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Hillary Clinton’s Email Domain was Registered to Perfect Privacy — an Austrian Neo-Nazi Front

Alex Constantine - November 27, 2024

By Alex Constantine

In January 2013, a trio of Austrian neo-Nazis -- Gottfried Küssel, Felix Budin and Wilhelm Christian Anderle -- were sentenced in a Vienna courtroom to several years in prison for Nazi "re-activation."  In the course of the trial, sworn testimony from one of the accused revealed the defendants were founders of Perfect Privacy, one of the world's largest Internet/encryption providers.

Indymedia.org reported in 2012 that the VPN-provider, via its dreamhost.com hosting subsidiary, received a share of its income from some 54 domains that published Neo-Nazi propaganda.

The dreamhost.com domain was founded by American neo-Nazi activist Hunter Wallace: "This kind of world-wide wealth does not come about by accident. Nor can it be the result of a few internet nerds blundering into wealth.  It had to happen with training and financing from older Nazis and hidden Nazi groups."


Sec. Clinton's Email Registration 

Registry Registrant ID: Clintonemail.com 
Registrant Street: 12808 Gran Bay Parkway West
Registrant City: Jacksonville
Registrant State/Province: FL
Registrant Postal Code: 32258
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.5707088780
Forbes magazine, July 10, 2016, began ticking off a timeline of Hillary's e-mail debacle with this entry: "The domain Clintonemail.com is registered to Justin Cooper," -- recruited from the Office of Science and Technology -- "a senior adviser to former president Bill Clinton in January 2009. (He then signs it over to a company called Perfect Privacy LLC, which offers private domain registration.) Hillary Clinton begins her Secretary of State confirmation hearings the same day. She is confirmed eight days later."
CNN published more details on arch 20, 2015. under the heading, "Hillary Clinton’s home server hard to trace." (In this version, Cooper transfers domain registration to Perfect Privacy in 2014, after Sec. Clinton resigned, not 2009 as reported by Forbes.)
"Hillary Clinton was not publicly registered as the owner of the domain and server she used to operate a personal email account registered to her home, making it difficult to trace the account back to the former secretary of state, according to a CNN review of Internet business records. ... [The] records show that the domain clintonemail.com was registered Jan. 13, 2009 – a week before she was sworn in as secretary of state. The domain was registered to Justin Cooper, a longtime adviser to former President Bill Clinton. Sec. Clinton would go on to use the email, hdr22@clintonemail.com. In 2014, after Clinton stepped down as secretary, the domain registration was changed to Perfect Privacy, a proxy company that allows domain users to shield their identities. It’s a common practice among domain owners who don’t want their personal information listed on a public database."
Hillary's personal information, including passcodes, may have been shielded from the public, but not Perfect Privacy. Domain proprietorship is the key to all administrative functions of a private e-mail account. (This is confirmed by AI Overview, a web service that reports, when questioned, "a registered email domain grants access to administrative functions, allowing the domain owner or designated administrator to manage settings related to email addresses within that domain, such as creating new user accounts, managing user permissions, and controlling email security features; essentially giving them control over how email is handled within their domain.") Trump's "Russia, if you're listening" rally spiel was enacted by Putin's intelligence apparat, according to John Podesta, with the materialization of Clinton's e-mails ... but there was no evidence the account was hacked (cf., Washington Post, July 5, 2016). Did Perfect privacy turn them over to the Russians (and Wikileaks)? And did Trump set up the exchange deliberately via the cable news channels? 
The original German source material is still available online. English speakers can easily decipher it with Google Translator.

VPN-Provider Perfect Privacy run by neonazis

May 24, 2012

Last week marked the beginning of a court trial against three Austrian neonazi leaders in Vienna. The three defendants Gottfried Küssel, Christian Wilhelm Anderle and Felix Budin are accused of having being the administrators and/or editors of the former neonazi propaganda platform www.alpen-donau.info and an accompanying internet discussion board. D-uring the course of the trial it was made public that two of the administrators and another employee of the VPN provider "Perfect Privacy" (hxxp://www.perfect-privacy.com) are members of the Austrian and German neonazi scene.

One of the defendants, Christian Wilhelm Anderle, said during questioning that he founded the "Working Group Perfect Privacy" together with a German citizen named Robert M (he is a neonazi from Hamburg, Germany - charges were filed against him too, but since he is a German citizen, he couldn't be held responsible in Austria so far and his trial was split from the rest). Perfect Privacy is one of the world's biggest commercial anonymous VPN providers. Besides Anderle and M., Anderle's partner Christina A also seems to be involved in running Perfect Privacy. Anderle was asked by the prosecutor why his partner successfully attempted to shutdown her running, screensaver-locked computer 1.5 hours after the the raid of their home by police had started. He stated that his partner was responsible for creating and administrating user accounts for Perfect Privacy and that she thus tried to protect this data.

According to the prosecution, a dreamhost.com hosting account administered by Robert M. was used for the registration and payment of up to 54 domains used for neonazi propaganda (amongst others, alpen-donau.info). This hosting account was opened by the american right wing activist Hunter Wallace. The domain perfect-privacy.com was also registered via dreamhost and administrated there, but under a different billing account. Standing in front of court, Anderle explained his access to the dreamhost.com administration panel in the weeks before alpen-donau.info went online with his administrative work for Perfect Privacy - he stated he had needed to add newly bought Perfect Privacy VPN servers to Perfect Privacy's nameserver.

There is no clue regarding the owners' and administrators' political background on the website of Perfect Privacy. At the moment it is still unclear, whether other employees at Perfect Privacy are also members of the neonazi scene or even how many other employees there are. It is a fact though that two of the main administrators and founders are active in the neonazi movement and the partner of one of them is responsible for user administration.

The logical consequence of these facts can only be to avoid the VPN services of Perfect Privacy and spread the news about the political background of this company and the associated risks, in order to reach as many (potential or current) users and customers of Perfect Privacy. There are two alternative radical tech collectives (riseup.net and Autistici) that offer VPN services supported by donations - you can find more information about them on  https://help.riseup.net/en/vpn und  https://vpn.autistici.org/.

Sources (in German):


The Nazi connection was reported by German newspapers (the American press barely mentioned it), so it's highly unlikely she was aware it. The implications are staggering. Hard-core Nazis in Europe with an international clientele had access to the American Secretary of State's e-mails. They might have been, and possibly were, sold to Russia or the highest bidder overseas. There is a 5-pound can of worms here that remains to be opened. And these worms don't crawl off to a rabbit hole. They sing with muddy mouths a song of right-wing realpolitik.