Move over, L. Ron Hubbard ..." ... It's not quite your standard Nazis-win-World-War-II book. Okay, it mostly is. But it's slightly different. ... It's been
Series Edited by Alex ConstantineMichael Moriarty: "The Koran can be read like Hitler's Mein Kampf. It demands to rule the entire human race. ... The measu
Arab Obama and is Arab Friends [incl. Rashid Khalidi]by Linda CowanThe Conservative VoiceJuly 24, 2008"The revel
tarobb.blogspot.comOctober 20, 2008Four kids from our White Pride Home School co-op in Harrison, ArkansasThe 22nd annual White Christian Heritage Festival
www.motherjones.com10/17/08... Human Events, a [CIA propaganda fount and] leading conservative magazine, sent out a promotional email the other day for an
" ... He prepared to run as a Democrat for Congress in Connecticut, where paperwork for one of his campaign committees listed as one purpose 'to exterminat
" ... The Heaven's Gate theology, for all intents and purposes, is Christian. In fact, it's so steeped in classic neo-Platonist theological motifs that it'
" ... Arizonans in general are far too forgiving of neo-Nazis and white supremacy, and this apathy needs to end. This state is a hotbed of racist activism.
" ... Corsi portrays himself as a secretive, dishonest, calculating physical coward who pretended to be the Count of Monte Cristo to avoid military service
blogs.usatoday.comESPN yanked one of its radio hosts off the air after he told listeners he hoped Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., "would live long enough to
" ... It's going to become a Garden of Eden, and Christ is going to rule it." May 18, 2008 By: Posner, Sarah Some influential evangelical leaders are lob
The John Birch Society, the fascist front organization started up after WW II with funds from the Nazi old guard, cannot tolerate left-wing "collectivism,"
PHOENIX—John McCain is refusing to renounce the endorsement of a prominent Texas televangelist who Democrats say peddles anti-Catholic and other intolera
" ... Pipes and Barone are doing nothing but 'branding Obama a Muslim, by a subtler means.' ... ”thinkprogress.orgLast month, neocon Daniel Pipes publish
Tony Perkins (no secular relation to the actor in the movie Psycho)" ... The elevation of Americanism to the divine has lowered the opposition, for whateve
From: Just Another Blog (in LA) Wednesday, October 03, 2007 Wandering through the wilds of the Amazon, we again encountere
By Alex Constantine"Travis Gruber," a general's aide, is under investigation for advocating fascist-style mass murder on the Internet: "'I, honestly, would
By Danny Hakim NYT | August 22, 2007 Roger J. Stone Jr., the