Alex Constantine - September 12, 2008
First of all,please permit us to introduce ourselves to you. We are some of the Chinese victims from dozens of regions and cities across China, who have been cruelly harassed ,tortured and persecuted in a covert way by the means of secret remote control on human body & brain. Among us, there are corporate employees,teachers,students, retirees and other intellectual workers and physical workers. Our suffering period ranges from several months till over 30 years.
Thanks to Internet that builds a bridge for us to know each other, and it is same sufferings bring us to work together.
A group of secret criminals who abuse their powers, arbitrarily use “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain”, illegally manipulate our bodies and brains covertly, and also cruelly torture and harass us psychologically and physically and persecute us days and nights so that a lot of victims live a very miserable and horrible life.
Secret criminals utilize the weapons of “secret remote control on human body & brain” and remotely influence us, and consequently our bodies suffer from “physiological diseases and physiological behaviors” caused artificially from their weapons such as aching, itching, coldness, hotness, trembling, unwell feeling and unhappiness, and so that our brains suffer harrassments and tortures from “acoasma and hallucination”. Besides, criminals do all they could to shamelessly steal and indecently spread our privacy in our brains in a abnormal psychology,and crazily do all they could to intimidate and humiliate victims. All these vices do a great harm us psychologically and physically. Therefore , some innocent victims was forced to hospitals especially for being forced to accept mental treatment, some innocent victims were forced to suicide because of intolerable secret tortures and insults, and others died of “strange fatal diseases” yielded by criminals secretly in a special trap.
Such secret crimes as the wide abuse of their powers, the illegal use of “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain” and illegal violation of fundamental human rights, have resulted horribly in atrocity or the unprecedented anti-human catastrophe of human rights technically. These crimes not only challenge severely Chinese constitution and laws, but also human conscience, the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is NOT permitted by all the human beings at all!
Owing to the above-mentioned cases, Chinese victims jointly lodged “a collective complaint to Chinese President Hu Jintao” (please see attachment 1) on 3rd Dec. 2007, and emailed it to the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, every ministries of the State Council, major news media and the legal community who we asked to deliver the complaints to Chinese President.
Subsequently, we jointly announced " An Open Letter to the Head of Chinese Secret Institution" on 5th May 2008.(Please see attachment 2)
Chinese Goverment has the undisputed responsibility to take an immediate investigation into the secret criminals who abuse their power, and to sternly punish them according to the clause of "the State respect and protect citizens'human rights" set out by Constitution of PRC China. However, unfortunately,so far we have not received any response on the issue.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN General Assembly passed and published Resolution 217A (III) on 10th December 1948) stipulates in the following relevant clauses that:
Article 3 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 6 Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
Article 12 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
China is one of the creators of the United Nations, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a member of UN Human Right Council and one of the signers of UN Covenant on Human Rights. Therefore, China should seriously observe and enforce the relevant rules of UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
At present, the quantity of victims are increasingly rising around the globe. Thousands of victims strongly demand for an investigation into the sinful Hi-tech crimes which covertly violate human rights worldwide. A large quantity of the stated facts reveal that these secret fascist criminals are the common enemies of all the human beings who use Hi-tech means to arbitrarily secretly violate human dignity and fundamental human rights. The crazy secret Hi-tech crimes heavily threat and violate the fundamental rights of human livings in the world.
Challenged by the unprecedented worldwide catastrophe of human rights and the severe crimes of damaging human beings, we urge an immediate actions in union and bravely fight against the gangs of secret fascist criminals! We must disclose the horrible crimes which are covertly damaging human beings, and put them into the Judge Courtroom in International Criminal Court!!
Journalist and elites worldwide have the responsibility to provide supports for victims, the lawyers worldwide have the responsibility to stand by and offer a legal aid to victims.UN Human Right Council has the responsibility to safeguard human rights and to protect thinking right, sleeping right, health right and living right of all the human beings. International Criminal Court at Hague has the responsibility to carry out an investigation into the crimes denounced by victims, and to charge these secret fascist,the criminals who severely violate fundamental human rights with the Hi-tech Crime and the Antihuman Crime through and according to the relevant legal proceedings.
We, Chinese victims, support resolutely the global campaign of " Ban the abuse and torture of secret MIND CONTROL/PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS/Remote Human manipulation" through our practical actions. We strongly appeal for the United Nations to immediately stop the abuse of the means of the secret remote control on human body & brain which are used to cruelly harass and torture and persecute covertly common citizens.
We strongly urge the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to do his solemn duty to protect fundamental human rights of the whole world, and hold a urgent international conference on the ban of abusing “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain" so as to protect the validity of the UN Charter and UN Declaration & Covenant on Human Rights. Also, we demand for European Commission for Human Right to immediately put Article 27 of A40005/1999 into practice.
We strongly urge global news media to stand out to support justice, and to take a deep careful investigation into the secret Hi-tech crimes, and to expose truly the sinful facts of secret fascist criminals to the global people.
We strongly urge global legal community to stand out to offer a legal aid to all the victims and support justice based on the UN Charter and UN Declaration & Covenant on Human Rights.
We strongly urge UN Human Right Council to take an urgent investigation into these secret fascist criminals who arbitrarily use “the means of secret remote control on human body & brain” which have been crazily violating fundamental human rights.
We strongly urge International Criminal Court to take an immediate investigation into our complaints, and to charge these secret fascist criminals who heavily violate fundamental human rights with the Hi-tech Crime and the Antihuman Crime, and to make a historic great contribution to guarantee the fundamental human rights of all the human beings!!
With best regards,
Yours truly
Chinese victims' signatures as follows:
Nanjing Xin Zhongqing
13776686557 (
Yunnan Wang Ronghai 15008719951
Hunan Li Chunze 13435768567
Dandong Gao Xiaowei 13898510756
Shanghai Yu Rongjian 13120847702
Xiangfan Yu Feng 13995768279
Guilin Yi Shenglin 13978302663
Beijing Zhang Lei 13691103510
Hubei Liu Wei 13597878369
Shanghai Yu Lingbo 13321981271
Shandong Qi Changling 15154602071
Guangzhou Jiang Jin 13535358871
Hunan Guo Ruquan 15974413876
Jiangsu Sun Wei 13917698052
Sichuan Zheng Yun 13559949568
Zhejiang Cao Shijie 0576-86814070
Fujian Gan Zhiheng (0596)2302076
Liaoning Shi Yu 0410-2828530
Hebei Li Guanping 0310-2326981
Zhengzhou Zhao Feng 13903863768
Hunan Fan Li 13646218013
Guangxi Qiu Yongjin 0778-2565332
Zhuhai Zhang Lu 15812708601
Yantai Sun Bo 15064528015
Anqing Zhou Lianhong 13685568645
Jiangxi Lai Qixing 13712207193
Zhumadian Yuan Yuan 13525333332
Sicuan Chen Xiaoyi 15982732725
Hubei Long Wei 13469765313
Xuzhou Pei Weichuan 13033539006
Heilongjiang sky 13634601784
Nanning Huang Shanbing
Germany Wenxiu Zhou +49 162 7550 955
Jingzhou Zhang Sihai 15927724461
Yichang Wang Yang 13307203797
Qinhuangdao Ma Xinlan 13230383403
Jiangxi Xiong Lu 0795-7032879/7585069
Xuzhou Bai Lu 13685161290
Fujian Lin Zhen
Li Xuanwang
Kunming Ma Chao
Anhui Peng Yishan 13275779355
Nanjing Chen Shiwei 13211355448
Shanghai Liu Huamingzhi 13818051167
Hubei Zhang Chengzhu 13545372812
Hunan Zhu Zhuoxiong 13187326593
Guizhou Xin Yu
Hubei Ren Danting 13872825547
Hebei Di Manqi
Gilin Wang Yaqing 13894726370
Fujian Chenmei 0595-87058567
I am a human rights activist, and I am actively engaged in the Ti, targeted individual, community. I have a website
I am extremely happy I ran across your information, your situation is very common for Ti’s. I have stated many times not only is there is power in numbers, but contact and networking with others is extremely important. Simply breaking through the perp’s want to isolate us, their victims, is something that makes us exponentially less susceptible. They are continual attempting to undermine our attempts to free ourselves from their grip.
As you may know Google ranks our websites on the number of incoming links, this is a big part of how they rank web sites. I inadvertently ran across your information, and I really like it. We need to find power in numbers, and support each other. Very important please network my site, me, to those who stand against human experimentation, and would put a link to my site on their web site. The easier the information is to obtain on the harm and hardship inflicted by human experimentation the the higher the probability there is for it to get above societies awareness threshold. It really helps us all by networking and linking our efforts and information. Again Google and other search engines rank, or put information with more links higher in the returns when someone does a Internet search. Please do add my link on your site.
I hope to keep in touch with you, and write in more detail in the future.
I also would like to imform you that I have learned that the perps have
aggressively attempted to preempt me, if you sense anything please let me know. They are experts at short circuiting our efforts. I am not overly concerned, although I am aware they are doing this
Standing together for human rights,