Plagiarism – JFK Assassination Revisionist Gerald Posner is a Repeat OffenderGerald Posner's Case Closed, celebrated as downright revelatory by major media far and wide as the bottom line on John Kennedy's murder, had a lie in it -2010-02-09 13:00:56914 views 1K shares 582 0 507
Ian Masters' "Truth Package" – Censored by the CIAKPFK Listener Forum Ian Masters' "Truth Package" - Censored by the CIA Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:06 http://www.buzz2006-03-13 13:53:00914 views 1K shares 582 0 507
Plagiarism – JFK Assassination Revisionist Gerald Posner is a Repeat Offender John Doe Tuesday, February 9, 2010 5 Comment