" ... His letterhead lists a K Street address, the 1600 block, just up from the White House. ... "The Colorful Case of A Well-Named LawyerBy Neely TuckerWa
Wiki entry: Jeffrey A. Taylor is the interim United States Attorney for the District of Columbia.Prior to his work in Washington, DC, Jeffrey Taylor served
I haven't been posting recently, but had to address this one. Nerve-wracked blogger Matt Janovic - who has no nagging doubt that the DC Madam was a "suicid
Excerpt from: "Relief Disaster," by Joshua Kurlantzick, Mother Jones, September/October 2008 Issue: ... To run his AIDS initiative, Bush tapped former Eli
Lawyer: Military women worked for PalfreyNavy Times: "Several military personnel have worked as independent contractors for a California woman who federal
May 1, 2008ST. PETERSBURG, Florida (Reuters) - A woman convicted of running a prostitution ring catering to Washington's elite apparently committed suicide