By Rebecca Boyle Popular Science | February 19, 2011 Photo: Naval Lasing Raytheon's prototype ship-borne laser system has effectively shot down UAVs from before Star Wars at the end of WWII it was discovered that Nazi scientists at a research center in Hillers
SOURCE: Flightglobal.com17/01/07"... The manufacturer and BAE Systems are in the third phase of the DHS’s counter-Manpads (man-portable air defense syste
By ewing 2001 2004 i almost already laid it all out. 9/11 was part of a bigger business picture to help increasin
By Alex Constantine The transition from TRW in Redondo Beach to Cleveland's NASA Glenn Research Center wasn't easy for Dan Goldin. "I came out of the bla
By Alex Constantine
Research Assistance by Team8
NABS, BAMBI and Space Station
Commander Rumsfeld
Walter Dornberger had a dream. The Paperclip rocket scien