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Video Police Abuse and Steroids

Alex Constantine - November 6, 2007

steroids - VideoSteroid use is on the rise among law enforcement officials, alarming activists who say this has caused an increase in incidents of police abuse and brutality. Video.

From "Roid a Cops & Police Brutality"

... called the Sonoma County sheriff and a captain answered the phone. He said that the sheriff was unavailable. So I told the captain that I had done a Google search that shows police departments around the country were being busted by the feds for steroid abuse.

I told him the search terms and I could sense the panic in his voice. I told him that the searches reveal Boston police being busted by a federal grand jury investigation. Dallas also came up with the search and too many others to list.

Now I only went over the first ten results of the first search term and twenty of the second. When I got to the one about president Bush talking about steroid abuse in a State of the Union address, I stopped. After all, Bush was talking about steroid abuse in sports. Maybe he should have been a bit more specific and included law enforcement. You know .... the people that enforce the laws against such things as drug abuse. ...
