Slate | January 27, 2011 Ted Haggard, the former evangelical pastor who was ousted from the megachurch he founded after it was revealed that his extracur
She promises weekly lessons for freshman members on how God wrote the Bill of Rights Video By Alex Pareene | War Room | November 17, 2010 Boy, does this s
By Sarah Posner Religious Dispatches | October 11, 2010 Just before this year's Values Voter Summit, the progressive advocacy group People For the American
" ... Nearly half (47 percent) of Americans who consider themselves members of the Tea Party movement also consider themselves part of the "Christian conse
"Does Jim Wallis represent evangelicals or does he represent the leftist, atheist billionaire?" -- Mark Tooley, IRD President By Jeff Walton Christian Ne
" ... Coe ended her anti-Muslim rant on Saturday rather subdued: she told minions that mosques teach people how to 'abolish U.S. Constututional rights and
By John Del Signore The Gothamist | June 10, 2010 A surprising legal victory has ended in idiotic failure for a school safety officer who refused to wear h