Uploaded by DOCSAFETUBE on May 6, 2011 Operation Mockingbird was a secret Central Intelligence Agency campaign to influence domestic and foreign media be
Walter Bowart: The Secret History of Mind Control CKLN 88.1 FM - Ryerson Polytechnical University Toronto Ontario International Connection Mind Control Se
From: The Institute for Economic Democracy The CovertAction Quarterly, put out by disaffected CIA agents, recognized corporate America was wrapping a large
By Jack Goldsmith Lawfare | February 14, 2011 In connection with the publication of his new book, Known and Unknown, Donald Rumsfeld has created an on-line
Jericho movement launches petition to reopen COINTELPRO cases Michael Richardson Examiner | January 18, 2011 Jericho is a small-scale movement with a d
By Roland G. Simbulan, Convenor/Coordinator, Manila Studies Program University of the Philippines (Lecture at the University of the Philippines-Manila, Riz
" ... There is a CIA branch within its Directorate of Operations which deals entirely in media operations, mostly abroad (they're strictly illegal in the U
In Struggle with the American Mind (Excerpt) by William Blum The Anti-Empire Report October 2, 2010 Patrice Lumumba Since The Great Flood hit Pakistan in
A closer look at the famous post-Watergate investigation into domestic spying abuses and how it led to a secret court to authorize surveillance requests. B
By Stephen R. Weissman AllAfrica.com | August 1, 2010 [Stephen R. Weissman is author of "An Extraordinary Rendition," in Intelligence and National Security
By Andra Lim| Daily Bruin| May 25, 2010 In Campbell Hall 41 years ago, two UCLA students and members of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense were murde
By Andrew Becker
Politics Daily, April 3, 2010
President Gerald Ford secretly authorized the use of warrantless domestic wiretaps for foreign intellige
"... Speculations about a possible CIA role at the 'privately operated' Radios began circulating publicly almost as soon as the stations began. Although it
Also see: "Ritual Abuse" I first publshed this in 1994. Some details have changed with the passage of time, eg. MKULTRA's Martin Orne, an advisory board m
By Deborah Dupre Examiner September 5, 2009 Stand up for Jones Van Jones' charisma and commitment to creating a green economy and generating jobs for pe
"... But a growing chorus of voices, some of whom served on the original committee and some of whom currently occupy oversight positions in Congress, have
www.hillcountrytimes.com By Dixie Pape 04.AUG.09In what first starts like a bizarre cloak-and-dagger tale and turns into something from a sci-fi movie, end