WRITTEN BY WWW.DAILY.PK 08 MAY 2009 00:00Torture has received the most attention among the many war crimes of the Bush administration. But those who sup
War crimes statutes were violated. End of "debate." Lock 'em up and bury the key at Abu Ghraib. - ACLetter to Dunn County News (Wisconsin)May 3, 2009I not
Salt Lake Tribunehttp://www.sltrib.com/ci_1238051905/15/2009Much as he'd like to, President Barack Obama can't have it both ways. In releasing four memos t
by Jay Bookmanblogs.ajc.comMay 15, 2009President Obama has decided to oppose the release of photographic evidence of prisoner abuse by U.S. troops, reversi
"The people who actually fight the wars need to be left alone to do their job and supported to do their job, and then stand by what they've done, no matter
"The people who actually fight the wars need to be left alone to do their job and supported to do their job, and then stand by what they've done, no matter
www.allgov.comApril 12, 2009 Sabrina Harman and the body of Manadel al-JamadiThe Abu Ghraib scandal raised all kinds of speculation over whether U.S. perso
By CHARLIE SAVAGE and SCOTT SHANENYTMarch 8, 2009WASHINGTON — When John C. Yoo, a former Justice Department lawyer, was selected by President George W. B
Edited by Alex Constantine (Revised 25th January 2009 22:39:32)" ... 'FBI APEC Seattle, FBI used CIA-kidnapped children as prostitutes for blackmail,' but
One obvious but generally overlooked measure makes the need for an armed revolution against fascism unnecessary: " ... Enforce the law. ... " Reform the ju
by Pratap Chatterjee, Special to CorpWatch September 22nd, 2008 Clandestine gun suppliers, funded by the U.S. and Iraqi governments, have flooded Iraq wi
By Alex ConstantineThis is a partial report on Robert Wadman's lawsuit against my publisher, Feral House. Although the case was heard yesterday in an Ogden
Timothy BANCROFT-HINCHEYPRAVDA.Ru21.08.2008With what moral authority do these mainstays of the neoconservative, corporate elitist, greedy, self-interested
" ... Shorrock profiles CACI’s leader, Jack London, who since news of the scandal broke, 'has treated Abu Ghraib as a public relations problem.' Over the
By Alex Constantine Originally, Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 9/11 Terrorists (Part 31) (2005) The term "homeland security" is out of place in the American lex
French lawyer Jacques Vergès has represented some of the 20th century's most notorious criminals. Now, as his own mysterious past comes under scrutiny in
By Maryam Sakeenah Countercurrents.org | 21 May, 2008 The paradox in today's world is that alongside the loudly professed commitment to democracy, public
Joe Kay, WSWSuruknet.info12 April 2008Senior Bush administration officials, including Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, p
Interestingly enough, fundamentalists also similarly corrupt christian and islamic doctrines and values. So we are all being taken on a train ride to hell by the worst men on the planet.
Interestingly enough, fundamentalists also similarly corrupt christian and islamic doctrines and values. So we are all being taken on a train ride to hell by the worst men on the planet.