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Hoover and the FBI

" ...President Harry S. Truman wrote a memo on J. Edgar Hoover back in 1945. It stated that the FBI was moving in the direction of a Gestapo or Secret Poli

A Nation of Good Little Nazis

" ... There are no innocent bystanders in the US. We are all complicit - every one of us. ... "ALSO SEE: "Bush Fulfills His Grandfather's Dream"One little,


A man obsessed with racist ideas went on a shooting rampage in Perm, Russia, according to an August 29 report by the web site Newsru.com. The 28-year-old s

Mother’s Little Helpers

Sound Off! (Sept. 3)Las Cruces Sun-News" ... These pharmaceuticals which make the pills your doctor gives to you are companies from the German Nazi era. Th

Definition of “Al Qaeda”

From "Wars and Rumors of War," by Lord Stirling, www.opednews.com, August 18, 2008:" ... The United States, and various other nations, have been in a war i