims Obama is a ‘Taliban Muslim’

Coulter's tweet, which is listed among Palin's "favorites," introduces the photo with the phrase, "MY NEW CHURCH!" The photo is of "The Blood of Jesus ATLAH World Missionary Church," and the text on the sign reads, "The blood of Jesus against Obama History made 4 Nov 2008 a Taliban Muslim illegally elected president USA: Hussein." The New York City-based church is led by James David Manning.

Whether Palin retweeted "favorited" the Coulter tweet personally is unclear, but SarahPAC staffer Rebecca Mansour insisted to a reporter this summer that "anything that goes out under [Palin's] name is hers."

By Thursday evening, all of Palin's favorites had been cleared from her Twitter account. She told ABC News's Jake Tapper in an e-mail that it was "an obvious accidental 'favoriting.' "

"Jake, I've never purposefully 'favorited' any Tweet. I had to go back to my BlackBerry to even see if such a function was possible," Palin wrote.
