"... The CIA was using companies like Zapata to stage and supply secret missions attacking Fidel Castro’s Cuban government in advance of the Bay of Pigs
VIENNA, Austria (AP) August 22, 1994 -- Another papal honor has been accorded the Waldheims, despite criticism over the papal knighthood granted to the for
PART 17 Deanna Spingola December 14, 2008 NewsWithViews.com Nagata Tetsuzan, in company with Obata Toshiro and Okamura Yasuji (all three trained in mili
The IAPA lordsABN 28/03/2008 Caracas, March 26 ABN.- The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) is a cartel of the great owners of the continent's mass me
Lawsuit accuses paparazzi of luring Ledger to drugs party14/04/2008 - 2:39:25 PM A new lawsuit claims Heath Ledger was set up by two photographers who secr
By MARSHA DORGAN Napa Valley Register March 25, 2008 The trial of a young Napa man accused of shooting an elderly male acquaintance in 2007 got under way
Documents show evidence of N-deal - Fresh discovery of U.S. memos show link between Okinawa return, N-weaponsSatoshi Ogawa and Yuji YoshikataDaily Yomiuri
By Joseph Coleman TOKYO, AP Indymedia March 2, 2007 Declassified documents reveal that Japanese ultranationalists with ties to U.S. military intelligence