December 4, 2015 WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump knew a man he named as a senior business adviser in 2010 had been convicted in a major Mafia-linked stoc
The Koch brothers’ company sold chemicals to Iran, the proceeds from which may have gone to Republican interests. Tea Party leaders, meanwhile, make hun
"... Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), who introduced a competing bill aimed at undercutting the provisions to block those on the terror watch list, warned that
PRWatch, November 19, 2015 The Kochs have been complaining about a "lack of civility in politics" as they seek to boost their public image--but one of the
(Excerpt from PRWatch) Reverse mortgage pitchman and former Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) passed away on November 1, 2015, at the age of 73, but his legacy
"... Jeb was also integral in securing a number of 'pardons' of Cubans involved in terrorist acts. A prominent example was his intervention to help release
A pending lawsuit in the Manhattan Supreme Court charges that at least 600 former students of the now defunct Trump University, founded by leading Republic
Pew released a survey yesterday showing that the Republican brand has taken a serious hit since the beginning of this year. While voters are split on the
Source: News 24, 2015-07-03 London - Judges at a Scottish court ruled that relatives of people killed in the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am jet over Lockerbie,
"... Several top InnoVida officials have checkered pasts. One of the company's owners was convicted of cocaine trafficking in 1990. A decade earlier, a fut
New child abuse scandal hits Mike Huckabee: Republican White House hopeful's co-author molested girl, 11, and escaped charges because of statute of limita
There's more bad news for The Donald. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s line of luxury hotels may be the latest victim of a credit card da
23 JUN 2015 AT 05:30 ET The New York Times reported this morning that Earl Holt—the leader of the white supremacist group, the Council of Conservative C
"... The Council of Conservative Citizens Inc. is listed by the Internal Revenue Service as a nonprofit organization that promotes social welfare, also kno