" ... Allegations that the US had pressured Switzerland to bury the case against the Tinners surfaced in 2008, after the Swiss government ordered 100 pages
Source : Reuters News Center | December 3, 2010 Vladimir Putin rules Russia by allowing a venal elite to siphon off cash from the world's biggest energy pr
By David Swanson Australia.to News | November 27, 2010 The Neoconservatives, despite wandering in the wilderness after their Iraq debacle, are trying to ke
Jamie Kirchick must go by Justin Raimondo | AntiWar.com | November 01, 2010 Amidst the brouhaha over Juan Williams getting fired from his job at National P
" ... There is a CIA branch within its Directorate of Operations which deals entirely in media operations, mostly abroad (they're strictly illegal in the U
" ... A question about Vietnam the Bundys could never answer: 'How many Vietnamese and American lives were worth a failed demonstration of America's credi
By Roddy Newman Anti-Fascist Encyclopedia Contributor While there has been much debate about the wars in Iraq, the Balkans and Afghanistan, the most im
NATO's Secret Armies - by Stephen Lendman OpEd News | September 15, 2010 In his book, "NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Euro
" ... This controversial MGM film emerged, after many revisions -- some demanded by the White House -- as a Hollywood version of the official Hiroshima nar
" ... Scientists and others concerned with the environment began debating the value of nuclear weapons. The tobacco industry recruited several scientists
Targeting Whistleblowers: Truth Telling Julian Assange Endangered By Stephen Lendman | Al-Jazeerah | June 14, 2010 More than ever under Obama, we live in a
Robert Booth, Stephen Khan and Ian Ferguson The Guardian | June 6, 2010 Solicitor Peter Cathcart leaving his office in Uxbridge. Photograph: Sam Frost A b
" ... Ledeen relies on dubious and discredited sources, such as Manuchar Ghorbanifar, who the CIA placed on its 'burn list' as a serial fabricator long a
The following brief history of ABC offers a perfect snapshot of everything that has gone wrong with the media. This remarkable story includes ABC's takeove