" ... It takes more than direct political donations and revolving door lobbyists to gin up public support for foolish wars. So defense contractors contribu
Source : Reuters News Center | December 3, 2010 Vladimir Putin rules Russia by allowing a venal elite to siphon off cash from the world's biggest energy pr
By Emi Kolawole Washington Post | November 4, 2010 (Correction: An earlier version of this post incorrectly reported that Sarah Palin had retweeted a posti
AllGov.com | October 23, 2010 In a highly unusual foreign policy move, the Obama administration has decided to sever all assistance to certain units of Pak
" ... Thirty members of Congress wrote to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Wednesday calling on the administration to suspend aid -- particularly mi
" ... Vickers is a holdover from the Bush administration. He worked closely with Gates at the CIA in the 1980s, when Vickers was 'the principal strategist
" ... Bruce had once tried to start his own militia. He told an FBI agent that he was afraid of the recently-elected President Obama, who he thought was ou
" ... I apologize to the President for ... my efforts to placate the extremists who dominate [the Republican] Party today. ... " By Peter Hamby Political
" ...Television is doing our thinking for us, and 'people medicate themselves into bliss' ... by believing anything they see and hear on television, as evi
The billionaire head of the private equity giant which owns Center Parcs and the London Eye has likened US President Barack Obama’s plans to raise taxes
By David Jackson USA Today | Aug 05, 2010 One of the tough things about studying the presidency is trying to determine the difference between what happens
Barack Obama's decision to grant an amnesty to CIA operatives who used controversial interrogation techniques on terror suspects has been criticised by
By WARREN P. STROBEL, JONATHAN S. LANDAY AND JOSEPH NEFF McClatchy Newspapers | June 27, 2010 The security contractor Blackwater Worldwide tried for two ye
By Jesselyn Radack Government Accountability Project | June 11, 2010 According to the New York Times, Obama has already surpassed his secrecy-loving pre
Targeting Whistleblowers: Truth Telling Julian Assange Endangered By Stephen Lendman | Al-Jazeerah | June 14, 2010 More than ever under Obama, we live in a
A Republican congressional candidate in rural Idaho faced an eve-of-election accusation of plagiarising a famous speech by his ideological foe President Ba
By Jeffrey Kaye The Public Record, May 25th, 2010 A new article at Truthout I co-wrote with author and investigative journalist H.P. Albarelli describes ho