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Alex Constantine - February 4, 2025

By Alex Constantine

OJ Simpson was a patsy, and his trial the grift of the century. The murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were related to the trafficking of Escobar cocaine, which, in the 1980s, passed through Panama after the CIA and Reagan administration paid Manuel Noriega some $400,000 to look the other way, headed for destinations in the southern US. (After Noriega's arrest, he was succeeded as president by Ernesto Pérez Balladares, who worked out a similar arrangement with America's premiere intelligence agency.)

Initial financing from BCCI, and movement of the drug. were arranged by the CIA. One of the primary destinations was Lexington, Kentucky, and distribution of the coke was the subject of Sally Denton's Bluegrass Conspiracy. Adnan Khashoggi, recruited by the CIA in the 1960s, owned a ranch on the outskirts of Lexington, and it was one of the dropping points.

Another was Southern California. mob figures, the CIA's partners in crime since WW II and Operation Underworld, were the highest rollers of the LA distribution network. The drug filtered down to mob connections in Hollywood, among them Robert Evans, James Caan, Joey Ippolito, Alex Marti (an Argentine emigre, close associate of Bill Mentzer, convicted for murder in the Cotton Club case), Israeli mobster Jacob "Cookie" Orgrad (Heidi Fleiss's bodyguard), OJ Simpson and Al Cowlings.

John Y. Brown and Anita Madden from the Bluegrass Conspiracy had multiple personal connections to the LA syndicate.

OJ's friend Casimir "Butch Casey" Sucharski had been heavily involved with drug dealing in Buffalo with OJ when he was a Bill, and subsequently Florida. He met with OJ a few days before the murders of Nicole and Ron, and was executed himself shortly thereafter. Sucharski's execution was one of many with connections to Simpson and his ex.

OJ had no role in the Brentwood murders. A complex analysis of the witnesses and evidence presents a case the public hasn't heard. The prosecution, witnesses, even the media suppressed and distorted essential facts. Evidence was manufactured. One book after another has since been published claiming that OJ "confessed," or revealed "bombshells" that inevitably fizzle under scrutiny.

The latest comes from Mike Gilbert, a sports agent who represented Simpson, entitled, "How I Helped O.J. Get Away With Murder." The book is published by Regnery Press -- a CIA front. E. Howard Hunt maintained in his memoirs that Regnery was financed by the CIA for "at least" 20 years. Regnery's booklist reeks of CIA propaganda, so there is no doubt whatsoever that it still functions as a perception management front.

The Amazon blurb for Gilbert's book: "O.J. Simpson's sports agent and confidant describes his relationship with the football star, how he defended and lied for Simpson, and how Simpson confessed to him that he had killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman."

Gilbert appears in the recent Netflix "American Manhunt" documentary on the Simpson case. One review online describes Gilbert's allegation that "he'd encouraged Simpson to stop taking his arthritis medicine prior to the trial" so the famous gloves wouldn't fit.

"Recalling Simpson's response, Gilbert added: 'He's like 'Mike, if I don't take my medicine, my knuckles are gonna get so swollen up' and I said [exactly]."

Was Gilbert telling the truth? No. He is but one in a long line of liars who reinforce the CIA/Mafia cover story. Wiki's entry for Gilbert exposes his flaw in his "confession":

" ... The Los Angeles County Jail doctor confirmed Simpson was taking his arthritis medication every day and that the jail's medical records verified this."

The medication canard has followers of the Simpson case are more confused than ever. The CIA wouldn't have it any other way. And Gilbert has lined his pockets with 30 pieces of silver -- that is what this hokey-pokey is all about.