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A 2002 Fan Letter to Son of Sam … from a Fox News Correspondent

Alex Constantine - October 6, 2009

" ... Our world is crying and you can help. ... "

Fox Reporter Defends Appeal To 'Son of Sam' For Sniper Help

Howard Kurtz
The Washington Post
October 22, 2002

arc - A 2002 Fan Letter to Son of Sam ... from a Fox News CorrespondentWhen Fox News correspondent Rita Cosby decided to approach "Son of Sam" killer David Berkowitz, she didn't exactly treat him like a despicable mass murderer.

"Your personal story and spiritual growth inspired me to write to you," Cosby told Berkowitz in a letter. Sometimes, she wrote, "the Lord calls on individuals at various times to serve him and serve his people. ... I believe as a Christian your help is a great service. ...

"You have a testimony that must be heard. ... Our world is crying and you can help."

Berkowitz, who killed six people and wounded seven in the mid-1970s in New York ...


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