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America’s War Criminals

By JONATHAN POWER www.gulf-daily-news.com November 24, 2009 Someone, somewhere, has to say it and thus confirm what the Pentagon always feared would happe

In Peru, Operation Condor Revisited

Caveat: Peter Kornbluth of the National Security Archives, quoted below, tends to conceal essential intelligence-related information. He is a puppet of the

Philip Agee Versus the CIA

By JEAN-GUY ALLARDPhilip Agee, the former CIA agent who in 1968 had the courage to resign from an agency that was known for its criminal support of bloody

Operation CONDOR References

Operation Condorhttp://www.mahalo.com/Operation_CondorThe Mahalo Top 7Wikipedia: Operation CondorWashington Post: An Assassination, A Failure to Act, A Pai