Alex Constantine - April 19, 2024
The article below is posted anonymously at the ProBoards website, an open discussion forum. In my 1995 investigative report on the case, I wrote about Bill Wasz and his entrapment in a twisted hall of mirrors that opens to two murders on South Bundy Drive. As I understood it, Wasz was involved with the Russian Mafia, but he claims that Kardashian had the Russian ties. Wasz may be covering his tracks here for fear of reprisal. OJ's best friend Al Cowlings had Russian mob ties, as I explained in my 1995 account (first published as a booklet, then as a chapter in Virtual Government in 1997), so it may have been through him that Kardashian was connected to the Russians. But this is only a footnote in a complex murder plot, so I won't quibble. In every other respect, this account coincides with my own.

There are plots within plots here, a mizmaze of betrayals that ends where my own report picked up, with Glen "Cross-Country Killer" Rogers murdering Nicole and Goldman. I began my investigation soon after the opening statements of the Simpson trial. I was warned by a Mob thug to back off the case. I refused. Shortly thereafter, Rogers broke into my Hollywood apartment building and set a fire ten feet from my door. The fire department responded immediately and put out the flames. If he had succeeded in burning me out, my files on the case would have been destroyed. Maybe that was the idea. The arsonist was arrested, but the only witness who saw him enter the building fled the country and prosecutors let him off the hook.
Rogers was evidently well compensated. When he fled Los Angeles, he flaunted cash, paid for drinks and motel rooms with hundred dollar bills. When Rogers was arrested on multiple murder charges in Kentucky, he confessed to the "Simpson" murders. The LAPD hasn't made a move to correct the record, and white America still believes Simpson was guilty. The jury and most African-Americans knew better.- AC
,,, It was just after Christmas 1993 when Wasz received a different type of call from Kardashian. This call sounded like an easy way for Wasz to make some fast money. It turned out to be the beginning of one of the most well-known murder stories in history.
“He asked whether I’d be interested in making some extra money,” says Wasz of the fateful call. Fast, easy money was always of interest to him, so Wasz agreed to the assignment. He thought it would be quick and easy.
Kardashian complained about Nicole, telling Wasz that she was unfaithful to O.J. He wanted Wasz to follow her and take pictures of other men she might be with so they could be sure of her unfaithfulness.
Kardashian offered $1,000 for the surveillance, and Wasz agreed to what he considered easy money. He says that for some reason Kardashian wanted the surveillance to take place on the last weekend of the first week in January 1994.
Wasz says Kardashian complained that he and O.J. were upset because Nicole was sleeping with friends of O.J. They wanted evidence and actual photographs.
“I agreed to the proposal thinking it would definitely be an easy grand, so why not,” explained Wasz. Although he had not done this before, he reasoned that it would be easy enough to follow Nicole and take a few pictures.
He didn’t have a camera, but that was no problem. Like anything else Wasz ever decided he wanted, he simply stole a Minolta 35mm camera with a zoom lens.
Wasz says Kardashian told him where to find Nicole, what time and day to begin. He provided detailed directions to her home, and orders to follow her for three days.
The easy money didn’t seem so easy when Wasz had to get up at 6 a.m. on Jan. 6, 1993. Despite his loss of enthusiasm for the assignment, he managed to get through traffic and arrive at the Simpson home on Rockingham about 8 a.m.
“I saw her white Ferrari still parked, so I knew that I had not missed her,” he related. It would be a stressful wait of nearly an hour before she came out. In his normal drug deals he would arrive, make a quick transaction with Nicole or O.J. and leave.
“In that neighborhood one doesn’t sit in one’s car without being noticed,” he explained of his concerns. “But like clockwork, as I was told by Kardashian, she came out wearing some white shorts over a black leotard, or workout suit. Her hair was pinned back and she looked the part that she knew she was, pretty damn fine.”
Wasz quickly discovered that following Nicole would be a major challenge. Her driving habits in her Ferrari nearly left Wasz lost in her dust. First stop of the day — a gym in Westwood.
It was a long two-hour wait, and Wasz began to question why he accepted the job. The task seemed menial and everything about it aggravated him. On one corner of his notepad, Wasz played with some numbers and concluded that a private investigator got paid far too little for the type of work he was doing.
“She came out around 11 a.m. and it was another drag race keeping up with her,” said Wasz. She only went a short distance to a toy store, and came out a few minutes later with something in a bag that she tossed into the back of the car.
Nicole never showed any indication that she knew she was being watched, but her speed made the job extremely difficult for Wasz. The next stop was a restaurant in Encino on Ventura Blvd. She had parked in a garage, and Wasz parked in a way that gave him a clear view of her car.
“It was a little over an hour wait” said Wasz. “I almost left to get something to eat when I saw her and a tall black guy. They were holding hands and both were smiling from ear to ear.” He quickly pulled out his camera and began taking pictures of a steamy encounter, which amazed even Wasz.
He did not know at the time that he had taken pictures of Marcus Allen, the professional football player. It was only later that he learned who he had caught.
Wasz had been hired to follow Nicole for three days, but he was looking for an excuse to end the challenging task early. Despite his desire to quit, he was concerned that he wouldn’t get paid, so he continued on.
Next stop for Nicole was a beauty parlor, then home. She didn’t come out until 6 p.m. dressed in a short red evening dress, according to Wasz. This time Wasz followed her to a Hotel where she used the valet parking and went inside.
After a long wait, and after being checked by security more than once, Wasz saw Nicole come out and drive off. This trip took Wasz directly into Beverly Hills were she went into a private home. Wasz panicked, tried to write down the address and left.
“It was a major rule of mine never to drive around Beverly Hills at night,” he explained. “Criminal suicide to say the least, because you will be pulled over if your car cost less than a hundred grand. I watched her enter a home and I knew that was it for me. I tried to get the address and wrote down what I thought it was, but I know I didn’t get it right.”
Wasz went home, drank and used cocaine by himself until early in the morning. He over-slept and it was noon before he got to the Simpson home. He was pleased to find that Nicole’s car was parked in its usual spot. It wasn’t long before she took him on another trip at a high rate of speed.
“I swear this girl thought she had carte blanche on the road or something,” said Wasz of her driving. She made a quick stop in a pre-school, then on to a video store on San Vincente where she dropped off some videos.
It was 1 p.m. when Nicole arrived at a fast food restaurant on Sunset. She picked up some food and brought it home. Wasz waited outside the house for at least two hours or more and then left, because a woman kept driving up and down the street looking at him.
He returned with apprehension after 7 p.m. He was extremely concerned that he would be stopped by police at that time of the evening.
Just as he was about to leave, Nicole came out in an evening dress and drove off at her usual rate of speed. Wasz followed and made a notation of her destination in his notebook then continued without stopping.
“I decided that enough was enough,” said Wasz. “This tail job was a clear bust if I kept pushing the envelope, so I went up Sunset and called Robert Kardashian.”
Kardashian tried to convince Wasz to go back and continue for another day, but Wasz would have nothing more of the assignment.
“I was adamant about following her in these neighborhoods. I wanted my money because I had photos that he would find worth the whole amount. He immediately changed his tone and became excited,” described Wasz of his conversation with Kardashian. They made arrangements to meet the next morning.
Wasz spent the night doing what he said was productive. Selling cocaine at some of the clubs. It was another late night, and another late morning. He nearly missed his meeting with Kardashian.
He went into the same parking lot where the two previously had culminated cocaine deliveries. Wasz went over to the car and saw that Kardashian had someone with him. He claimed it was his assistant, Mike.
Kardashian held out his hand and Wasz wanted to know if he would get his $1,000 along with another $750 that was owed for a previous cocaine delivery. Kardashian showed an envelope and continued to hold out his hand.
Wasz says now that he was tempted to punch Kardashian for his arrogance. Instead he handed him the notebook and the roll of film. Kardashian handed the notebook back, along with the envelope. He wanted the pictures. He knew what they contained.
“Give me a call the next time you need something,” Wasz told Kardashian.
“I will,” he replied as he drove off.
It was then that Wasz noticed he had been observed. A young girl in the drive-up window was watching everything, although Wasz knew she had no idea what had really taken place. He went to the window and ordered some food.
He ate the food on his way to replenish his cocaine supply. He refers to his suppliers as his “Columbian associates,” and he became their best salesman. Wasz arrived with Kardashian’s money, which he used to get cocaine inventory to sell later that night.
It was about a week later that Kardashian called Wasz at home in the evening.
“Can you come to see me tomorrow about a personal matter,” asked Kardashian, according to Wasz.
“What, McDonald’s again?” asked Wasz.
“No,” he replied. He wanted to have a lengthy discussion.
“I figured it was good for a couple of grand, or something from this dude,” explained Wasz. “All I had to do was have to deal with his arrogance and do some menial task I was sure.”
He knew his days as a free man in Los Angeles were numbered. Police were following him frequently as he went to and from night clubs selling cocaine. When he met with his parole officer, he discovered that information from his file was missing, most likely because he was being investigated by some other officer.
The signs were all around him that he needed to move on, but Wasz needed money to get out of town. A lot of money.
This time Kardashian wanted him to come to his home on Mandalay Drive in Encino.
As he drove to Kardashian’s home, Wasz planned to double his fee for what he thought would be a similar assignment to follow Nicole again.
Kardashian opened the door when Wasz arrived and invited him in and offered a drink. Although Kardashian does not drink or use drugs, he does not hesitate to offer both to his guests and business associates, according to Wasz.
Kardashian brought Wasz a gin and tonic and allegedly began a long recitation about what a problem Nicole was for he and O.J.
“He began telling me stories that I really didn’t want to hear,” Wasz recalled. “He told me how he leased this home from some Russian mobster named Sigelov, and how they were close personal friends and business associates.” He went into a lot of detail about mob involvements.
“He went on to tell me about the various companies he owned with O.J. and how they used these companies to ‘wash assets.’ He told how they ran a very successful sports betting ring and used O.J. as point man to the players, who were known to shave points in their favor from time to time,” Wasz recalled.
As Kardashian reportedly gave a detailed description of his illegal activities, Wasz found himself wondering why he was being told so much. This was not the discussion he was expecting, but he concluded that he didn’t really care. He knew if he were patient Kardashian would get to the part where Wasz could make some money.
Before long, the discussion came around to the surveillance that Wasz had performed for Kardashian the week before. He was grateful for the pictures, but upset by what they revealed. He told Wasz that he and O.J. were very hurt by Nicole’s actions.
Kardashian became emotional about the way he spoke of Nicole, and for the first time Wasz said he realized it was very personal. He could see that Kardashian and Nicole had once had an affair.
“He told me that Nicole was costing O.J. $35,000 a month,” explained Wasz. “And that she was sleeping with all these other men just to hurt O.J. She was also threatening to use her knowledge of their businesses to get them. She was a major deficit, and such a deficit as to have O.J. so distressed that he was becoming one (a deficit) as well over these facts.”
The long-time friendship of O.J. and Kardashian had been on the rocks for some time. Although the two had been close friends for about 25 years, they now had very little interaction with each other. Kardashian blamed Nicole for all the problems, and saw her as a threat to the future.
“Bill, I want you to make her go away,” Wasz claims Kardashian told him. “And we’ll pay you 15 grand in cash for doing it,” he added, with the implication that O.J. knew about the offer.
This was not the assignment Wasz expected. He was not a hitman for hire, and didn’t want to be. All he wanted was some money.
At first, he thought Kardashian was just speaking in anger without really meaning it, but then Wasz says he offered him a gun and showed him the cash.
“Then I knew he was serious,” said Wasz. The sight of the money convinced him that he had to figure out a way to steal it.
“We have a plan,” Kardashian supposedly told Wasz, but Wasz did not ask who planned this with him, or who he meant by “we.”
The plan involved stealing a vehicle owned by O.J.’s girlfriend, Paula Barbieri. Wasz says Kardashian tried to hand him a gun he had in his desk. Wasz refused. He said he knew where to get a gun that did not have the risk of a bad history already attached to it.
Kardashian was angry, and tried again to get Wasz to take the gun, but he refused and Kardashian backed off.
“He went on to say that this was to be done after O.J. and Nicole came back from their vacation in Florida, around February 8,” explained Wasz. “O.J. would be immediately flying out that night or the next, and that was when they wanted it done — when he was on the airplane.
Wasz says Kardashian spelled out the exact details of everything to be done — how and where to steal the truck, how to get in the Simpson home, how to shoot her, where to dump the truck and the gun, and how to collect the money.
“I quickly thought of how I could make this work for me. I knew that I would never shoot some girl in the head, but yet I saw some cash to be had,” said Wasz. He even thought that if he burned Kardashian it might be sufficient to scare him away from trying it again.
“I’d be out there with extensive knowledge as to what they were up to, and it would be insane to whack someone after that,” explained Wasz of his reasoning.
Wasz quickly made a deal which enabled him to get half the money after successfully stealing Barbieri’s truck. He tried to find a way to get the rest of the money as well, but Kardashian would not pay the rest until the deed was done.
Why such a low price for the hit?
“Back then they were not famous in the least. This was not a big deal,” said Wasz.
What was the benefit to O.J. and Kardashian?
“He said their plan was to capitalize from the travesty that was to occur, and all the while get rid of their ‘deficit.’ What better than to have the world’s sympathy for O.J., thus reviving a career that was almost non-existent at that point.
“I mean, even though O.J. had some well-off ventures, he was beginning to feel the beginning of the end. His ventures were such to the point that he probably had to enter into deals with Kardashian and his friends. Most of the younger generation simply did not know who he was — besides the ‘Hertz Car Dude.’
“Plain and simple, you can’t ride that wave forever and he knew it. And to top it all off, he was paying out 35K a month in alimony and child support to a girl who slept with his friends. So imagine being in his position,” explained Wasz.
They parted with an agreement. Wasz would wait for a call within a few days, and then steal Barbieri’s Toyota 4×4 and a gun. Kardashian would then pay him $7,500 as a down payment.
“As I walked out of his house I felt like I was about to make a major score off this arrogant bastard,” said Wasz. It was then that he began thinking about Kardashian’s claims of ties to the Russian mob.
“Then I sort of began to think of exactly why they would propose that I off her, and not one of their criminal associates in the Russian mob,” said Wasz. “Those guys are quite brutal and would have, no doubt, done her with pleasure.”
It was then that he realized something about the offer was not right, and later he would learn his suspicions were correct. He was not hired to be a hitman. He was hired to be a patsy.
The theft of the Barbieri truck, and the crime spree that followed, brought to an end the criminal activities of Bill Wasz. A man who now says his life is in danger as he sits in prison. He believes he is in danger from corrupt police and prosecutors who do not want his story exposed.
After a lengthy discussion of Kardashian’s organized crime involvement, and the reasons he needed to eliminate Nicole, Kardashian made his offer, according to Wasz. Wasz says he was asked to kill Nicole with a .25 caliber handgun, because it was a “lady’s gun.” He also wanted Wasz to use a truck that belonged to Paula Barbieri, and plant the gun in the truck after the murder.
Wasz says he could see he was being set up, but he needed money, so he figured out a way to get some money from Kardashian without actually killing Nicole. Kardashian agreed to pay him $7,500 once he stole Barbieri’s truck and the gun, according to Wasz. The remaining $7,500 would be paid when Nicole was dead.
Wasz needed money, and he believed he could get at least the $7,500 from Kardashian. He tried to figure out a way to get the remaining half of the payment, but decided against it. Kardashian didn’t know Wasz was in trouble.
“Unfortunately for him, I was already on my downward spiral in life. The coke was taking its toll on my body and my mind. I knew that it would not be long before I was busted,” explained Wasz.
Kardashian, he says, told him to wait for his call. He would tell him when and how to steal Barbieri’s truck. The situation had to be just right.
On Jan. 17, 1994 an earthquake hit California, and Wasz took full advantage.
“I decided to take the opportunity of the earthquake to acquire the ..25 caliber gun from a home where I knew where it laid. I figured all home security alarms would be disarmed for days, so why not just pop in and get what I needed to secure my ruse with Skunk Man.”
He went into the home and easily found the gun, as well as a .357 magnum revolver. Wasz helped himself to both.
“I took nothing else from the home because the people who owned itwere people who had always done me right, so I bypassed all the jewelry and valuables,” explained Wasz. “Besides, I’ve never really done house burglaries because I found them to be rather rude – going into someone’s home and such.”
His use of cocaine was out of hand, and Wasz knew he was in trouble. He checked into a detox center for a few days and came out feeling “like a million dollars, and recharged enough to take on what would turn out to be my demise,” said Wasz.
He called Kardashian, told him that he had the gun, and asked when he was going to give him the word to steal Barbieri’s truck. He said it would still be a few days.
The appointed day came on Jan. 23. Wasz says Kardashian told him the truck would be parked in the garage of the apartment building where Barbieri lived. He was to call her and be sure she was there before attempting to steal the truck. Once he had the truck it was to be left someplace where it would not be found for about two weeks.
Wasz needed the money, and agreed to all the instructions. When he arrived at the address, he made the call and discovered Barbieri was home. He hung up without saying anything, and headed for the garage with his bag containing “car acquisition tools.”
The garage was highly secured and Wasz couldn’t get in. When someone asked what he was doing he quickly left. Kardashian was angry that he had failed, but told him he would make arrangements to get the truck at an easier location.
The next day Kardashian called Wasz at a hotel where he was now staying. Barbieri would be at a hairdresser in Beverly Glen at 3:30 P.M. that afternoon, and the truck would be valet parked in an open garage. Wasz says he was reminded that the cash was waiting if he completed his assignment.
It was a day of many events for Wasz. He decided he would rob his drug supplier before stealing the truck. It was a time when he was using cocaine heavily, and he was feeling desperate.
He succeeded in stealing money and drugs from his Colombian drug connection, but not without a fast exit in a hail of bullets. In the process, he destroyed his car, and nearly lost his life.
He arrived at the parking garage on foot.
“The second I walked into that garage, I saw it,” said Wasz. “Sitting there like some kind of trophy. I looked around the garage and noticed that the one attendant was reading the newspaper in the little booth that was about twenty feet away. He never even looked my way.”
The door was unlocked and the keys were in the ignition.
“Never in my criminal life had I ever been so lucky. I just got in, turned on the ignition, and pulled off like it was nothing,” said Wasz.
Now that Wasz completed his task, and with one gun battle behind him that very day, he decided to let Kardashian know what he thought of him.
“I was going to burn this dude anyway,” explained Wasz, “and since he had this attitude, I’d might as well shove a gun in his face and bring some reality upon him. He’d just been living the million-dollar-life for too long and probably never had anyone take his money. So why not?
“I knew I was going down and it was a matter of time before I was dead or busted, so I thought that I might as well get as much money as I could and split town.”
Kardashian thought Wasz had hidden the truck after stealing it. The last thing he expected was to see Wasz driving straight at him in a mall parking lot.
“I can still to this day see the look on his face as he saw me drive up in the truck,” said Wasz. “His face went red, making his white streaked hair even more funny.”
He wanted his arrival to be dramatic, and it was. Wasz quickly jumped out, ran up to Kardashian’s white Lexus, and pulled out his gun when Kardashian began shouting at him.
“The next few seconds will decide whether you live or die,” shouted Wasz. Kardashian became quiet very quickly. He slowly reached for an envelope packed with cash as Wasz held the gun against his head.
“No longer did I hear the arrogance or smart remarks. The Skunk Man was momentarily tamed,” said Wasz of the event.
Wasz had the money, and a nice truck. It had been a dramatic day, and the drama was about to escalate.
Wasz stayed away from his usual hangouts, and started to party at different hotels. He had money, drugs, and a feeling of victory.
His plans were quickly dashed when he discovered a woman stole his cash while he was partying. That event brought about another exchange of gunfire when he pursued her to no avail.
Next came a series of robberies and a high-speed chase by police, more gunfire, and a bullet in his leg.
When police arrested Wasz, they found the controversial notebook in the truck. The notebook containing the information Wasz recorded as he followed Nicole. That notebook was not regarded as significant until later that summer when the murder took place.
Suddenly, Wasz would be remembered by police as they recalled the notebook with Nicole’s name on the first page.
The headlines were expected to say: “Obsessed stalker killed in police shootout.”
His time in prison has not been uneventful. Police and prosecutors were well aware of his claims, and the evidence to support them. Details of police interviews with Wasz in prison will be provided in future articles in this series, along with much of the evidence.
It was not clear as to why Wasz was told to steal Barbieri’s truck, why he specifically needed a .25 caliber pistol, or why he was selected for such a hit rather than one of Kardashian’s alleged Russian mob associates.
Those were the very things that Wasz claims tipped him off to the real plans Kardashian had for him. His suspicions were later confirmed to him by an investigator.
“Their actual plan was to have me steal the truck, hold onto it for a lengthy period of time (about two weeks), and commit the murder,” explained Wasz. “The police would be conveniently tipped off as soon as I got in the home and I was to be shot dead by them.
“Cops who just happened to be friends of O.J.’s. So there I would of been. Just shot Nicole in the head and the door breaks down, with me holding only a wimpy .25 caliber and shot dead while trying to escape.”
Wasz said he knew Kardashian could hire experienced hitmen from the mob if he wanted to just have Nicole killed. It was obvious to him that he was being set up. If Kardashian’s plan had worked, Wasz would have been dead and the world would never suspect anyone else was involved, he says.
But what purpose would it serve to have him drive the Barbieri truck? And why such a small caliber pistol?
Wasz says that Kardashian wanted him to think that Barbieri was the one being set up to keep him from suspecting that he was the real patsy. He was supposed to think that the hit was being set up to look like rival females fighting over O.J. The gun was a typical “lady’s gun.” In fact, records show that Barbieri registered a .25 auto right after her truck was stolen.
“I was to be labeled a stalker who was obsessed with O.J.’s women,” explained Wasz. “Why not? I’d been seen before with Nicole outside the Rockingham house (where she lived), and I’d been seen with Paula Barbieri at the Roxbury Club that night with O.J. and Kardashian. So the connections would have been there.”
If Wasz died in a gun battle with police after killing Nicole, those facts would have quickly come out, along with the notebook he used to document Nicole’s activities. There would have been no problem showing that he had been following her.
The murder of Nicole, and the declaration that police killed the obsessed stalker, would have been conclusive. No one would have questioned the story which would hit the front page of every newspaper.
“The world would of been completely at O.J.’s feet,” claims Wasz. “He’d never of had to worry about the 35K a month (he was paying to Nicole), her sleeping with his friends, or her telling anyone his criminal activities. Ever.
“And just imagine how much cash he’d of made from the media, tabloids, book deals, and movie rights. He’d have money coming from every direction. And above all else, he’d be O.J. the American hero who arose from the most devastating of personal tragedies.”
Wasz claims Kardashian hired someone else to replace him, not long after he was arrested. The plans were changed, but the outcome was still the same. Nicole was dead.
When Bill Wasz first saw the news about the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman he expected he would soon be drawn into the investigation. He was right, but the results were not what he expected.
Six months earlier he was arrested and police found a notebook detailing surveillance of Nicole. They did not see any importance to the notebook at the time, but kept it as evidence.
“If I waited and the cops pieced together what happened in January, then I ran the risk of being prosecuted and furthering my troubles even more,” he explained in an exclusive prison interview with WorldNetDaily.
“Waiting to see what would happen would be suicide, because one of many things could happen, and I would be left swinging in the wind,” said Wasz. He decided to become proactive and not wait for the police to come looking for him.
Wasz called his attorney, public defender Joann Harrold, and told her about the notebook being held by police. He didn’t explain how the notebook originated, but he did explain what it contained. What was her reaction?
“Well, lawyers being lawyers, she immediately stated that the objective was to obtain a photocopy of this evidence before it was found out by the cops that they even had it,” said Wasz. “Mainly to sell the photocopies to the highest bidder before someone in the cop shop did, which they did on many things in that case.
“I concurred, because the amount of money she was projecting was such that I could retain a decent criminal lawyer who could help me, not only in the dilemma of O.J., but my current case of multiple armed robberies.”
Wasz learned never to trust anyone, so when his lawyer told him that “A Current Affair” had offered $50,000 for a copy of the notebook, he called the show himself and found out the real offer was $75,000. He dumped Harrold and hired John Stewart.
Stewart told Wasz of his friends in the Newport Beach Police Department who would help him.
“It was about two days later when he told me over the phone that he not only had copies, but the actual notepad itself,” recalled Wasz. “I panicked.”
Stewart told Wasz that he had an offer of $125,000 from a media source for the notebook itself. Photocopies would not get that kind of money, he claimed.
“He told me that he told the cops that he was my criminal lawyer, and since he already knew some of the cops there, they gave him the damn notepad and my bullet-holed and bloody clothes,” said Wasz.
Stewart quickly found himself in extremely hot water. Newport Beach police accused him of taking the notebook under false pretenses and threatened to complain to the California Bar Association.
“He had that knowledge and never said anything,” said Newport Beach Police Sgt. Andy Gonis, quoted in a Los Angeles Times story. “He misled us when he stated he was the attorney of record and when he claimed to be retrieving his client’s personal belongings.”
Stewart quickly handed over the notebook to the Los Angeles Police Department and explained the tie to the murder investigation.
“We believe at the very least his conduct was inappropriate,” Gonis said at the time.
“I never tried to sell the notebook,” Stewart told the Los Angeles Times. “But I was trying to see if there was value to the story.”
He would not tell reporters what was in the note pad. All he would say was, “If it’s legit, it’s interesting.”
“Stewart showed up at the jail the next morning at 6 a.m. sweating and shaking,” described Wasz. “I never saw a lawyer awake and on his job at 6 a.m. He was scared. The cops had threatened him with criminal charges. Never have I seen a lawyer as worried as he was that morning. Terrified was more the word.”
First the police came from Newport Beach to investigate Stewart. Soon after the police from the LAPD arrived to ask about the note pad and the theft of Paula Barbieri’s truck.
“I gave no statement besides that I took the truck, and that was it,” said Wasz.
Wasz says he expected police to investigate and figure everything out for themselves. When police returned to interview him they have had growing files of evidence with them. Evidence which indicated that Wasz was and is telling the truth about being hired by Kardashian to kill Nicole in January 1994.
“What I did not know at that time was that Marcia Clark had ordered them to stop their investigation of me because it did not conform to her plans,” explained Wasz. “She thought that she had it all wrapped up and a conviction secured. So she told the cops that I was to be covered up and discredited.”
There are police who disagreed with the way Clark was ignoring the Wasz evidence, and they later made it known to Wasz through a third party.
Wasz did not watch much of the trial, but he did watch the verdict and said he observed Kardashian closely. Could he explain Kardashian’s shocked reaction when the verdict was read?
“O.J. told him (Kardashian) to stand by him until the end or he’d tell them everything that went on, not only in January of ’94, but what involvement he had in June,” explained Wasz. “So he sat next to O.J. out of pure fear that if he abandoned him, O.J. would talk, and talk loud.
“But when the acquittal came in, O.J. no longer held that card against him because it was all over. O.J. could not be retried, ever. He could only be retried if Kardashian or he himself told of the conspiracy to kill the girl previously.
“But only they and I held that information, and they sure as hell will never say anything. And I am a convicted criminal who can easily be discredited.