October 25, 2013 Republicans are demanding cuts in Social Security and Medicare if Democrats want to change the terms of the "sequester." ... So is the m
" ... The current government shutdown is a foretaste of the radical right's deadly serious agenda to take sole power, irrespective of their increasing unpo
"... [The] disclosure of Graham as an aspirant war criminal did not excite any commotion when it became public in 1989. ... Very different has been the rec
I watched a Chris Hayes’ panel on Thursday, October 9, 2013. They were discussing the government shut down and the debt ceiling. No one mentioned that th
A federal judge on Monday sentenced former U.S. Rep. Rick Renzi to three years in prison for convictions on public corruption, money laundering and other c
October 18, 2013 The crisis in Washington was always partly a story about money in politics, with big conservative donors pushing GOP lawmakers to an extr
$15 million hit for campaign reporting violations Sacramento — In a case seeking to unmask the murky multimillion-dollar trail of money pouring into st
" ... He said if the law 'hurts a bunch of lazy blacks who just want the government to give them everything, so be it.' ... ” Well, that didn’t take lo
The grassroots movement image fostered by the tea party is anything but – it was planned, nurtured and harvested by Charles and David Koch and a few of t
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27 (UPI) -- An advocacy group said it was frustrated by the level of influence the private oil and natural gas industry has on U.S. polic
Photo: The wealthy Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., tells "60 Minutes" about all the poor people whom he says are scamming the government. (CBS) Is it possible fo
"... This kind of scorched earth politics that runs through everything Eric Cantor and this demagogic Republican Party has done, is a disgrace. ..." Vete
Canada’s current embrace of Republican-style politics and economic theory has thrust us into the arms of Christian Fundamentalism September 27, 2013 TOR
In an excerpt from his new book Let It Shine, John Perlin reveals how one of the first actions of the new Reagan administration was to dim the lights on wh
A national “tea party” group Friday gave $20,000 to organizers of a referendum drive seeking to put Medicaid expansion on the 2014 ballot. The Tea Part
To the surprise of no one, studies have shown voter ID laws target young minority voters and other demographics who routinely vote Democratic. More surpri
LANSING — A member of the Michigan Republican State Committee is facing criminal charges in Green Bay, Wis., in connection with a March incident involvin