29,2009 The Human Terrain System, a program which embeds social scientists with brigades in
WRITTEN BY WWW.DAILY.PK 01 NOVEMBER 2008 The five-story, 325,000 sq. ft. RAND corporate headquarters in Santa Monica, CA Shocking proposal u
The hidden History of World War II Part I: Corporate America and the Rise of Hitler By Bill Doares May 8 [was] the 50th anniversary of the defeat of Nazi 03 July 2008 Getting Away with the Supreme International Crime by Kim Petersen The US and its coalition has been ground down by the
WTC 7 Emergency Head Was Building Collapse Specialist Paul Joseph Watson The former New York City chief emergency manager Jerome Hauer, whose office was o
Video BusinessRELEASE DETAILSTitle: The Reich UndergroundRelease Date: 05/20/2008Label/Distributor: First RunRating: NR (Not Rated)Retail Price: $24.95Genr
One of the leading lights at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on 9/11 was Kenneth Langone - also a director of ChoicePoint, which threw t
BY JEAN-GUY ALLARDGranma InternationalHER name and her accent are from the movies. Her manner of an incorrigible young girl, her humorous regard and ironic
" ... Guantanamo has three Starbucks stands ... " by Nick Turse Metropolitan March 2008, 304 pages $24.00 by Chris Barsanti At some point while readers a
By Roberto J. González González's ZSpace pageIn July 2005 the U.S. Army initiated a $20 million counterinsurgency program called the Human Terrain System
Vanity FairMega-contractors such as Halliburton and Bechtel supply the government with brawn. But the biggest, most powerful of the "body shops"—SAIC, wh
By Chalmers Johnson Asia TimesJanuary 8, 2008I have some personal knowledge of Congressmen like Charlie Wilson (Democrat - 2nd District, Texas, 1973-1996)
www.granma.cuNovember 30, 2007• Fidel Castro was probably the first person to understand and denounce the conspiracy involved • General Lemnitzer and o The Education Forum > Controversial Issues in History > JFK Assa
Travel agent helped man accused of being Nazi guard Dec. 7, 2006 CLEVELAND—Jerome Brentar, a travel agent who helped a retired auto worker fight charges