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“I Made A Fool Of Myself Over John Foster Dulles”

Alex Constantine - April 7, 2009

"I Made A Fool Of Myself Over John Foster Dulles" - Song performed by a very young Carol Burnett on an installment of THE JACK PAAR SHOW in August of 1957 that later became a popular novelty record. The song parodied the teenage novelty records that glorified rock and roll singers. This song told of her infatuation with a politician-namely the Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles. The lyrics related the tale of how she got herself thrown into prison-classified as a "threat to the national security: Top Secret, First Class, 4.0, Double A!" At the song's conclusion she stated "I'm not un-American, and I'm not a spy, but how can I convince the FBI....that I'm simply on fire with desire for John Foster Dulles." John Foster Dulles, the object of her affection, actually missed the parody performance but he got to see a repeat of it a few days later. When a reporter asked Mr. Dulles what was going on between him and the enthusiastic young singer, he coyly remarked, "I make it a point never to discuss matters of the heart in public." The song (words and music by Ken Welch) was originally performed at the Blue Angel Nightclub in New York City during July of 1957.
