Note: The subject of Ron Howard's film is the "Illuminati," a clutch of "utopian" thinkers, intellectual forbears of socialism, based in late 18th century
The latest media report on intimate connections between the Nazi regime and the Catholic establishment:" ... March 14, 1939 is the day when the wartime Slo
David Crossland, Foreign Correspondent Last Updated: March 11. 2009 A wooden statue of a Nazi stormtrooper adorns the Martin Luther Mem
" ... One thing is certain. The raving lunatics will be back. Nothing can stand in their way, not even self-destruction. ... " by Siv O'Neall http://www.n
Also see: "The role of the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia's holocaust - Seán Mac Mathúna, 1941-1945" " ... At the onset of the present discussion, the Va
Edited by A. ConstantinePresidential Candidate Rev. Chuck Baldwin straightens out the pinkos:"Regardless Of What Liberals Say, Jesus Rose From The Grave!"b
Hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews, gypsies (Roma) and anti-Fascist Croats died in concentration camps while Ante Pavelic (picture) was in power.http://w
Also see: Video - "Santa Muerte is no saint, say Mexican bishops" Investigating 'La Santa Muerte' Oct Mormon Church Attempts to Conceal Temple Records for Adolf HitlerBy Helen RadkeyOn August 30, 1
Sam Hodges Sep 10, 2008 | Permalink Results of a survey on that very question will be released Thursday. The press release bel
By CHRISTINE HAUGHNEYwww.nytimes.comSeptember 11, 2008An Italian businessman who parlayed a handful of Vatican ties into financial backing from the billion
" ... The Heaven's Gate theology, for all intents and purposes, is Christian. In fact, it's so steeped in classic neo-Platonist theological motifs that it'
A Religious-Right RevivalThe senior pastor of Palin's former church preaches hellfire for anyone who isn't saved by Jesus.By Lisa MillerNewsweekSep 6, 2008
by Jim Walker 08 May 2001 additions: 03 June 2006 This article presents the actual note page from which Hitler uses the Bible as the monumental history of
Original headline: Yoko Ono Tries to Silence Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed Film" ... The film, released in the United States on April 18, 2008, is abou
by Hanna RosinHarcourtSeptember 2007, 304 pages, $25.00by Christopher MartinWhen Hanna Rosin began reporting on Patrick Henry College in 1999 for the Washi There Be Light!An Exposure of Fundamentalist Christian Involvement
www.northcountrygazette.org27 of October, 2007LUCAS COUNTY, OHIO—In a decision which will have far reaching effects in clergy abuse cases and eerily issu