" ... The group’s rules forbid members from discussing it, and the media [are] barred from covering its meetings. ... Hart Williams, who has tracked Fri
Also see: "Mitt Romney's Mentor was Mormon Bircher Cleon Skousen" Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life ... Cleon Skousen was a right-wing crank who
From: "The Council for National Policy: Selected Member Biographies" Jack Abramoff - CNP Member 1984-85, 1988. National Chairman, College of Republicans; C
By Max Blumenthalwww.israelenews.comMarch 09, 2008Last week, while the media focused almost obsessively on the DNC's spectacle in Denver, the country's mos
Blamed in the deaths of Iraqi civilians, the private security firm has long ties to the White House and prominent Republicans, including Ken Starr. By Ben
http://www.fosterfriess.com/content/blogcategory/28/45/ ... Foster trained at Fort Benning, Georgia as an Army infantry platoon leader and then served as