" ... although it is hard to find closure in a film with such a horrifying ending we leave with great admiration for both Pearl and Jolie, and a newfound u
Chris Benoit Ring Of Death Book Review Michael Maiello 06.28.07 http://www.forbes.com/2007/06/28/book-review-wrestling-oped-cz_mm_0628wrestling.html La
Angelina Jolie has made a film about the murder of Daniel Pearl, and committed the offense of shunning Fox News reporters who requested an interview (the f
Remember Al Cowlings? Lansky Lt. Joey Ippolito's bodyguard and driver for eight years, and a famous football player before that?He opted for the Fifth Amen
Pham Xuan An Professor chronicles life of communist spy By Blair Anthony Robertson Sacramento (Calif.) Bee 06.14.2007 Pham Xuan An was a longtime spy for
" ... Somewhere along the production line, though, Biggie & Tupac morphed into something much more. Something unfluffy; something with a backbone; somethin
The American government murdered this man of peace in cold blood. John Lennon's fans contend that they adore his memory and his work ... YET ASK NO HARD QU
European Jewish PressUpdated: 21/May/2007 16:02 Elisabeth Taylor bought the "View of the Asylum and Chapel at Saint-Remy" for 257,600 dollars (191,500 euro
Introductory Note: The Guardian asks, "Is America on the Road to Fascism?" This is a wilfull distortion - America has been fascist for decades, the denials
"Brown proceeded to tell Alpert the mob had such control over the music industry that it could demand huge kickbacks from most performers.... " Brown's act
Mae Brussell – World Watchers International radio broadcast, March 21, 1982. Transcribed and edited by Alex Constantine When John Belushi died, there wa
Something else that's not right: middle aged men having sex with teenagers (aka statutory rape)
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There are people who have known about this for YEARS now............the extreme racist right has ALWAYS played a part in the elite hegemony.