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American Family Association Archive

Republican Morality Play

By Alex Constantine The Republicans are appalled - again. Governor Ron DeSantis, deeply concerned about the effect the word "gay" might have on children

Mariupol is a Harbinger

By Alex Constantine German industrialist Fritz Thyssen played an integral role in the militarization and financing of the National Socialist party. Thys

The Greediest Man in Hollywood

" ... To some, redirection might be an appropriate metaphor for Anschutz's entire enterprise, which they fear is all about bringing God and conservatism to

Greg Jarrett’s Private Idaho

Edited by Alex ConstantineGreg Jarrett – Liar Or Uninformed?Reported by Priscilla - June 15, 2008News HoundsYesterday (June 14th), on the Saturday e

Joe Kennedy’s Hollywood Years

Joseph P. Kennedy Presents, by Cari Beauchamp Martin Rubin The SF Chronicle/www.sfgate.com/February 15, 2009 Review - Joseph P. Kennedy Presents: His Holl

Heather Locklear

Edited by Alex Constantine" ... Heather Locklear (born September 25, 1961) ... is considered a Hollywood Republican. ... "http://conservapedia.com/Heather