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Crowdfunding Effort Seeks Gov’t Records of CIA Agents Involved in Iran-Contra

Alex Constantine - January 30, 2016

January 30, 2016

Freedom of Information Act requests to the CIA and FBI seeking documents on former officers involved in the Iran-Contra affair have been pre-approved, but before any documents are released, a self-styled “national security geek” must raise over $1,000.

Michael Best’s FOIA requests center on former CIA officers Thomas G. Clines and Ted Shackley. Both agents have died – in 2013 and 2002, respectively – but curiosity over their covert activities lives on. In fact, just how covert their activities actually were is of importance to the requests.

CZSg4b3WcAIqa 7 - Crowdfunding Effort Seeks Gov’t Records of CIA Agents Involved in Iran-ContraInformation Breakdown: FOIA act wracked by exemptions, redactions [VIDEO]

Best, whose Twitter handle is @NatSecGeek, is working with the Internet Archive to make publicly available the files of Clines and Shackley, who were once partners in arranging arms deliveries to the Contras as part of a secret government scheme that came to be known as the Iran-Contra Affair. The biggest obstacle at this point is raising about $1,000 to cover the fees charged by the FBI and CIA for digging up, reviewing, and dispensing of the documents.

#FOIAFriday pro-tip: money spent on #FOIA fees is karmically deductible. 
