By Alex Constantine Saccharin (o-toluene sulfonamide), the artificial sweetener with an acrid after-taste, was discovered in 1897 after it dawned on indust
WASHINGTON (AP) - June 18, 2022 — A federal appeals court on Friday rejected a Trump administration finding that the active ingredient in the weed kill
TAKE ACTION: Mexican Farmers Take On Monsanto By Callie Brazil on May 30 Goals: Support the efforts of small farmers in Mexico working against a law tha
By Dr. Mercola Food Consumer | March 26 2011 Victoria Inness-Brown conducted a personal two and a half-year experiment on the effects of aspartame, proba
" ... A newly discovered and widespread 'electron microscopic pathogen appears to significantly impact the health of plants, animals, and probably human be
The Monsanto MonopolyFilm delves into firm that controls more and more of world's food supply Jay StoneCanwest News Servicewww.canada.comAugust 01, 2008THE