Also current: "Karl Rove-linked aides launch Kentucky super PAC," Politico, April 4, 2013 April 14, 2013 Former Bush official Karl Rove’s speech at the
By Bob Egelko SF Chronicle, May 3, 2012 John Yoo, a law professor at the University of California at Berkeley, testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington in
By Jeremy Scahill The Nation | March 9, 2011 As Representative Peter King begins his hunt for Islamic radicals in our midst, including infiltrators of the
By Rev. WILLIAM E. ALBERTS CounterPunch | November 12 - 14, 2010 The Federal Bureau of Investigation pays a black man (Ronald Wilburn) $30,000 to offer a b
" ... Most counter terrorism experts dispute these claims saying there is no evidence to substantiate that waterboarding Al- Qaida leaders helped foil spec
In an interview with Deutsche Welle, the former UN Special Rapporteur on Torture lauds the Obama administration for joining the UN Human Rights Council.
By Daniel Tencer Raw Story | October 14th, 2010 A psychologist whose research was used in constructing the US's program to torture terrorism suspects has b
Violations of Nuremburg Code and Role of Health Professionals in Secret Torture Program Require Criminal Investigation CCR Demands New Intra-Agency Interr
LA News Monitor | June 7, 2010 An anti-torture non-governmental association, the Physicians for Human Rights, has revealed some gruesome facts: Medical per
By Renée Schomp | April 15, 2010 Yesterday in the National Review Online, Marc Thiessen attempted to repudiate New Yorker journalist
By BARBARA FERGUSON | ARAB NEWS | Mar 3, 2010 WASHINGTON: A security official at the US Embassy in Iraq said he believes State Department colleagues tri
Secret papers withheld by Chilcot inquiry reveal Foreign Office fears over invasion By Michael Savage | Reuters/Independent | 2 March 2010 Tony Blair give
Then Attorney General Goldsmith was 'pinned to the wall and bullied into keeping quiet' while the Prime Minister kept the Cabinet in the darkBy Brian Brady
CIA atrocities revealed to a national shrug By Ted Rall Boise Weekly, September 9, 2009 Godwin's Law be damned--it's impossible to read the newly releas
Spiegel 05/04/2009 The case of Khaled el-Masri and other victims of the Bush administration's practice of "extraordinary renditions" have been winding the
Dan LevineThe RecorderApril 13, 20099th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Jay Bybee - Image: Jason Doiy/The RecorderSix weeks before Gen. Augusto Pinochet ove
This is the last post for a spell. There are 2,144 posts at this site explaining how America has come to embrace fascism and lose its mass murdering mind.
Who will lead Bush's defense team—Rudy Giuliani?By Nat Hentoffwww.villagevoice.comOctober 1st 2008Over the weekend of September 13 and 14, a historic gat
Timothy BANCROFT-HINCHEYPRAVDA.Ru21.08.2008With what moral authority do these mainstays of the neoconservative, corporate elitist, greedy, self-interested