By Mark Hoofnagle Denialism Blog, May 18, 2012 Many of the climate change denialist sites have been up in arms by comparisons of climate change denial to h
UPI | May 16, 2011 FAIRFAX, Va., May 16 (UPI) -- Accusations of plagiarism have led a scientific journal to retract a study that condemned scientific suppo
" ... 'It kind of undermines the credibility of your work criticizing others' integrity when you don't conform to the basic rules of scholarship,' Virginia
The Times of London published utterly untrue stories about the "climategate" emails - now they regret the error By Alex Pareene Salon | Jun 25, 2010 Re
Los Angeles TimesAtlanta water use is called shortsighted - The rapidly growing metropolis' 'cavalier' attitude toward conservation is the real problem, cr
"'... I feel for the folks in Atlanta,' he says. ... 'We can survive. We're 145 people. You've got 4.5 million people down there. What are they going to do