By Suzanne SimonsNew York, Harper/Collins$27.99, 279 pagesReview by Alex ConstantineI approached this book with some skepticism after reading on the bookfl
Arlene CulpepperExaminer.comMay 21, 2009 While this topic does not involve crime per se, it does involve some very interesting New Orleans style politics,
by Mark FightmasterBloggingstocks.comJun 16th 2009 In what an attorney calls a story of "anger, betrayal and cover-up," we are learning that former America
Oakland Tribune staff 06/14/2009 Antiterrorism training materials used by the Department of Defense teach that public protests should be regarded as "low-
New report on Zodiac caseBy Laura DudnickBay City News Servicewww.contracostatimes.com06/14/2009SAN FRANCISCO — A woman who in late April stood in front
By James Lyons and Tom Parry BNP Euro MPs Andrew Brons and Nick Griffin like to present themselves as plain-speaking discovery in Boulder County last week of a dead bald eagle apparently harvested for its head, talon
Compiled by Alex ConstantineThere were signs early in Obama's tenure as president, centering around flagrant conflicts of interest at the Department of Hea
BY JAMES GORDON MEEKDAILY NEWS WASHINGTON BUREAUJune 2nd 2009WASHINGTON - CIA clandestine operative Gregg Wenzel's official cover was lifted Monday, when i
kennebecjournal.mainetoday.comKennebec Journal05/29/2009Have you noticed that Dick Cheney's mug is still everywhere?He appeared on the tube right after Pre
" ... Stone was already working on major exposes that would show that American cartels were doing business with Nazi Germany. ... " By Myra MacPherson, au
She calls him 'daddy'. He bought her a £6,000 necklace for her 18th. Silvio Berlusconi's relationship with Noemi Letizia has already seen his wife file fo
By Alex ConstantineGetting Away with Mass Murder is a Breeze in Alfred E. Newman NationThe press has reported widely that pilot "chit-chat" in the last fiv
Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs: Who is Larry EchoHawk?May 10, 2009 Larry EchoHawk, President Obama’s choice to head the Bureau of Indian Affairs,
President Obama's centrist, pragmatic policy inclination has potentially begun to alienate one-time liberal supporters. Under the headline "Some On Left So
Alana RobertsDaily Business 18, 2009Squire Sanders & Dempsey partner Pedro Martinez-Fraga has been forced -- after at least four years
By Elizabeth Cook-Lyn (Excerpt)Professor Emerita, English and Indian studies, Eastern Washington University, Rapid City, S.D.www.indiancountrytoday... Pres
By C Shanti May 14, 2009A company marketing so-called e-cigarettes claims that a proposed ban on the produ
Dr. Mercola April 23 2009 The international drug company Merck had a hit list of doctors who had to be "neutralized" or discredited