Lessons of the death of Obamacare By TED RALL www2.hernandotoday.com August 20, 2009 Ted Rall, president of the Association of American Editorial Cartooni
Baxter Kills Homeless People in Poland Bioweapons Lawsuit: "In criminal charges filed against Baxter on April 8th, 2009 at the Vienna City Prosecutor’s o
By George Orwell This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence. The University of Adelaide Library. Publicat Duminica, 22 Februarie 2009 “In M
Edited by Alex ConstantineMarriage to RAND CORP." ... Malkin was born on October 20, 1970 in Philadelphia to Filipino parents, Rafaela and Dr. Apolo Maglal
185 Stupid Things Republicans Have Saidby Ted RueterU.S.: $5.99 Canada: $6.99 Released February 2008Ted Rueter panders to Republican party lines by collect
" ... Masquerading as opposition and dissident opinion, we have racist 'trufing' perhaps of the John Birch variey morphed via the leftist elite into the UN
by Ken Oxleywww.sundaysun.co.ukAug 17 2008 Sunday SunWHEN Argentina invaded the Falklands in 1982, Britain’s then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher respon
by Jim Walker 08 May 2001 additions: 03 June 2006 This article presents the actual note page from which Hitler uses the Bible as the monumental history of
Ted Twietmeyer www.thepeoplesvoice.orgOnce In Control - Martial Law Will StayIn May 2007, Bush signed executive new orders NSDP51 and HSDP20 to replace REX
Fourteen years ago, while still a starving writer, I wrote an article for Hustler about a military intelligence ne'er-do-well named Neil Livingston, who wa
" ... the college lecture hall scenes where Stein speaks to a rapt audience about dangers to intellectual freedom, which bookend the film, were staged. Mat
" ... Experiments conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman reveal that when a person watches television, brain activity switches from the left to the right
IMHO, stupidity is widely adopted in America as a means of escaping the fearful reality of fascism, and though I'm not a Marxist, there is a perspective he
Fox News Video: Williams Refuses to Talk About Heath Ledger and Discusses American Casualties in Iraq InsteadThis just in from my friend and fellow reforme
I've been writing about fascism for 20 years, and now that we are on the brink of open fascist rule, my work is, if not finished, just about defeated by th
By Bill GallagherBill Gallagher (left), a Peabody Award winner, is a former Niagara Falls city councilman who now covers Detroit for Fox2 News. His e-mail
From: Just Another Blog (in LA) http://mbouffant.blogspot.com/ Wednesday, October 03, 2007 Wandering through the wilds of the Amazon, we again encountere
CUNY Advocatehttp://gcadvocate.org/index.php?action=view&id=165From the Editor's Desk: It Can’t Happen Here: Or Has It?"Yes. Why are you afraid of the wo