Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker won his election in 2010 on a promise to create 250,000 new jobs. To lead the effort, Walker created his flagship Wisconsin
The head of a white supremacist group, cited by the suspected gunman who killed nine people at a black South Carolina church last week, has given thousands
Published by Las Vegas Free Press, 2015 - hardcover Age of Secrets is a biography on former U.S. Senate Candidate, John H. Meier, who was intimately invo
Among the many things that Arizona Republican Rep. David Schweikert should know is that an American politician (or anyone else) must never, ever, EVER comp
In a speech calling for an expansion of voting rights, Hillary Clinton attacked what she described as efforts to restrict voting by Republican governors wh
At a recent campaign event, Rick Santorum managed to keep his chin up despite only one voter turning out to his event. Seeing the small turnout, Santorum
After our 11Alive Investigators report, the organization that put the corporations and lawmakers together at a Savannah resort is responding. WXIA June
"... The Birchers have piggybacked on Tea Party activities in order to attract new members and gain a larger audience for their ideas. The recent moves
Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert paid a man from his past to conceal sexual misconduct, federal law enforcement officials said, according to a report
Two career prosecutors--one a Republican, one a Democrat--just called Scott Walker a liar, and not a single national newspaper took notice. The comments c
Four years before the financial collapse, Goldman Sachs executive George Herbert Walker IV had much to be thankful for. "I've been fortunate to be a sma
"... Economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-base
Ted Cruz: Friend to Fascists, Past and Present BY KAROLI Last week we gave you the skinny on the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Empower Texans and the
Jan. 4 2012 After a thorough beatdown in the Iowa caucuses last night, Newt Gingrich turned this morning to Miami, announcing a new gala fundraiser at th
The letter by those 47 Senators is getting scorned and abused nationwide. The hashtag #47Traitors has been trending on twitter. Huffpo speculates that it w